
 BETA 2.21 Changelog

Sram Dimension:

The Sram dimension ("Srambad") is available, accessible via the dimensional portal system. It gives access to 3 areas, 3 dungeons, and 1 conquest village.

New quests are available in this Divine Dimension. After the god Enutrof's dimension, it is the god Sram's domain that opens its doors to adventurers! Go to the Voyager's Tower and in the Srambad outpost to start a series of quests that will have you discover the city of thieves. Some missions will need you to have already traveled to Enurado in order to be completed.

3 new monster families complete with their dungeons (at level 130, 180, and 200), and wanted posters are added.

15 new dungeon Achievements, 4 new monster family Achievements and 4 new exploration Achievements are added.

9 new sets, 4 new weapons and 1 new pet are added.

Crimson Dofus quest:

The witch Meriana awaits you in her home in the smelly swamps. She will offer you to start a new saga... after a somewhat labyrinthine journey, you'll receive a red hot reward: the Crimson Dofus!

This deterministic quest to obtain the Crimson Dofus is meant for characters at level 140 and more.

The Crimson Dofus bonuses are made constant and increased. This modification is retroactive.

The Crimson Dofus is linked for 4 months. This modification is not retroactive.

The Crimson Dofus can no longer be obtained by defeating the Minotoror.

Legendary treasure hunting:

A new type of treasure hunting is available: the legendary treasure hunts. These missions will allow you to find specific treasures, guarded by their owners (currently, bounty monsters).

Starting one of these missions will require a map, which must be crafted from map pieces gained from treasure hunt chests.

Four legendary treasures are available, guarded by the following wanted posters: Gein (200), Dremoan (180), Mastigator (130), and Stellia Blutzell (30). It is possible to completed a bounty quest by fighting the bounty monsters guarding these legendary treasures. That way, we had a deterministic way to find some bounties.

The experience and Sand Rose rewards in the legendary treasures are increased tenfold (when compared to classic treasures).

These treasures systematically give one unique resource (in addition to the usual rewards), specific to the treasure and needed to craft one of the items from a set.

Theses missions' difficulty is greater than that of classic treasure hunts: the number of clues to find is doubled and the final fight might require the collaboration of several characters.

In case of failure during a treasure hunt (no more attempts available), the associated treasure map is given back to the character, allowing him to start over (but with different clues) without having to craft a new map.

Treasure hunting:

New background elements are taken into account during treasure hunting missions. These changes should increase the variety of the treasure hunt missions and reduce the number of issues related to background elements that weren't taken into account as potential clues.

Treasure hunting mission generation is improved: the diversity of missions is increased and the number of areas in which they can be done is increased as well (more than 100 distinct areas).

Chests obtained during treasure hunt missions no longer give out Tourmalines.

The treasure hunting steps such as "Follow a direction for X cells" now have a maximum range of 5 cells (as opposed to 10 before).


The Minor Powerhouse Trophy, Powerhouse Trophy, and Major Powerhouse Trophy can once again be crafted.


A new potion (crafted by Alchemists) allows a character to get back spell points spent on a particular spell. Its use prompts the generic spell forgetting interface.

The way one can obtain the Ellie's Mental Amulet is improved:

Chances of obtaining a Vibrating Pingwin Feather are doubled.

The interactive ice-cubes re-apparition cooldown in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation is reduced by 30%. This re-apparition cooldown is now variable.

Interactive background elements used to obtain Apewicubes are added in the Snowfoux Den.

Prerequisites to obtain Apewicubes are the same, regardless of how you try to obtain these items.

Items giving titles when equipped can no longer temporarily lose this effect when wrapped in gifts.

All dungeon keys' graphical design are improved.

Archetypal Bow:

Minimum range is now 4.

Maximum range is now 7.

The CH rate is now 1/45.

The Critical bonus is now 10.

The Selya Hegs NPC, in [3,-5] (Amakna Castle Zaap), can link character-linked Skullcrasher shields to the account.

The Sorim Ait NPC, in [3,-5] (Amakna Castle Zaap), can now use Magical Orbs.


Mimisymbics can be used on Pets and Petsmounts. For technical reasons, the Madreggon and Krolimea cannot lend their appearance to other Petsmounts (but their appearance can be replaced). The Ogrine Seeker pet cannot lend its appearance to another pet, nor can he receive another appearance. Be aware that emotes associated to some Petsmounts and Pets are no longer usable while their appearance is modified, and these emotes cannot be given to another Petsmount or Pet via the use of a Mimisymbic.

Item comparison:

When an item information bubble is displayed, it is possible vie the use of the "Shift" key to also bring up the information bubbles of items of the same type which are currently equipped on the character. This functionality allows you to quickly compare the items you are viewing in the game (markets, inventories, banks, merchant modes, etc) with the ones you have on.


Emote scrolls are now sorted in a new category ("Emote scrolls") and their names are simplified in order to make searching for them in the Scroll market easier.

Character slots handling:

The number of character slots for a given account is no longer split between the different server types (classic servers and heroic server), it is now specific to each server type: each account will now have 5 character slots on classic servers and 5 character slots on the Heroic server.

Adding a new character slot on an account now brings an additional slot on classic servers and an additional slot on the Heroic server. We've made this modification to allow players who already have the maximum number of characters on a given server type to test another server type without any restrictions.

Heroic server:

Aggressions are no longer possible inside the "Treasure chest" building in order to facilitate treasure hunting on the Heroic server.

The contents of the Rhia NPC's shop (located in the Treasure Chest) are modified: the Sand Rose costs are now 5 times lower than on the classic servers. The nuggets gained in Kolosseum can be bought from Rhia's shop as well at these reduced prices. We made this significant modification in order to considerably facilitate the generation of Kolosseum, Dopple and Treasure Hunt resources on the Heroic server, thus facilitating the creation of powerful equipments who can be lost or destroyed after a defeat. We think the Treasure Hunt system is the most appropriate way to do so on this server because it forces players engaging in this activity to take risks in order to obtain great rewards.

Items linked to the character or the account, be it temporarily or indefinitely, are now entirely destroyed after a PvE or PvP defeat. We have made this modification to prevent the abusive use of items with a temporary linkage (that were transfered to the bank without being lost or destroyed after a PvE or PvP defeat).

It is no longer possible to view (via the guild interface or via on-the-spot chat) the pods and the average cumulated value of a Perceptor's inventory if it's not full. The accumulated experience is likewise no longer visible (whether the Perceptor's inventory is full or not). We have made this modification to prevent players from using Perceptors to scout the PvE activity in a given area.

The experience repartition for the guild and the mount is now taken into account during PvP fights.


In the alliance interface, in the Conquest tab, if the last character to have modified the the vulnerability hour of a prism was in a guild which is no longer part of the alliance upon connection, no character name is displayed in this prism's vulnerability information bubble.

During KOH phases, the waiting time before the character's presence on a map is counted is now displayed.

The names of the leaders are now displayed in the alliance files.

In the chat interface, the links to the alliance or guild files work correctly.

A message is added to warn the player when his or her character is replaced by another character having priority in Perceptor or Prism defense.

It is no longer possible to take part in several Prism and Perceptor fights simultaneously using several accounts.


A dysfunction making a character invisible during the preparation phase of a Perceptor fight is fixed.

Divines Dimensions:

Each divine dimension will now have 10 different modifiers: 5 will be shared by all dimensions and 5 will be dimension-specific.

The 5 shared modifiers will be: Short End, Mortal Dodge, Elementary Equilibrium, Cyclic Power, Explosive Disappearance.

The 5 modifiers specific to Enurado are: Wear and Tear, Incapacitating Movement, Glassy Gravity, Phlegm, Measured Distance.

The "Win-Win" and Spiny Protection modifier can no longer appear.

"Low blow" modifier: it no longer appears in the Enurado dimension, instead appearing in the Srambad dimension. The direct damage reduction is now 33% and the indirect damages increase is now 50% (the increase applied to bombs remains unchanged).

Measured Distance modifier: damages endured by ranged allies are reduced by 25% while those endured in mêlée are increased by 33%. Damages endured by opponents are no longer modified.

Wear and Tear modifier: the way it works is changed, at the start of each ally's turn, their place is switched with the closest character's.

An information message is added when entering an area with a combat modifier, or when it changes.

The combat modifier is only shown in the chat interface if the new one is different from the old one.

At the end of a portal search mission, characters now battle one or several monsters from the area. The number of monsters fought is based on the level of the character undergoing the mission.

The portal search missions automatically close when the character passes by the portal they are looking for.


It is now possible to move the zoom on the playing area in and out of a fight, by has holding right-click and moving the mouse cursor while the zoom mode is activated.

In the chat interface, text typed between asterisks is now displayed like an action, entirely in italic, with the character's name and without the ':' character. This text is no longer displayed in a thought bubble on top of the character. It is possible to use the "/me" command when starting a sentence in the chat interface to get the same result.

In the market interface, using the mouse wheel no longer triggers a zoom on the map.

In the NPCs' contextual menus, the "Sell" option is no longer available if they can only buy items. In the same way, they no longer propose the "Buy" option if they can only sell items.

In the simplified server choice interface, after closing the interface offering a server proposed via the use of the 'Esc' shortcut, the interface buttons are no longer greyed out.

On the character creation interface, the window asking the player to wait after validating his character creation is removed.

The input field in the chat interface correctly loses focus when the DOFUS client loses focus.

Monsters used for fights during event encounter are no longer geo-located in the bestiary.

The characters' information bubbles no longer blink when mousing over a character on the edge of a map.

Map change arrows are correctly displayed when the character arrives on a map without having moved his cursor since the previous map change.

Icons displayed outside of fights on top of monsters or characters hidden by background elements are now only displayed when the transparent mode is active.

The information bubbles for items that have effects are no longer displayed with an over-sized right margin.

The display of permanent character names is now correctly positioned on top of characters when a zoom is used.

The display of permanent character names is now correctly positioned under characters for those who are on a mount and placed on the high border of a map.

In the recipes interface, the information bubbles displayed when mousing over icons that tell if an ingredient is missing or in too little a quantity are now correctly sized (they could be too large or truncated).

Animations are no longer blocked by the display and the closing of an interface on top of the animated element.


The speed with which inventories (banks, characters, etc) opens when they contain several thousands of items is greatly optimized. This modification also improves the in-game arrival speed of characters whose inventories contain a great many different items.

The size of all house chests is now 100 slots instead of 80.

In the inventory, a selected item's file correctly disappears when this item is destroyed.

World map and navigation:

The navigation map can now be resized.

It is now possible to place a marker to mark the map the character is on with the "Ctrl+p" shortcut.

It is now possible to remove all markers or to add one to mark the current map via the mini-map options menu (accessible via a right click on the central ring).

An issue with some map parts that couldn't be displayed after a zoom on the navigation maps is fixed.

An option in the world map and navigation map contextual menus is added to remove all markers.

In some cases, the groups of icons positioned on a same coordinates were not unfolding correctly when mousing over their position, this issue is fixed.


A new interface, replacing the character's spell display, is added to spectator mode to display the time lapsed since the start of the fight, as well as a gauge representing the life points of the two teams.

A new option for spectator mode automatically displays the information of the character playing its turn. This option means one don't have to mouse over each character during its turn to consult its information.

The message indicating a summon's death in the fight log is correctly displayed if the summon is killed during its first turn.

Cells that are inside paddocks can no longer be targeted during a fight.

Monsters are correctly displayed in their initiative order on the end of fight screen.

Links to spells are no longer abnormally added to the in-fight chat interface after inserting links and then losing client focus.

When logging out during a challenge's preparation phase, the character is pulled from the fight and the fight is canceled if there is nobody left on either of the two teams.

Characters who ride a Dragoturkey and use a Sidekick are correctly transformed into a gravestone when their energy becomes null after an in-fight defeat.

It is no longer possible to start a fight with 0 health points by unequipping items during the preparation phase.

In some very rare cases, lines of sight between two points could not be identical (e.g., Character A could reach Character B, but B couldn't reach A). This issue is fixed.

In-fight damage preview now correctly takes into account the disappearance of temporary damage-increasing bonuses granted by some spells.

The current character's characteristics that are displayed around the central ring are correctly updated if they are modified by a spell that did not target him directly (for instance: the health points displayed next to the central ring are correctly updated when the Masquerade spell cast by another character expires).

Effects applied with a delay stay correctly displayed when the associated spell is unbewitched but the delayed effects were not yet active (and thus impossible to unbewitch).


King Nidas:

The Pouch's health points when it is on the player characters' side are increased.

At the start of its turn, the Pouch no longer unbewitches itself.

When King Nidas suffers a direct health points loss, the Pouch suffers 50% of this loss as well and its bewitchings' duration are reduced by one turn if it is on the player characters' side.

When the Pouch is killed by one of its allies, it is summoned again by King Nidas if he is alive. Otherwise, it is summoned again by the next player character according to the "Timeline" order, at the start of his turn.

The Pouch is no longer abnormally duplicated when a character is resurrected.

When Nidas switches places with the Pouch, the damages he deals afterwards are reduced to 50% for 1 turn.

Missiz Freezz: each time an invisible character starts a turn, her invisibility is dispelled.

Soul stones:

When captured groups are fought with a team which size is superior to the soul stone's loot size, it is no longer possible to generate more resources than there are loot parts. For instance: an 8-man team fighting a 4-piwi group captured with a 4-man team (size 4 loot), can only generate a maximum of 16 Piwi feathers for the whole group.


The aggression range for most of the monsters is reduced to one cell. A few necessary exceptions still exist (e.g., Giant Kralove and some quest monsters).

Archmonsters and Wanted Posters are correctly displayed first as group leaders.

Monster animations outside of fights no longer play if they are hidden behind a background element.

Monsters play animation more often outside of fights.

In the Cania Lake sub-area, the Kanigers no longer appear. The Green Mouse and [Serpentins] populations are increased.

In the Brakmar Road sub-area, the Blops no longer appear. Krobak and Kaniger populations are decreased.

The Poisoning spell used by the Plissken is replaced with the Venom spell.

The required prospection to get a Plissken's tooth decreases from 300 to 100.


Styx : the Gravity state applied by the Stagnant Water spell can no longer be unbewitched.

Rint: the Unwrapping spell works correctly on gifts that have already suffered the Unwrapping spell during the previous turn.

Artificial intelligence:

The way the AI handles traps and glyphs is improved, monsters take better account of the potentially negative effects of glyphs and traps.

Monsters and invocations now correctly handle the "Unlockable" state.

Monsters and invocations correctly calculate damage reductions gained from spells and no longer overestimate their efficiency on other targets.

Group system:

The Group Leader now has the possibility to name his group via the contextual group menu. The group name is visible in the spectator interface that lists the fights happening on a given map, in the spectator interface in fight mode, and in the end fight interface. The group's name is only displayed if the team only has group members and all group members are on the same team.

Custom Sets:

The maximum number of Custom Set is now 16 instead of 8.


A new mine is available in the Cania Plains area.

Upon forgetting or learning a profession, if the profession interface is open, it refreshes automatically.


The mount capturing net can now be crafted by Handymen. It can no longer be bought from the Smakko NPC. The capture nets can be sold in the Handyman market.

The chances to capture a wild Dragoturkey are increased when several Dragoturkeys are fought at once.

Several characters can now capture a wild Dragoturkey during a fight (if the characters willing to participate in the capture own a net, have correctly cast the capture spell, and have their mount slot empty). Besides, there has to be enough Dragoturkeys in the fight: each Dragoturkey fought can only be captured once.


The preferred area bonuses no longer allow one to temporarily go over a maximum value criteria to equip an item (for instance, MP<6).


When attempting smithmaging on the Bearbaric Sword, failures are correctly displayed as such.

Smithmagus attempts on objects with penalties no longer trigger a failure and success display inversion.


A new Achievement is added for characters who are up to 10,000 points. It unlocks a new ornament.

The Achievements related to the Sandy Dungeon are now level 20.

The maximum number of turns for Duo Achievements in the divine dimensions is now 80.


The quest markers are no longer displayed on an incorrect map when the character is in an area that doesn't share the same world map as the one used for the destination (for instance: displaying a marker to Amakna for a character located in Incarnam).

Quest fights involving allies now use set starting positions.


The monster wave apparition sound now longer plays when the sounds are deactivated.


Update after update, we have changed some spells in the Ecaflip's spell list in order to make the class more deterministic, but still unpredictable. To reduce the randomness of some spells while retaining for them an "unpredictable" side, we have decided to give them powerful spells but at a significant price, so that the Ecaflip's opponents may take advantage of it and change the fight's outcome. We are overall satisfied with the direction we've taken this class with each update. It answers our hopes even if it still has a few defects, mainly a bit too much versatility and overall too much power. It is hard, however, to remedy that without impacting the overall richness of the Ecaflip game. For this update, we have applied correctives that don't necessarily reduce the class's possibilities but that make some choices potentially more dangerous.

Ecaflip's Luck:

The spell's effects are no longer unbewitchable.

Invested spell points are given back.

The point of this modification is to prevent going around the spell's effects. Initially, we made the spell unbewitchable in order to favor synergies with some other classes and to bring possibilities to counter the spell. The spell already has a price, and we thought that being able to remove the healing effect in a PvP fight was way too punitive to the Ecaflip. Likewise, being able to remove the negative price was far too much of an advantage. Besides, these issues were made worse by the unreasonable importance that character initiative could then have.


The number of casts per target is now 2 (instead of 3) at every spell level.

The number of casts per turn is now 4 (instead of unlimited) at every spell level.

Invested spell points are given back.

The limitation to 3 casts per target was a relic from when the Fire Ecaflip had very few actions he could do during a turn. This limitation become too high with the recent modifications that made the Ecaflip game more dynamic. It also triggered balance problems with the Fire path, which already has great healing capabilities and a great flexibility. We don't want it to be as competitive as the others regarding the damage it can deal.

Rough tongue:

No longer deals damages to allies.

On allies, the +range gain is applied during the current turn, whilst the -range penalty is applied during the following turn (the opposite of how it works on opponents).

Invested spell points are given back.

We hope to make this spell more easily usable on allies: it's easier to know what we want during the current turn than to predict the group's needs one turn in advance. Damage dealt on an ally are removed with the same logic, and in order to prevent the combo with Ecaflip's Luck that we deem to be too powerful.


The cooldown time is now 4 (instead of 3) at every spell level.

Invested spell points are given back.

Feline Spirit:

The "Lucky Devil" stat no longer affects the spell's effects.

The AP loss effect is removed.

The symmetrical teleportation effect no longer triggers if the caster is in Gravity state. It is still possible to cast the spell while in this state, and all other effects still trigger.

The caster no longer suffers a health points loss if he doesn't cast the spell again at the next turn.

The caster systematically suffers a one-turn duration reduction for his effects at the end of the turn following the turn in which the spell was cast. If the spell was cast several times, the unbewitching effect will apply as many times.

Invested spell points are given back.

This spell offers the Ecaflip the opportunity to get away from a Lock area at a great cost (3AP in best-case scenario, 7 AP in combo with an invocation or a pushback spell most of the time) and gives him an interesting mobility (a 4-cells move for 3 AP in some cases). Given these opportunities, and the damages it deals as well, it seemed more than logical to us to bring to it an un-avoidable and significant counterpart. We feel that the one-turn unbewtichment is well within the Ecaflip class' spirit: it is an effect that can be used both in a good and in a bad way and that, in both cases, must be cautiously taken into account. The AP loss penalty was an effect that overloaded a spell that is already hard to understand. Given his lame utility, we decided to suppress it. Furthermore, we don't want to prevent casting the spell if the caster is in the Gravity state: this state is not meant to prevent a spell from dealing damage and we didn't want it to be used to limit the way an Earth Ecaflip can deal damages.


The Erosion value that is applied is now 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15% (rediuced from 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45%) at the spell's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 levels, respectively.

If the caster is in the "Lucky Devil" state, the Erosion is no longer applied to the target.

If the caster is in the "Lucky Devil" state, the spell damage is increased and becomes life steal.

Invested spell points are given back.

Playful Claw:

The spell's damages are increased if the caster is in the "Lucky Devil" state.


The spell's damages are increased when applied 2 and 3 turns after casting.


The healing on an ally now depends on the target's vitality: 4, 4, 5, 5, 6 and 8 at the spell's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 levels, respectively.

The healing effect is multiplied by 1.5 if the caster is in the "Lucky Devil" state.

Invested spell points are given back.

Summoning of Ecaflip Dopple:

Its agility and chance are decreased.

Invested spell points are given back.


Natural Defense:

This spell no longer affects resurrected characters.

Invested spell points are given back.


This spell no longer affects resurrected characters.

Invested spell points are given back.

Spiritual Leash:

Revived characters no longer go through an unhealable state.

The AP cost is now 3 at all levels of the spell.

The range is now 3 at all levels of the spell.

The HP percentage of revived targets has been changed - 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, and 50% HP (instead of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60%) at levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively.

When a character is revived, all allies suffer a 30% resistance penalty while the revived character remains alive. This penalty is not applied when a summon is revived.

Invested spell points are given back.

The modifications brought here only target the spell thought to be the most powerful of all Osamodas spells: Spiritual Leash. This spell used to give no real disadvantage besides its AP cost, even though a spell with a unique effect that can easily change the outcome of a fight, in PvP as well as in PvM and independently from the number of characters in the fight. We have been thinking for a long time about the best way to modify this spell to make it less of a must-have and to make its use less systematic. We have decided to apply a significant resistance penalty to the resurrected character's allies as long as he lives. Our goal is to make casting this spell in combat have more of an impact, so that casting this spell may take the resurrected character's team on a good or bad turn. In PvP fights, casting it will no longer mean an increase in the fight's duration but rather a strong moment that will be determinant to the fight's ending: the context shifts, the Osamodas' team has used their "joker" but the cards are no longer all in their hands, the opposing team can try and take advantage of the spell's effects to take the upper hand. In PvM fights, casting it will be less systematic, because it can become a real danger for the team. Losing an ally at the start of a fight will be far more punishing, but that is a goal of ours, as the death of a character during a fight must always have important consequences and the team must do everything to avoid losing an ally.


When arriving on a map after character connection, when creature mode is active, the characters using a static emote are now correctly displayed (they used to be invisible).

Upon exiting a house, it is no longer possible to keep the menu displaying the guild house parameters open.

The action list is correctly reset when a move present in the list is canceled.

Following the input of some players, various orthographic corrections have been made to the game texts.

A message is displayed upon resetting the character's characteristics.

It is now possible to display a character's equipment on the colors and face modification interface. This modifications allows players to match equipment with character colors more easily.

The Zaap, Zaapi and Prism interface is improved:

Destinations can be sorted as favorite destinations by clicking the associated "star" button. Favorite destinations are displayed first in the destination list.

A new text filter field is added in the destination column.

Coordinates are now interactive and allow the display of a position marker. This modification allows us to remove the button that was meant for this function.

An option allows the display of Zaaps the characters have not yet reached.

It is once again possible to start trades or challenges with group members by clicking their portraits on the group interface.

During fights, summon spells now display a summon preview on the targeted cell.

On the server selection screen, when a server isn't available (currently booting up for instance), it is now possible to double-click the server to activate automatic connection as soon as it becomes available.


On Windows, the DOFUS client now carries its own Adobe Air version. This modification fixes most issues linked to Adobe Air and to activating the low quality. It is now possible to copy the DOFUS folder and to use it as an autonomous client on a new device without having to completely install the game.

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