
Landing pages are a crucial part of the modern marketer’s battle plan.

With numerous tools now available to attract customers, you need somewhere to direct them that encourages conversions – without it, the tools will inevitably fail.

Enter landing pages.

Today, they’re easier to make than ever. Providers like Unbounce, LeadPages, and Instapage, let users create almost unlimited pages for a monthly fee.

But it’s not enough to throw people at your landing page. You’re going to need more than a photo of a good-looking person selling your stuff if you want to see results.

To interest – and then convert – potential customers you’ll need to know the essential features that successful landing pages have in common.

And it just so happens we’re about to share them with you.

1) Offer a Download

Downloads are one of the most effective ways of increasing conversion rates. Ebooks, white papers, videos, newsletters, podcasts, transcripts… the possibilities are endless. When you offer a download with real value, and find the one that resonates with your customers, you’ll see conversions success.

Remember, this tactic is extremely popular. And rising with its popularity, is the amount of complete garbage offered by some marketers. Consumers are cottoning onto this ploy; which means your offer must be better than the last.

Go for impact, go for the wow-factor – don’t get lazy with this one.

2) A/B Test

The way you frame, phrase and present your page can make or break your conversion rate. Everything from your headline to the text on your call-to-action button is important.

Having a killer headline is the difference between your landing page catching someone’s interest or being skimmed over. All the effort you put into your landing page will be wasted if no one reads it.

Test headlines, test phrasing, test formatting, word count – everything. Studies show that different colours generate different emotions in people. Test them too.

Discover what works and what doesn’t – almost all marketing automation software can A/B test landing pages. If not, you should look for another provider.

3) Encourage People to Schedule an Appointment

Depending on your business, conversions can come from conveniently setting appointments. If your company provides any form of service, this technique can be useful.

Financial services can offer free consulting sessions; web developers free SEO health checks.

Even those in retail entities can get creative. Try a fitting session at your dress store, or a free trial of the latest power tools in stock.

Booking appointments is most effective with customers who have a casual relationship with you, like an email sign-up or a social like or follow.

Use the appointment as a way to move customers from “just browsing”, to “I’ll take two, please.”

4) Invite Them to an Upcoming Webinar

Webinars are fast becoming another go-to inbound marketing technique. They’re an easy way to capture a lead.

However, the hard work is only just beginning.

There are some factors to consider before launching into a fully-fledged webinar commitment. First, make sure your topic is relevant and good. Scrap that, it has to be a killer topic. Something that makes attendees feel like they’re receiving insider information.

Choosing the right day of the week, scheduled time and hosting platform is equally crucial. Equipment and dress code also play a part.

But those topics could fill many other posts. The primary goal of webinars? Give away so much information that watchers can’t wait to hear what you say next. The adage, “first impressions last” will keep you on track in the webinar game.

5) Throw in a Discount

As simple as it sounds, signing on in exchange for a discount code is like picking the low hanging fruit.

It will increase your conversion rates while sacrificing the quality of your leads. This group may need a little extra TLC to push them to champion status.

Use these leads as an avenue to bridge steps. Offer them some other items mentioned here to win them to your cause.

6) Manufacture Urgency

Add a sense of urgency to any landing page offers:

“24 hours only.”

“Offer expires today.”

“You will only see this unique opportunity once.”

All of the above phrases, and variations of them, can drive people to part with their email address in an instant. Apply urgency to the discount codes once customers have signed up and you’ll see an increase in sales. A measurable lifespan from prospect to paying customer in one place? It’s too easy.

7) Show Off Your Credibility

Lastly, showing off your credibility creates an unspoken bond between you and the client. They may not know this credibility affects their decision making, but it does.

Things like displaying client logos and testimonials, through to case studies – if something is good enough for XYZ Company, it’s usually good enough for me. Taking that question out of a client’s mind gets them that fraction closer to signing on the dotted line.

“We received more than 1000 participants to our last webinar, but our video platform only accepts 200 participants, be quick to reserve your spot!”

Build your audience with urgency and credibility layered onto your offerings. Offers like these are hard to pass by – especially if they’re free.

Remember – Conversion Rate is Not a Dirty Word

But how do you know what works for you? Well, it’s a given that you should be using and testing landing pages for different campaigns in your business to find out.

Connecting a Facebook or Google Ads campaign to one landing page and an offline campaign to another is a good place to start. Landing pages offer you real insight on what is getting you traction.

But getting customers to your page is only half the battle. You must use on page tactics to keep your customer moving through the funnel.

Copywriters call it “The Slippery Slope.”

Get them onto your page.

Start the slide with a good headline.

Have them slide through your offers, freebies, and webinars.

Slide them into the email address box.

Make them want to do it all over again.

Sounds pretty simple, right? If you have a killer landing page it is.


Main Image: © Copyright Neil Owen and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

The post 7 Ways to Increase Sign-ups on Your Landing Pages appeared first on Inboundly.

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