Edition number 56 of Bolivian Express, a free monthly magazine delivered digitally*, is out now. It's an English language publication about the sights and sounds of the country and as its website blurb indicates...
"Bolivian Express (BX) is an organisation founded in 2010, which aims to strengthen ties between Bolivia and the English-speaking world through immersive work experience programmes geared towards media production. Over the past five years, BX Magazine has become Bolivia’s foremost English-language publication, distributed in print for free across the country, and online for the rest of the world. Over 120 people from around the world have already taken part in Bolivian Express, and on the 28th May 2015 we celebrated the publication of the monumental 50th issue."
...not only is it free but the people behind it will be more than happy to get extra eyeballs. So what you, nice person who wants to know more about Bolivia, need to do is the following:
1) Go to the website right here and download the latest edition from the front page.
2) Then go to the subscription page right here and put in your mail address to get all future editions piped straight to you, all for free (and they don't spam you either).
It's a well-produced monthly read on the country that shows plenty of slices of life and provides strong insight on cultural matters. As an added bonus, they're great at photography as well.
*or there's a print version available inside Bolivia