
Let's start with the big one, shall we? Fantastic!

Well then, it seems that the games of the 2013 Interactive Fiction Competition are ready to be played, enjoyed and rated. Over 30 not particularly huge text adventures, including the rather outrageous and quite frankly great Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega and the controversial sounding Our Boys in Uniform, are waiting to entertain using the most magical and ancient narrative tool of all: words. Most of the entries can be played online, though you can also download a handy archive and try them out straight from your hard drive.

Sticking to the competition theme, let me also inform you that Spring Thing 2014 has been announced. It may not be as ancient a competition as the IFComp, but it's been around for over 10 years, tends to produce lengthier games and you have months to prepare your entry. You can try some of the older games it has helped happen here.

Then again, not all i-f has to be competitive. Take the scarecrow for example. It has just been released and is all about intensively looking at a certain John Constable painting while re-imagining it in a rotten, decayed state.

Should you need even more texty creepiness, definitely give my father's long, long legs a go.

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