

Simplex Fire Alarm Networks communicate information among distributed Simplex fire alarm control panels. Systems may be composed of similar capability panels sharing information, or specific nodes may be added to perform dedicated network functions. Illustrations on the following pages provide a summary of a variety of fire alarm Network applications, multiple topologies and connectivity options.

For non-Simplex panels, a Network System Integrator can be used to connect equipment to the Network using optically isolated inputs and relay contact outputs.


Network communications among system fire alarm control panels provides:

Support for Network Emergency voice broadcasts and Centralised Command Center operations

Multiple Network Loops for campus and other high panel quantity applications

Network-wide initiation of alarm silence, acknowledge, and reset; and investigation of status and details of system points and point lists

Distributed system operation to ensure excellent survivability; during a communications fault condition, Network nodes remaining connected will regroup and continue communicating

Flexible Network Annunciator options such as XLGraphics, TrueSite Workstations, Network Display Units (NDU) and NDUs with VCC (Voice Command Center)

Use of InfoAlarm Command Center equipped nodes to provide increased network information display capability

Network level command and control provides manual point control for on/off or disable/enable, as well as gathering specific point detail




Our advanced options and peripherals are designed to ensure compatibility and to work seamlessly with all our fire alarms platforms. These devices and peripherals can help you meet applicable codes and seamlessly enhance system configuration as needs change. Modular design and consistent user interfaces are built into every system and peripherals from Simplex, allowing you to leverage your investment far into the future.


TrueAlarm Addressable/Analog Smoke And Heat Sensors

The First Choice In Intelligent Sensing Technology

Addressable/analog for full interactive communications

Intelligent sensing for reduced nuisance alarms

Lower installation and expansion costs

Automatic adjustment for dirt, dust, humidity and aging- our sensors even tell you when they need to be cleaned

Four available options: Photo, Ion, Heat or Multi-sensor Photo/ Heat combining smoke/heat in a single base that’s easy to wire and allows each sensor to be programmed individually for a different alarm response (heat or smoke), or combines for faster response to fast-flaming fires. WHEN TO CHOOSE

For companies seeking the lowest possible installations and maintenance costs

For operations requiring detailed maintenance and alarm reporting to the device level


TrueAlarm Non-Addressable Smoke and Heat Detectors

Advanced Technology In A Non-Addressable Detector

Photogenic detector incorporates an onboard microprocessor for auto drift compensation

Self restoring heat detectors leverage fast-response thermistor technology

Nuisance alarm prevention

Built-in sensitivity testing to reduce maintenance cost WHEN TO CHOOSE

Ideal solution for non-addressable and legacy fire alarm environments, small facilities


TrueAlert Addressable Notification Appliances

Intelligent Fire Notification For The 21st Century

Global addressability and synchronisation supporting full interactive communications

Lowest installed cost in the industry

Smart system with TrueAlert Isolators automatically identifies and isolates its own short circuits faults.

Low retrofit costs – you can use existing installed wiring when upgrading TrueAlert appliances WHEN TO CHOOSE

Perfect for new constructions, retrofits or expansion

Ideal in facilities where disrupting operations testing is acceptable

Mass notification control


TrueAlert Non-Addressable Multi-candela Notifications Appliance

Exceptional Performance With Fast, Convenient Installation

Installs quickly and easily, features lower current draw

SmartSync feature allows individual control of audible and visible appliances on a single non-addressable circuit, reducing equipment and installation costs WHEN TO CHOOSE

For any fire system with basic audible/visible evacuation needs

Flexibility to adapt to occupancy changes



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