
Collards anyone?

Here we are! Thanks to our most recent donors, we are only $290 away, with 55 hours left! Can you believe it? We're winding down and are ready to reach our goal in the final hours. Thank you SO much to Linda Browne (again!), Ellen Eby, Kirk & Kim Coulbourne, Austin P, Danylu Hundley, Charla Duncan, and Shilpa Hegde!

So what can you do if you've already donated? Spread the word! We have two more days to make sure everyone knows about this great cause and realizes this is their last chance to donate!

Together, we can definitely reach our goal. Please post to facebook now, explaining:

"Less than 60 hours left to donate and only $290 to go! I contributed to this great cause to (fill in YOUR reason for donating!-...help kids eat healthy? ...help kids learn where their food comes from? Support a local school? ), click here to watch the video and learn more: http://igg.me/p/291471/x/1867718

Thank you all so much for your willingness to help our kids and our school. Thank you all for your donations and getting the word out. You have done a wonderful job with this campaign!

-WCHS Garden Team

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