
Forgive Me by Lesley Pearse

Eva Patterson's life is forever altered by the devastating discovery of her mother, Flora, dead in the bath leaving only a note: 'Forgive Me'.

Until Flora's suicide, Eva's world had been secure - but overnight everything changes. For when Flora leaves Eva a London...


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Berlin: Day Zero by Gregory Lee

Berlin, 1947. The first stirrings of the Cold War begin as the liberating armies of the West and the Soviet Union lock horns over territory and resources amid the ashes of the Third Reich. Into this edgy world of ruined buildings and shattered lives arrives Mitchell Delaney, an American newspaper reporter with an agenda that has nothing to do...


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The Wages of Sin (Detective India Kane by Bo Brennan

What's done in the dark will be brought to the light.

For overworked firefighter Gray Davies, an emergency call-out to the scene of a horrific hit-and-run is all in a day's work . . . until the terrified Asian victim disappears, leaving her blood on his hands and unanswered questions on his lips.

For his sister, Detective India Kane, it's an added complication in a far more sinister crime - a series of brutal murders the...


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The Aquarius Prophecy (Isa Floris Book 1) by Evan Hirst

When a terrorist explosion in the Great Pyramid kills a group of tourists during a late-night ceremony, the sole survivor, Isa Floris stumbles on a thirty-year-old plot to control the greatest prize of all – psychic power.

From Cairo to Paris, across the Colorado mountains to the dusty playa of the Black Rock Desert, hunter and hunted, Isa races to prevent the terrifying vision of catastrophic disaster that she had in the pyramid from occurring.


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Hutchins Creek Cache by Deborah Garner

When a mysterious 1920’s coin is discovered behind the Hutchins Creek Railroad Museum, legends of steam engines and coin mintage begin to mingle. Will NY reporter Paige MacKenzie find herself riding the rails dangerously close to more than one long-hidden town secret?


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The Moving Toyshop (Gervase Fen) by Edmund Crispin

Crime, Thriller & Mystery / Crime, Thriller & Mystery / Crime, Thriller & Mystery

Richard Cadogan, poet and would-be bon vivant, arrives for what he thinks will be a relaxing holiday in the city of dreaming spires. Late one night, however, he discovers the dead body of an elderly woman lying in a toyshop and is coshed on the head. When he comes to, he finds that the toyshop has disappeared and been replaced with a grocery store. The police are understandably skeptical of this tale but Richard's former schoolmate, Gervase Fen (Oxford professor and amateur detective), knows that truth is stranger than fiction (in fiction, at least). Soon the intrepid duo are careening around town in hot pursuit of clues but just when they think they understand what has happened, the...


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Gathering (Chronicles of Empire 1) by Brian G Turner

A group of young travellers come together on a promise of work in the city of Corianth. They intend to discover their dreams and fortunes.

Instead, they'll be snared in a conspiracy, and left fighting for their lives...Sirath is on the run. Erin wrestles with her faith. Dalathos seeks his place in a world that would otherwise shun him.Against them is Molric, who has journeyed to the past to destroy it. He plots to assassinate the Emperor and arm his allies with the secret of explosives.But there is a gathering of forces bigger than anyone realises. The decisions made here will decide not only the fate of an empire, but the future of humanity.


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IOU by Helen Warner

Amy has enjoyed a charmed life, shopping and lunching while the nanny looks after her children. Until her world is thrown into disarray when husband Ben's business collapses overnight, taking their house and savings with it. Suddenly Amy finds herself the breadwinner. Can she rise to the challenge? Will her marriage survive such an upheaval? Or is it a case of 'Till Debt Do Us Part'?

Kate has always had to struggle by, juggling her job with two children and a husband, though she wouldn't have it any other way. But her safe little world is rocked when she meets enigmatic Jack in a chance encounter. Feeling increasingly estranged from husband Miles, Kate wonders if Jack can offer her a fresh start. But there's something about Jack that Kate doesn't know. . .

Jennifer is only just beginning to recover from the death of her own husband. When Jennifer makes contact with old flame Hugh she unlocks a dangerous Pandora's box. She is desperate to find the answer to a question that has tormented her for decades. But will she be able to cope with the truth?


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The Black Garden by Joe Bright

Crime, Thriller & Mystery / Literary Fiction

Mitchell is a young University student from Boston.

One summer he takes a vacation job in a small rural town.

The task?

Clearing the accumulated rubbish from the house and garden of an elderly man, George O'Brien, and his granddaughter, Candice.

But the job is not what it seems.

Slowly Mitchell finds himself drawn into the mystery surrounding the Black Garden and the lives of his employers.

Why are the townspeople so hostile?

Is it something to do with the garden?


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Sometimes Moments by Len Webster

One blink, One breath of air, One moment in time ...

Could change your life forever.Growing up, Peyton Spencer fell in love with the boy across the road, Callum Reid. As the years went by, it only made sense that they would wind up being completely and utterly infatuated with each other. That was, until the morning Peyton wakes up to find Callum packing up and leaving the small town they lived in. Left heartbroken...


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The Math Inspectors (Story Two - The Case of the Mysterious Mr. Jekyll) by Daniel Kenney

Sixth-graders Stanley, Charlotte, Gertie and Felix did more than just start a detective agency. Using their math skills and their gut instincts, they actually solved a crime the police couldn't crack. Now the Math Inspectors are called in to uncover the identity of a serial criminal named Mr. Jekyll, whose bizarre (and hilarious) pranks cross the line into vandalism. But the deeper the friends delve into the crimes, the more they realize why they were asked to help...and it wasn't because of their detective skills.

Join Stanley and his friends in another thrilling adventure of the Math Inspectors series, perfect for math lovers, math haters, and all kids ages 9-12.


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From Whitechapel by Melanie Clegg

Historical / Crime, Thriller & Mystery

There was a pain, a terrible empty, lonely ache of sorrow and loss, within my ribcage while my heart felt like it had been turned to ashes. This then was the end of my journey, this then was the answer that I had sought for so long, this then was the secret that Whitechapel had been withholding from me...

Alice Redmayne, beautiful daughter of a famous artist, has been haunted since childhood by the mysterious disappearance of her sister Beatrice but when she resolves to discover what happened all those years ago she finds herself enmeshed in the dark secrets of the past and caught between two very different men.


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Dragons Lost (Requiem for Dragons Book 1) by Daniel Arenson

Requiem. A forbidden word. The name of a kingdom lost to history. Of magic forgotten. Of a homeland for dragons.

They say that years ago, Requiem was real. That men and women could grow wings, breathe fire, and fly as noble dragons. That marble halls rose in a birch forest. That Requiem was a kingdom of magic and light.

But those days are long gone.

Now the Cured Temple, a fanatical cult, rules a land called the Commonwealth. Now paladins patrol the realm, "curing" all newborn babes of "reptilian magic." Now the marble halls are fallen, the old books burnt, the ancient songs lost. Now Requiem is all but forgotten.

But there are some who remember. A baker's boy. A librarian safeguarding a forbidden book. A haunted soldier. An outcast warrior. They carry the magic inside them, a torch of dragonfire. They remember Requiem . . . and they will fight to see dragons fly again.


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The Improbability of Love by Hannah Rothschild

Contemporary Fiction / Romance

Annie McDee, alone after the disintegration of her long-term relationship and trapped in a dead-end job, is searching for a present for her unsuitable lover in a neglected second-hand shop. Within the jumble of junk and tack, a grimy painting catches her eye. Leaving the store with the picture after spending her meagre savings, she prepares an elaborate dinner for two, only to be stood up, the gift gathering dust on her mantelpiece.

But every painting has a story – and if it could speak, what would it tell us?

For Annie has stumbled across 'The Improbability of Love', a lost masterpiece by Antoine Watteau, one of the most influential French painters of the eighteenth...


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Fire Sorcerer (The Sentinels Book 1) by David J. Normoyle

My name is Rune, and if I've learned one thing, it's not to play with fire. Magical or otherwise.

The first time I used my power, I ended up burning down a mansion. The second time, an inter-dimensional elemental possessed my friend Jo. Now, with a sorcerer and a gang of werebeasts helping the elemental which is consuming Jo's soul, I'll have to use my magic once more.

Third time's the charm, right?

Fire Sorcerer is...


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Fringe Runner (Fringe Series Book 1) by Rachel Aukes

The first book in a new space adventure series, on sale for only 99 cents!

An old space captain hounded by arthritis and war memories, Aramis Reyne struggles to make enough credits to feed his crew and keep his ship flying by running mail and supplies to the farthest, most dangerous reaches of the Collective known as the fringe. When he's offered a no-questions-asked contract to pick up a package, he jumps at the opportunity. But, he...


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200 Budget Meals by Sunil Vijayakar

With food costs growing every year, many of us can do nothing but buy the same cheap ingredients each week, resulting in us eating the same old meals every day. However, with Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook: 200 Budget Meals this will become a thing of the past. This book shows you how to take these inexpensive ingredients and, with a bit of ingenuity and flair, turn them into sumptuous meals for any occasion. From soups and starters to suppers and desserts, there are 200 recipes for every chef on a shoestring budget, including clever variations and new ideas for delicious dishes. With tastebud-tingling photography and clear step-by-step instructions for every recipe, the only thing you need to worry about is which recipe to cook next!


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Dawn Patrol (The Victory Trilogy) by Richard Townshend Bickers

Action & Adventure / Historical

December 1916.

The Allies have finally achieved aerial domination over the enemy.

But the pendulum is swinging back in the Germans' favour, with the emergence of a devastating new fighter, the Albatros, and the growing obsolescence of the slower Sopwith Pup and the outgunned Nieuport 17.

Three raw pilots have arrived at the Western Front: Anderson, to join the Royal Flying Corps; Fournol, to join...


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