
Introducing the INAYAH edit a new fixture to the blog, featuring an inside exclusive with an array of interesting bloggers and customers worldwide.

This month we feature Tanja Ayesha a minimal style lover, blogger, revert and a mother hailing from Denmark.

Can you tell our readers about yourself and on starting Touch of Luxe,and the inspiration behind your blog? My name is Tanja Ayesha, but most people on Social Media knows me as Tanyesha. I'm a revert and originally from Denmark - I just moved back after living in London for about 3 1/2 years and I'm now starting my career blogging full time here in Denmark - 2016 is going to be an exiting year! I started the blog as a interior design blog years back, but I just love fashion too much - so the blog transformed to be a lifestyle blog, with a mix of both fashion and interior design. I'm inspired by so many things, places etc. but my style both in interior design and fashion is very minimal and casual.

What would you say that is the greatest satisfaction of being a fashion blogger and what would you like your readers to gain from your blog? I love fashion - I always have. Being muslim and dressing modest while still being fashionable can be a challenge, but it is possible. I love to see, how other muslim women really show off their personal style and how fashion has evolved within the muslimah community. We are all very different - where some are very colourful and loving prints, I'm more minimal and colourless; very Scandinavian, but still with a hint of something ethnic. I love when people will ask me advise on fashion and I'm super flattered, when non muslims tell me they love my style or even want to learn how to wrap a turban. Fashion really is for everyone and though my blog I strive to show people that a hijabi can be just as fashionable as your ordinary non muslim blogger - we might cover a bit more, but we can still kill the latest fashion

You have a minimal style that is unique,what inspires your fashion sense? I think the love for the very Nordic and minimal style has to do with my Danish roots - people in Denmark normally don't wear to much colour...I'm inspired by so many non muslim women and bloggers out there; if I see a look I like I'll try to make it more modest, so it suits my own personal style. I also like to take a very feminine look and make it more casual by wearing sneakers or dress up knitted trousers with pointy flats and dainty gold jewellery. - Mixing opposites is the best - both in fashion and interior design.

How has fashion changed or positively impacted your life? When I was young I was a total tomboy and didn't know anything about fashion or style, but boy has it changed...Fashion has changed my life so much that one of the biggest Danish magazines "Costume" has taking me under their wing and I'll be blogging with them here in the new year. Denmark really doesn't have any known muslimah bloggers, so I'll be representing and I hope it will bring so many great adventures in this new year inshallah.

What does the future hold for Tanyesha, aspirations, goals, what can we look forward too? I have so many dreams, but I have to take one day at the time. I'm hoping my blogging career really takes off this year and I'm really hoping to be able to start doing some Youtube too; so many people have asked me to do tutorials on turbans etc., so even if I'm a bit hesitant to be on video I guess I'll have to go with the flow.

What INAYAH designs are you currently loving? Day & Evening - I love a lot of the pieces from INAYAH- there are so many items that are minimal, so it makes it easy to mix and match. One of my favourites is my black georgette kimono - it's a must have. I can wait to wear it with ripped jeans and a white tee, when spring comes. For the shoot I wore the Leysa kimono and I feel in love with it - so beautiful for a special occasion.

Want to be featured next in our monthly edit? Email stylist@inayahcollection.com 

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