
Please call ahead and check with each venue for changes in hours and admission. Some locations are open for limited hours each week. While the following locations offer free admission, most locations appreciate a donation or contribution to help keep their doors open. Some special exhibits at the museum may require a fee.

Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) and the 100 Acres at the IMA both have free admission (except some exhibits). In addition, they offer great free family art programs both indoors and outdoors.

Soldiers and Sailors Monument and the Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum are the centerpoint of Indianapolis. Open Friday-Sunday from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM, don’t miss an opportunity to get a 360 degree view of the city skyline from 275 feet up on the Observation level. When outside temperatures are lower than 95 degrees, you can get there by climbing 331 stairs or paying $1 to take the elevator.

Indiana War Memorial Museum is a free museum with beautiful decor and tributes.

The Museum in the City County Building offers a panoramic view of the city and a collection of Indianapolis memorabilia.

Family Food Tips Courtesy of Indiana’s Family of Farmers

Most of these museums won’t have food available for sale on site. Plan on bringing a sack lunch or exploring the community around you for family dinning treasures or parks to enjoy your packed lunch.

IWK and IFOF want you to know that meals with your family can be affordable, at home AND on the go!

Indiana State Police Museum has a huge collection of police vehicles and one that you can hop into a have fun!

The Fan Museum at Fanimation has the largest collection of fans.

Carmel Clay Historical Society is open Tuesday and Wednesday 9am-3pm, Friday evenings, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Indianapolis Fire Department Museum is open 8am-4pm weekdays, 11am-5pm on Saturdays.

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