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Revision as of 20:02, May 28, 2016

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<br><br>Hello, fellow wikian and Infinity Blade enthusiast. My name is Arctic Blue, and I’m a bureaucrat of this wiki.<br><br> If you’ve been here for a while, you might’ve noticed that this wiki is in a rapid state of deterioration. And it’s been this way for almost two years. None of the admins, myself included, have contributed much to the wiki. We’ve all been incredibly inactive. Most of the projects have yet to be finished. Vandalism runs rampant, and the only person who’s been trying to address that issue is my colleague, Cheese Ausar.<br><br> Why is the wiki in such a sorry state? Well, 1) IB3 has been released for about 3 years, so it’s understandable that people such as myself have gradually lost interest in the game, and 2) because we, meaning the administrators, have led pretty busy lives, impeding our abilities to work efficiently on our hobbies, such as maintaining this wiki.<br><br> But that ends now.<br><br> I, for one, can not tolerate the ‘inevitable’ collapse of this wiki, and I’m sure that my fellow bureaucrats and administrators are with me in this issue.<br><br>The Infinity Blade Wiki started back in 2011, and hundreds of wikians have strived to make it an informative encyclopedia on everything related to Infinity Blade. Many of them have left, but their efforts shall not be in vain. Even as people lose interest in this game, it’s imperative that the admin team continue what our predecessors started.<br><br>Why am I so committed to a ‘dead’ game, you might ask? Because this wiki is so much more than just a collection of information that people reference when they’re stuck on a game. This wiki is a community, a library of knowledge and and a work of passion created by those who share the same love for the Infinity Blade series.<br><br>When I first started playing Infinity Blade I back in 2012, I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I’m sure that many of you guys did too. The game completely blew my mind. It had an intricate plot, a well designed combat system, good voice acting, amazing graphics, an interesting concept, and most importantly, one of the best bosses I have ever fought in a video game. I mean sure, some other games have pretty cool bosses too, the Dark Souls series being a notable example. But the God King, as you meet him in Infinity Blade I, is absolutely amazing. He has a gorgeous moveset, a cool armor set, and an amazing weapon, the Infinity Blade. There were even in-game secrets in the form of Archarin. It almost completely revolutionized mobile gaming, as have Infinity Blade II and III.<br><br>Then I discovered this wiki. At first, I used it just to discover in-game secrets and glitches. Here, I read about Ryth, the Vile Set and the Holy Band, and the Skycages. I learned the formulas for Spectrum Defense and Darkfire, and of course, I began to abuse the scrolling glitch (it’s patched now, by the way). I was too intimidated to contribute to this wiki, though. How could I, a novice Infinity Blade player, have anything useful to write about on such an amazing site?<br><br>Then came Infinity Blade III.<br><br>Within a few weeks, I became one of the most avid players of the new game. I defeated Galath once, twice, then hundreds of times. I became ranked on Game Center as one of the Top 50 in terms of level and Worker of Secrets ranking. I felt unstoppable.<br><br>And I noticed that, interestingly enough (to me at the time), there wasn’t much information on the newly released game. Terrovax, Melek, Therin and the like all had their own pages, but the NPCs didn’t. The weapon pages weren’t there. The plot hadn’t been summarized yet. Most unforgivably, the dragon (now known as Ba’el) didn’t even have her own page.<br><br>So I decided to write a separate page for the dragon and what I felt was the optimal strategy to defeating her (heavy weapons). I wrote about how to distinguish a dragon encounter from a regular one. I uploaded screenshots of the Dragonslayer mission. A few seconds later, Slayingthehalcyon sent me a message on my wall, welcoming me to the wiki.<br><br>I became obsessed with this wiki. I created dialogue templates for every boss in the game, once Slay taught me how to code (thanks again m9 XD). Later, I made weapon pages for both Siris and Isa. And of course, I finished writing the Infinity Blade III page, both here, and on wikipedia.<br><br>Fast forward to one month later.<br><br>I woke up one day and found this message posted on my wall:<br><br>{{Quote|You are now an administrator of the Infinity Blade Wiki. I don't think you need much of an explanation, you could probably figure that out for yourself. The important thing is, you were seen as worthy, and now have some new powers to help you out with a few more advanced editing tasks along with mandatory respect from regular editors. Welcome to the team!|-Hackey 5}}<br><br> It was, without question, the best day (or at least, one of the best days) of my life. I had been offered an important position by someone I deeply respected. This spoke volumes to me and I began to edit with even greater confidence. I wanted to share my passion for this game, and to show others that they too could one day rise to a position of importance. I met Shadow.blank (now ChaoticShadow), Ninjablademaster, Darth Siris and Mugen Galath. I got to know Cheese and Hackey better. And of course, I chatted with Slay almost every day. It was an amazing experience for me, and I have these awesome people to thank for making it so (seriously, I love you guys).<br><br> So there you have it. This is why I love this wiki and its community so much. This is why I -- we -- are so loathe to see it simply fade away into nothing.<br><br> And we need <b>YOUR</b> help.<br><br> We need to document the Infinity Blade III enemies. We need to finish up the dialogue pages for each boss. There should also be a strategy chapter attached to each boss page, their movesets, combos, weapons. And finally, equipment pages. I don’t expect anyone else to work on this, but I will be releasing a guide soon on how to obtain sprites from the official Infinity Blade website.<br><br> Together, we can make this wiki great again.<br><br> I hope to hear from you soon.<br><br>5/25/16<br><br>Arctic Blue<br><br>Bureaucrat, Administrator<br><br><ac_metadata title="On the future of the Infinity Blade Wiki, and why you should care: complete with a personal anecdote by Arctic Blue." notify_everyone="1464276910"> </ac_metadata>


<br><br>Hello, fellow wikian and Infinity Blade enthusiast. My name is Arctic Blue, and I’m a bureaucrat of this wiki.<br><br> If you’ve been here for a while, you might’ve noticed that this wiki is in a rapid state of deterioration. And it’s been this way for almost two years. None of the admins, myself included, have contributed much to the wiki. We’ve all been incredibly inactive. Most of the projects have yet to be finished. Vandalism runs rampant, and the only person who’s been trying to address that issue is my colleague, Cheese Ausar.<br><br> Why is the wiki in such a sorry state? Well, 1) IB3 has been released for about 3 years, so it’s understandable that people such as myself have gradually lost interest in the game, and 2) because we, meaning the administrators, have led pretty busy lives, impeding our abilities to work efficiently on our hobbies, such as maintaining this wiki.<br><br> But that ends now.<br><br> I, for one, can not tolerate the ‘inevitable’ collapse of this wiki, and I’m sure that my fellow bureaucrats and administrators are with me in this issue.<br><br>The Infinity Blade Wiki started back in 2011, and hundreds of wikians have strived to make it an informative encyclopedia on everything related to Infinity Blade. Many of them have left, but their efforts shall not be in vain. Even as people lose interest in this game, it’s imperative that the admin team continue what our predecessors started.<br><br>Why am I so committed to a ‘dead’ game, you might ask? Because this wiki is so much more than just a collection of information that people reference when they’re stuck on a game. This wiki is a community, a library of knowledge and and a work of passion created by those who share the same love for the Infinity Blade series.<br><br>When I first started playing Infinity Blade I back in 2012, I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I’m sure that many of you guys did too. The game completely blew my mind. It had an intricate plot, a well designed combat system, good voice acting, amazing graphics, an interesting concept, and most importantly, one of the best bosses I have ever fought in a video game. I mean sure, some other games have pretty cool bosses too, the Dark Souls series being a notable example. But the God King, as you meet him in Infinity Blade I, is absolutely amazing. He has a gorgeous moveset, a cool armor set, and an amazing weapon, the Infinity Blade. There were even in-game secrets in the form of Archarin. It almost completely revolutionized mobile gaming, as have Infinity Blade II and III.<br><br>Then I discovered this wiki. At first, I used it just to discover in-game secrets and glitches. Here, I read about Ryth, the Vile Set and the Holy Band, and the Skycages. I learned the formulas for Spectrum Defense and Darkfire, and of course, I began to abuse the scrolling glitch (it’s patched now, by the way). I was too intimidated to contribute to this wiki, though. How could I, a novice Infinity Blade player, have anything useful to write about on such an amazing site?<br><br>Then came Infinity Blade III.<br><br>Within a few weeks, I became one of the most avid players of the new game. I defeated Galath once, twice, then hundreds of times. I became ranked on Game Center as one of the Top 50 in terms of level and Worker of Secrets ranking. I felt unstoppable.<br><br>And I noticed that, interestingly enough (to me at the time), there wasn’t much information on the newly released game. Terrovax, Melek, Therin and the like all had their own pages, but the NPCs didn’t. The weapon pages weren’t there. The plot hadn’t been summarized yet. Most unforgivably, the dragon (now known as Ba’el) didn’t even have her own page.<br><br>So I decided to write a separate page for the dragon and what I felt was the optimal strategy to defeating her (heavy weapons). I wrote about how to distinguish a dragon encounter from a regular one. I uploaded screenshots of the Dragonslayer mission. A few seconds later, Slayingthehalcyon sent me a message on my wall, welcoming me to the wiki.<br><br>I became obsessed with this wiki. I created dialogue templates for every boss in the game, once Slay taught me how to code (thanks again m9 XD). Later, I made weapon pages for both Siris and Isa. And of course, I finished writing the Infinity Blade III page, both here, and on wikipedia.<br><br>Fast forward to one month later.<br><br>I woke up one day and found this message posted on my wall:<br><br>{{Quote|You are now an administrator of the Infinity Blade Wiki. I don't think you need much of an explanation, you could probably figure that out for yourself. The important thing is, you were seen as worthy, and now have some new powers to help you out with a few more advanced editing tasks along with mandatory respect from regular editors. Welcome to the team!|-Hackey 5}}<br><br> It was, without question, the best day (or at least, one of the best days) of my life. I had been offered an important position by someone I deeply respected. This spoke volumes to me and I began to edit with even greater confidence. I wanted to share my passion for this game, and to show others that they too could one day rise to a position of importance. I met Shadow.blank (now ChaoticShadow), Ninjablademaster, Darth Siris, Mugen Galath, and <b>BASHIHBK01</b>. I got to know Cheese and Hackey better. And of course, I chatted with Slay almost every day. It was an amazing experience for me, and I have these awesome people to thank for making it so (seriously, I love you guys).<br><br> So there you have it. This is why I love this wiki and its community so much. This is why I -- we -- are so loathe to see it simply fade away into nothing.<br><br> And we need <b>YOUR</b> help.<br><br> We need to document the Infinity Blade III enemies. We need to finish up the dialogue pages for each boss. There should also be a strategy chapter attached to each boss page, their movesets, combos, weapons. And finally, equipment pages. I don’t expect anyone else to work on this, but I will be releasing a guide soon on how to obtain sprites from the official Infinity Blade website.<br><br> Together, we can make this wiki great again.<br><br> I hope to hear from you soon.<br><br>5/25/16<br><br>Arctic Blue<br><br>Bureaucrat, Administrator<br><br><ac_metadata title="On the future of the Infinity Blade Wiki, and why you should care: complete with a personal anecdote by Arctic Blue." notify_everyone="1464276910"> </ac_metadata>

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