
Ten years ago today, on June 5, 2004, President Ronald Reagan died after suffering from Alzheimer’s for nearly a decade. Reagan was a soldier before he was president. He enlisted in the Army reserves in 1937. He eventually became a Lieutenant and was ordered to active duty in 1942. Reagan was beloved by the military and he loved the military. He understood so well the sacrifices they have made and continue to make for our freedoms. Ronald Reagan’s love of freedom and those who fight for it helped transform America back into the bastion of freedom our Founding Fathers envisioned. Barack Obama is also transforming America but his America is a cowardly, socialist nation that believes in a welfare state. It is a collectivist nation which is governed by a small number of privileged government bureaucrats and the corporatists who love them. I have always believed that any president who serves as Commander-in-Chief should have served in the military in some way. The lack of understanding of the military exhibited by our current administration supports my supposition. As Mr. Obama tells West Point cadets that the real war we are fighting is climate change, remember Ronald Reagan: Reagan believed in freedom […]

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