
No matter how long you have been in business, or how long you have been making use of the LinkedIn platform, it is likely that you are not using it to its fullest potential. If you have been disappointed by your results in the past, here are some rules to help you change the way you think about this social networking platform. Let’s take a look at them:

LinkedIn Is Not Just A Platform For Recruiters And Job Seekers

Sure, there are a lot of recruiters making use of LinkedIn to tap into its available talent pool, but there are also plenty of professionals and companies getting great results from it. No matter how long you have been in the job market, an updated LinkedIn profile is the ultimate professional “accessory”.

In order for it to work its magic, you need to keep an updated profile at all times, even when you are not looking for a job. What’s more, you also need to show that you are an active member of the professional community so it is a good idea to start following influencers and becoming active in groups and discussions if you have not done so already. Entrepreneur.com advises that the following basics be covered:

Be sure to put the most critical details about yourself or your business on top, so people won’t miss them. Explain exactly what your company is, who your clients are and how you help them. Also showcase your products by filling out the “Products and Services” section of your company page.

It is only when you are ready and prepared that opportunities will begin to present themselves. You never know what someone out there might be searching for. If you are ready, it could be your profile that comes up.

You Do Not Have To Let Everyone In Your Network Know When You Update Your Profile

If you do want to keep a low profile then you will be pleased to know that you can control your privacy settings and modify whoever is notified of your profile changes and updates. Hubspot explains how you can utilize this feature:

When you go into “edit” mode on your profile, there is an option on the right side in the middle of the page that asks if you want your network notified of profile edits. Just turn this on/off as you see fit.

Of course, if you allow everyone to see the updates it does keep you in the line of sight; a tactic you may want to employ if you are looking for a new job.

You Can Use LinkedIn To Make New Connections

Sure, the platform does encourage you to connect with people you know or have worked with in the past, but you can also use it to connect with new prospects and professionals you have never met before. LinkedIn tells us that the most effective connections you can make are those where you have something of a history but you can still use it for making new contacts if you use the right etiquette.

If you want to connect with someone you do not know well, or have never met, it is important to introduce yourself politely and be transparent about the reasons for wanting to connect. Tell the person why you would like to connect with them.

The Objective Is Not Just To Acquire As Many Contacts As Possible

Of course, there are advantages to having lots of contacts on LinkedIn, most notably the fact that your network expands and your number of opportunities. But, there is no secret club that is reserved for people who can generate hundreds of connections. And, it is not necessarily who you know, but what you do with those connections that can see you succeed or fail on the platform.

Once you are making connections it is equally important to nurture them and to maintain your relationships. If you do not talk to your audience regularly, you will fall out of contact, and building them up again can be just as much hard work as harvesting cold leads. This Social Media Examiner article explains this sentiment further:

When you do the work of influence networking, your connections will be much more receptive to the content that you do share on LinkedIn. Instead of marketing at your LinkedIn network, nurture your connection with your network members, which will also potentially foster an actual client or referral-based relationship.

You Can Accept Invitations From People You Do Not Know

In much the same way that you can start connecting with people whom you don’t know (but have a good reason to do so), others can send you invitations, and it is not necessarily an open invitation to get lots of spam. If you are on the receiving end of something abusive, or if you are unsure about the authenticity of an invite, you can always report it to LinkedIn.

You Can Use LinkedIn To Post About Topics Beyond Your Own Industry

If you run your own business or want to drive traffic to your website or business page it is useful to tie your content in with industry news. But you can also use the LinkedIn platform to talk about other issues that you have an interest in. If you want to build your online reputation you can show your audience how diverse your interests are – and just how interesting that makes you. Follow and post your opinion about major current events and affairs. If necessary you can also tie in these stories with your own industry news.

You should be careful as you do not want to spam people, but if you constantly seek out original, fresh content and you have a receptive network, your activities can see you go far and develop a decent professional following that you can take with you, now matter which direction your professional career might go.

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