
Announcement of Competition for the realization of Artistic Nativity AOTC Award 2013


The Association of Tour Operators of Castiglion Fiorentino AOTC announces the 2nd Competition for the realization of artistic cribs for professionals , hobbyists and Educational Institutions .

The works will be exhibited at the Church of the Scolopi in the period 22 December 2013 – 6th January 2014 open to the public. On 6 January, the day of the awards ceremony, will be auctioned the work done by pupils of the Comprehensive “Dante Alighieri” of Castiglion Fiorentino to finance the project Face to Faith. It is a special platform for schools created by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation www.tonyblairfaithfoundation.org. through which it is possible to teach students respect and understanding of other cultures even religious.


The competition is conducted under the auspices of the Municipality of Castiglion Fiorentino and the tourist office.





The Association AOTC in the collaborative spirit that distinguishes it aims to contribute to the vitality and promotion of the territory of Castiglion Fiorentino and its traditions .


The town of Castiglion Fiorentino is strongly linked to the tradition of the nativity scene in its various forms: from the one living in the days of the holiday season animates the streets of the country, the cribs made in the churches of the territory up to the ones that are prepared with care in private homes and meeting places. The nativity reflects the spirituality and religious devotion of our community, the artistic ability and passion of so many citizens for the sacred event of the Nativity. The competition in question, by stimulating the creation of new works, meant to represent the evolution of this event during different historical periods, enhance the local craft traditions and the use of different styles and approaches, encourage school children to discover the art crib developing skills and artistic sensitivity.







Article 1 – Recipients


The competition is divided into three specific sections :




schools or individual classes of these


Each participant will compete in a single operation . The theme extends to every aspect of the holy nativity made with artwork type cribs. The organizers reserve the right not to accept a work proposal , in its sole discretion , if this proves to be off-topic or disrespectful of the purposes of the contest , in which case the decision will be communicated directly to the applicant.

Participation in the competition provides for the payment of a registration fee of 10 Euro .


Section 2 – Procedures for carrying out the works


The cribs to make available in the exhibition proposals should :


be prepared on a solid support surface with statues and accessories fitted to the same crib


be accompanied , where appropriate , of an electrical system


The organizers accept no responsibility for any failure or defect of the cribs themselves, found during the exhibition period , and for any damage or theft to the cribs themselves that may take place in the days of exposure to the public.


3 – How to participate and terms of submission of the application

Those wishing to participate should complete an application form with your name and address and a brief project proposal aimed at better understanding of the work and its rightful place within the exhibition .

The form attached to this call, must be delivered by post / delivery or Via E-mail .


Applications must be received by November 30th 2013.


The author of the crib must provide at his own work in the day on December 21 from 15 to 18 hours

Participants should also provide for the withdrawal of the work at the end of the exhibition period on the afternoon of January 6


Section 4 – Evaluation of works – Composition of the Commission


The evaluation of the works shall be submitted to jury , every visitor will give his assessment that will be announced the day of the ceremony ..


The announcement of the winners will be held on the final evening of the exhibition the day

January 6, 2014 at 16




5 – Awards


Ranked at the First Section of the “Artists” section and the ” hobbyists ” will be awarded the 2013 AOTC made by an artist Castiglionese , together with the parchment art . All other participants will be awarded the parchment art .


Ranked at the First Section of the ” Educational Institutions ” will be awarded the 2013 AOTC made by an artist Castiglione , together with the parchment art and an individual award for students.

At all institutes / classes or groups participants will be awarded the parchment art .


The 3 winning entries will be published in the portal of the Association www.incastiglionfiorentino.com


6 – Secretariat of the Competition and Information


Information and registration at:

- Associazione Pro Loco of Castiglion Fiorentino , Office located in Piazza Risorgimento 19 , 52043 , Castiglion Fiorentino , Ar, Tel.0575/658278

email info@prolococastiglionfiorentino.it


- Press office AOTC

email ufficostampa@incastiglionfiorentino.com



Information may also be obtained directly Tour Operators Association of Castiglion Fiorentino, using the mail:


presidenza@incastiglionfiorentino.com or n . tel.3358365442



Associazione Operatori Turistici di Castiglion Fiorentino

Presso Pro Loco – Piazza Risorgimento n. 19

Castiglion Fiorentino

52043 – AR




Sezione ________________________________________________________________

specificare: a) Artisti; b) hobbysti; c) Istituti Scolastici o singole classi/gruppi

Autore/Rappresentante (nome e cognome)___________________________________


Cap______________ Località____________________ Città______________________

Indirizzo mail____________________________________________________________

Titolo dell’opera_________________________________________________________

Materiale usato__________________________________________________________

Breve descrizione dell’opera ( Indicare, anche utilizzando una relazione allegata, tutti riferimenti e le notizie per la migliore comprensione e valutazione dell’opera da parte degli organizzatori e della Commissione Giudicatrice)





Autorizzo inoltre la pubblicazione e divulgazione del nominativo del sottoscritto partecipante e di immagini dell’opera proposta mediante i canali di informazione (internet, giornali, Tv etc..) di cui vorranno avvalersi gli organizzatori

Iscrizione euro 10,00 da versare alla consegna dell’opera

Data Luogo/_______________




Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del Decreto Legislativo n. 196/2003, in materia di informativa preventiva al trattamento dei dati personali, La informiamo che i dati personali da Lei forniti all’Associazione Operatori Turistici di Castiglion Fiorentino (di seguito: Associazione.), saranno dalla stessa trattati mediante strumenti manuali, informatici e telematici idonei a memorizzarli e gestirli in modo da garantirne la sicurezza e la riservatezza, ed in ogni caso nel rispetto della normativa vigente e per il perseguimento delle proprie finalità istituzionali.

I dati saranno utilizzati esclusivamente nella gestione dei propri schedari per l’organizzazione della Rassegna stessa, per l’invio di messaggi di posta cartacei o elettronici e per la eventuale pubblicazione, del solo nome e cognome, sul materiale della Rassegna e sul sito web collegato all’Associazione.

Il conferimento dei dati è obbligatorio. La non autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati da parte della Sezione, secondo quanto previsto dal presente documento, comporta l’impossibilità del rapporto tra l’interessato e l’Associazione stessa.

I dati non saranno ceduti a Società Terze per nessuno scopo. In presenza di dati sensibili secondo la definizione ai sensi dell’articolo 4, comma 1, lettera d) del Decreto Legislativo 196/2003, l’Associazione scrivente adotterà le ulteriori cautele e si atterra alle disposizioni ivi contenute.

Relativamente ai suddetti dati, a Lei, in qualità di interessato, vengono riconosciuti i diritti di cui all’articolo 7 e seguenti del citato Decreto Legislativo 196/2003.

Titolare del trattamento è l’Associazione Operatori Turistici di Castiglion Fiorentino, nella persona della Presidente e persone da Lei delegate.

Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati:

Il sottoscritto _________________________________________________________

preso atto dell’informativa di cui sopra, autorizza il trattamento dei propri dati personali, per isoli scopi sopra descritti.

data__________________ firma____________________________________________

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