
November total industry sales came in at 51 256 vehicles, slightly behind November 2014 sales of 51 055 units. Year to date November 2015 industry sales are 4.1% down over the same period last year (568 584 vs 592 839). General Motors South Africa (GMSA) sales for November 2015 were 4550 units across all three brands at NAAMSA level with strong performances from Opel and Isuzu as well as Chevrolet Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV).

Isuzu made the best of the recently refreshed KB with 1263 units sold in November. November sales represented the highest double cab sales in 17 months, driven by the all-new 250 High Rider double cab model. A key highlight for GMSA is the continuing growth of the Opel brand with the fashionable super mini Opel ADAM boutique hatch leading the charge. ADAM has consistently outperformed competitors in the boutique mini segment of the market with 1 474 units sold since January 2015. The November sales figure of 265 units represents ADAM’s second best month this year coming just short of the February 2015 highlight of 280 units. Buoyed by the success of the trio of “new Germans”, Corsa, Mokka, and ADAM, the overall Opel brand sales are up 70%, 5 917 versus 3 479 units, compared to the same period last year.

Chevrolet sales were led by the Utility in November which sold 1 234 units. Year to date sales for Chevrolet now stand at 29 131 units with 5.1% share of the total industry. “2015 has been a tough year for South African consumers and this is reflected in the declining industry sales. Despite tough trading conditions we plan on closing the year on a strong note with encouraging performances from our Chevrolet and Isuzu LCV products. We expect Opel to attract new buyers and continue the sales momentum well into the new year as our new technologically advanced products find traction in our market,” says Brian Olson, Vice President Vehicle Sales, Service, and Marketing for GM Sub-Saharan Africa.


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