Bigg Boss 10 turned out to be a perfect platform for Bollywood actor Rahul Dev to make a comeback in the industry. He has been away from the film industry since years. When he was in the controversial reality show, Rahul did not come in limelight like the other contestants did. But we did get to see what happened when the man lost his cool. Rahul might have not become the favourite of the viewers but he did win the heart of show’s host Salman Khan. When Rahul could not help in upping the TRPs, he was shown the exit door and when he walked off, he seemed pretty happy unlike other contestants who look depressed.
Like other contestants, Rahul Dev had some good and bad moments inside that glass-walled house. But before Rahul made an exit, Salman Khan told him on national television that he would like to work with him after Bigg Boss 10. Soon after his eviction, Rahul was seen at Salman’s birthday bash along with girlfriend Mugdha Godse. And now the update is without wasting time any further, the 51-year-old superstar approached the makers of Arjun Kapoor starrer ‘Mubarakan’ to offer Rahul Dev a role in the film.
In an interview with Rahul Dev mentioned about his comeback with ‘Mubarakan’ and also his new TV show titled Dil Bole Oberoi. Rahul said, “God has been kind. I was sceptical about doing Bigg Boss but it was good, the show’s host supported me, he said on national TV that we should work together in the future. I have got Mubarakan, after he put in a word about me to the makers. I will soon be off to London to shoot for the film. It is a beautiful role. Also, I am doing my first fiction show. So, things are looking up for me. I am very excited.” And about Dil Bole Oberoi, Rahul will be seen playing a negative character. (ALSO READ: Judwaa 2: Varun Dhawan taking lessons from Salman Khan for his twin role!)
‘Mubarakan’ also stars Anil Kapoor, Athiya Shetty and Ileana D’Cruz. This would be definitely be a great start for Rahul Dev to revamp his career. What Salman Khan promised to Rahul, he full-filled it. Now let’s wait and watch how Rahul takes it ahead and what else is in store for the popular villain of the 90s.