

I am overwhelm. It took me approximately a year to do the HSL. This is the semi final letter. I need to include the exhibit and do the final touch. Please review it, and let me know if I need to remove, add or change something. I appreciated your time in reading it. The letter consist of 19 pages plus 20 exhibits and letter of his moral character. I am trying to send it by Friday after a consultation with Laura Fernandez. Also, Do you think I need to include a part for his Moral Character. He have some offenses with the law. I did addressed that in my personal letter not in the HSL. The packet will include: ranswer to question # 51, Husband personal letter, HSL from me, personal letter (mine) and friends letter, doctors letter, evaluation, diagnosis and treatments, chart of expenses and medication, information of conditions, articles from internet and so.

Thank you so much,

Here is..... :yay::yay::yay::yay

United States Department of Homeland Security

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Embassy of the United States Montevideo, Uruguay

January 10, 2014.

Applicant Name: XXXXX

Case Number: XXXXXX

Subject: Application for Waiver of Grounds of Excludability Claim of Extreme Hardship for United States Citizen’s Spouse

Dear Sir / Madam:

I, ME , US Citizen, declare under penalty of perjury, under the law of the United States of America, that the foregoing information is true and correct.

My Husband, Alien, HIM has been found inadmissible to the United States under the provision of section 212(a) of the Immigration Nationality Act (INA) or deportable under the provision of section 237 of the Act as a Visa Waiver Pilot Program Violator. In accordance with the provisions of section 212(a) (9) of the Act, He is prohibited from entering, attempting to enter or being in the United States for a period of 10 years as a consequence of having been ordered removed in proceeding under any section of the Act other than section 235(b) (1) or 240 or of being ordered excluded under section 236 of the Act in proceedings commenced prior to April 1, 1997.

I have been asked to submit a supporting letter stating my hardship, if my husband where not allowed to return to the United States of America or if I have to follow him abroad. I, ME , US Citizen, will suffer severe, extreme and unusual hardship. I will be physically, financially, emotionally and medically affected. My medical condition will decline and my quality of life will be severely altered. I will describe my hardship in the USA, Uruguay (husband residence and citizenship) and Italy (husband citizenship by blood). Please find a brief description of my medical condition and medical background as well as doctor’s recommendations, treatments and medications. In addition I will expose other circumstances that will affect my quality of life.


I, ME , USC, met my trustworthy husband, HIM on April 2nd 2011. That day, I was with my mom attending an Italian meet up group in PLACE. At that time, I did not have any interest in meeting anyone because I was going through a divorce phase on my life and at the same time I was grieving a new chronic illness. In the meeting while eating and waiting, a gentleman came and sat down next to me. We started talking about different topics and at the end of the meeting we exchanged phone numbers. Some days later, I received a call from him and since that time we began talking on the phone every day for hours. A couple of weeks later we went out to have dinner together. From that day on is a love story. He changed my life. I was able to eat and laugh again and my problems became less devastating. We moved in together and on DATE, we vowed to spend the rest of our lives together.

Medical Hardship

I suffer from diverse medical chronic conditions with no cure which include: Juvenile Diabetes Type I Insulin Dependent, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Mastopathy, Gastroparesis, Gastritis, Gerd (reflux), Carpal Tunnel, Trigger Finger, and Migraines.

I have significant health issues that impact me negatively, even to the point of being life threatening if I do not have access to regular, expert medical care. I am under the care of different specialists in PLACE and surrounding areas. If I have to move abroad to Uruguay or Italy, I will face a very significant reduction in healthcare and medical services not equivalent to US Standards.

A. Diabetes

When I was 14 years old, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes Type 1 Insulin Dependent, requiring me three to five shots daily. My blood sugar levels have been erratic. In 2005, I started using the Insulin Pump from Medtronic Minimed Company, a new medical device as my last resource to manage and control my sugar levels.

Juvenile Diabetes Type 1 is a chronic condition and an auto immune disease in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter into the cells to produce energy. Diabetes Type 1 has no cure but it can be managed with the proper treatment and medical care. Diabetes has been known as “The Silent Killer Disease”. It is one of the top 10 killers in the medical world and diabetic heart disease accounts for most deaths. In type 1 diabetes, lack of insulin does not allow glucose into the cells, so sugar builds up in your bloodstream, where it can cause life threatening complications and will affect major organs in your body including heart, blood vessel, nerves, eyes and kidneys.

I have been under the care of DOCTOR in PLACE for my Diabetes since 2005. I visit my endocrinologist every three (3) months in order to read my sugar levels (A1C), adjust my insulin pump settings, receive my prescription, and have tests and exams required to check my organs, hands and feet.

Over the 22 years of having uncontrollable diabetes, I have developed Hypoglycemia Unawareness. That is when my sugar levels drop to 50 or lower causing me confusion, lethargy, headaches, blurred vision and sometimes unconsciousness. I experience hypoglycemia two to three times during the day and at night. In the past, I have been unconscious 3 or 4 times. When this happens, HIM was by my side helping me with granulates of sugar, juice or glucagon shots. Without him here, I feel unsafe. I worry, I will not wake up and there will be no one there to save me.

B. Medical Complications due to Diabetes

Having diabetes at a young age and not being able to control my blood sugar levels according to my doctor’s recommendation and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines caused me to suffer from diabetic complications. Diabetes complication may be disabling or even life threatening.

1. Eye Damage

I am under the care of DOCTOR since the beginning of my journey in the year 2005. I need biannual, or as needed, doctor evaluation and care. He checks my eye pressure, artificial intraocular lens implant, vision and retina. As a result of my six (6) eye surgeries, I am legally blind in the right eye, have permanent loss of vision, loss of peripheral vision, poor depth perception, and poor vision at night and on rainy days, and have lost eyesight for reading or seeing close up.

At this moment, I have symptoms such as floaters, flashes of light, and have shadows in my peripheral vision. These are warning signs of a retina detachment that can or will occur. If I do not get the proper care, treatment and surgery immediately, I could become blind once the retina is damaged and completely detached. There is no cure or transplant option for the retina.

On March 2005, I was diagnosed with Diabetic Retinopathy in both eyes. This was the beginning of a long journey for me and my family. I began feeling helpless, depressed, and anxious because I did not know what to expect of the outcome. My doctors did not give me any hope. The condition was in a very advanced stage known as Proliferate Retinopathy. I started having laser treatment to stop the bleeding (cauterized) of these new vessels that were growing in my retina. After several laser treatments my right eye became black. I lost my eyesight completely.

On October 2005, I went to my third (3rd) eye doctor for another opinion, in the PLACE. One of the best top Eye Centers in the United States. I liked this medical facility because they were very positive about my future and they gave me hope. Emory Eye Clinic is overall a medical research institution. After several exams and an ultrasound, I was told I was in need of an emergency eye surgery. I suffered a retina detachment. I had the surgery two days later. I continue to have feelings of hopelessness, sadness, frustration and anger. I was not prepared for the loss of my sight nor did I know how to adapt my life to being blind. I did not know how I could continue my life after this.

On November 22nd, 2005, I was in the operating room with another retina detachment on the right eye. December was a month of healing. On January 11, 2006, I noticed a straight line in my left eye. I called my doctor and they saw me right away. To my surprise I was in need of an emergency eye surgery one more time. We were not expecting this to happen. The decision was made by my doctors to have me in the operation room in February to replace an oil bubble to a gas bubble in my right eye. This decision was made because the pressure was increasing. In addition, the doctors wanted me to be able to see through the right eye until the left eye completed its healing process.

From January to the end of April 2006, I was without eyesight. I became dependant on my family and friends for everything: from serving a glass of water to taking a shower to walking around the house. My family were taking me to doctors appointments, to get groceries and with every single need I had as part of my daily routine, in an effort to get back to my regular life. After all my surgeries, I developed cataracts in both eyes. Surgery was scheduled for June and July. I had a total of six (6) eye surgeries to repair my eyesight, four (4) in the right eye and two (2) in the left eye.

2. Digestive System

I am under the medical care of DOCTOR in the PLACE. I visit the Gastroenterologist twice a year or as needed depending on my symptoms. In 2010, I became very ill, I was not able to tolerate any solids or liquids, with symptoms such as nausea, vomititing, dehydration, abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, gastric juice burning my throat, dizziness, malnutrition, weight loss, lack of appetite and blood sugar fluctuation. I went to many consultations, to the Emergency Room multiple times, and I was hospitalized. Several evaluations and tests were performed. I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis, Chronic Gastritis and GERD (Reflux). During this period, I lost 30 pounds in 8 months because of being unable to digest any food.

Gastroparesis is a chronic condition with no cure but manageable with proper treatment. Some of the medicine to treat this condition can cause serious side effects. Doctor recommendation is to have a balanced diet (no fats, no fibers, and no protein) and take medications as prescribed; one pill in the morning for GERD and one pill with each meal for Gastroparesis. These medications help my stomach to empty properly and prohibit the gastric juice from coming up to my throat.

Gastroparesis is a condition in which the muscles in the stomach do not work properly. A normal person digests food in one (1) hour; I digest food anywhere from five (5) to six (6) hours. This condition can interfere with digestion, cause nausea, vomiting and problems with blood sugar levels and nutrition. Also, it can cause several complications such as: bacterial overgrowth in the stomach, undigested food that hardens and remains in your stomach (BEZOAR) and blood sugar fluctuations.

Some of my days are good but I usually get sick once (1) a month for a period of two consecutive weeks and am totally unable to eat regular food. I require a special diet during those days that I am unable to do because I feel sick. I have to be careful of developing BEZOAR in my stomach. It could put me at high risk of developing stomach cancer.

3. Diabetic Mastopathy

On __________, I was diagnosed by DOCTOR in PLACE with Diabetic Mastopathy. I am required by my doctor to have a yearly mammogram, ultrasound and clinical evaluation. Depending on the result I must visit the doctor every six (6) months. Diabetic Mastopathy is a condition characterized by the development of one or more breast lumps as a result of a long standing high insulin levels. The exact cause of Diabetic Fibrous Mastopathy is still unknown and only speculative. Diabetic Fibrous Mastopathy and Breast Cancer lesions have the same characteristic. Fine needle and core biopsy are considered for new lesions to ensure they are not malignant breast cancer lesions.

4. Diabetic Neuropathy in Hands ( Nerve Damage)

a. Peripheral Neuropathy

In 2008, I was having pain, tingling, numbness and locked fingers. I was diagnosed with nerve damage in both hands, Trigger Finger and Carpal Tunnel. The doctor recommends use of a wrist splint, pain medication, physical therapy and / or surgery if pain does not go away. I was scheduled for surgery but after reading the side effects I decide to post-pone it. I use a wrist splint during the day and night. My hands are very weak and I suffer constant pain. I take pain medicine when needed.

Trigger Finger is a painful condition that causes the finger or thumb to catch or lock when bent. Carpal Tunnel is a progressively painful hand and arm condition caused by a pinched nerve in your wrist. Symptoms include: tingling or numbness in your finger or hand, pain and a sense of weakness.

Certainly, living in the United States with my husband by my side will give me confidence in that I am receiving the best medical care possible. Here I have access to advanced medical facilities. I can only maintain a good health by constantly going to doctors and regular checkups. It is very important for me to be physically active, have a balanced diet, and be monitored by my doctors. I must avoid being alone for long periods of time due to frequent low sugar episodes which could lead to a diabetic coma or death if I do not have immediate help, especially during sleeping hours. In case of unconsciousness, he will be treating my hypoglycemia with glucagon shots or granulates of sugar, taking me to the ER as soon as possible or calling 911 if necessary. In the case of a retinal detachment, he will be there to drive me, do house chores, meal preparation, assist in checking my blood sugar levels and changing the supplies for my insulin pumps. He would be constantly paying attention to my sugar levels, reminding me to check. He will help me both emotionally and physically. The doctor will do emergency operations as soon as possible the same or next day if needed. For my gastrointestinal condition he will be preparing the meals, looking for different ways for me to get the essentials vitamins and minerals I need as well as ensure my blood sugar do not spike.

If I move abroad to be with my husband, I will face a significant reduction in healthcare attention that may not be equivalent to US Standards. I will not have regular and constant checks up, and daily physical activity. Doctors and hospitals do not have the advance technology that we have here. Also, the USA is constantly looking for new cure. Abroad, Emergency Department is always full and emergency transportation will take 1 hour minimum to pick me up and 2 hours to transport me to the closest hospital. This is a period that could be life threatening. In a retinal detachment emergency, I will not have the confidence and not feel secure to let another professional treat my eyes. Every time I have a new symptom, I call my doctor and they see me right away. I do not feel confident that the outcomes would be as good as I would have in the USA. They may not have the medical equipment to know if I am having a retinal detachment. The retina is a very important part of the eye for your eyesight. If they do not operate immediately and they do not have the expertise, I will become blind.

C. Coping and Grieving a Chronic Illness, Depression and Disability

In 2006, I was feeling depressed, anxious, sad, hopeless, afraid, and many other emotions. I started looking for professional advice to help me adjust and grieve my loss. I went to see DOCTOR. She helped me to understand the process of coping with and grieving a chronic illness, depression and disability. She told me: “Grieving is not a simple process in which you simply adjust to a loss and then never grieve it again. The loss is always with you and you may repeat the process, or some steps in the process, over and over again as you live with the loss”. American Diabetes Association article says: “It is very important to have a hundred percent (100%) of support from family, friends, doctors, supporting group, counselors, and all the people that care about you”.

I am in a grieving process all the time. It has been very difficult to accept my chronic illness and disability with no hope of a cure. Currently, I am not seeing DOCTOR but when I feel down I look for her help. I am trying to manage this process myself by being and thinking positively. Being apart from my husband is worsening my medical and emotional condition. To overcome this existing condition requires strong faith and the desire of living a happy life. Diabetes is a chronic condition which can be managed better if I have less distress or discomfort in my life. My current emotional situation (living without my husband) aggravates my blood sugar levels. With HIM at home, I can complete the process of grieving. He will help me to overcome my medical obstacles in order to have better quality of life. He will be my eyes, my total support. Moving abroad I will not have the support system I currently have in the United States. I will be totally isolated. I have never lived out of my country and I do not have any other family or friends in both countries.

D. Pregnancy

Having Juvenile Diabetes Type I and complications makes it impossible for me to have a family of my own. My life and baby would be in danger. HIM and I would like to be a foster or adoptive parents. Being by myself, it is impossible to foster a child in need or adopt one. I need my husband’s presence and support. We need to be financially and emotionally stable. We will have constant child services meeting at home to be granted the ability to adopt or foster a child. Being apart from each other makes this impossible. The United States has a great rate of children in need. The process in these two countries will take longer than the USA. Plus, I would want to have my family near to my other family members.

E. Psychological and Emotional Issues

My life is limited by my medical condition, there are many things I would like to do as most people do, but I just cannot. My days and my routine depend on my health which is unstable. It is very hard for me to make any decision that could alter or substantially change all the medical, affective and financial guarantees that I have in the United States. Having my husband away from me generates constant sadness and frustration. I feel as though my dreams and my life expectations are on hold and it does not allow me to keep moving forward. I am overwhelmed by the idea that I have to choose between my health, family, country and my husband, who is the person that I love and the person that I chose to share the rest of my life with. He is responsible for my happiness, he changed my life, and we are more than just husband and wife, we are best friends too. My family has been my complete and unconditional support going through the surgeries, divorce process along with my husband immigration process. We own a dog since she was a puppy. I had never had the chance to raise a dog. She is a female Irish setter, a one and half year old named PUPPY. She has been a positive change in my life and HIM is responsible for that change. She is full of energy and requires a lot of daily exercise and outdoor activities. She helps me emotionally but I do not have the health, and energy to meet all of her physical needs alone. She is “our baby” and she makes my life much better. PUPPY is always happy and there for me. She is my partner and is always ready to play. If HIM cannot return and I cannot keep her routine, we will need to look for a new family for her. This will be another emotional lost for me.

F. Medication and Supplies

I take several medicines to have some quality of life. Without them I cannot survive and I will be at risk of serious complications or even death.

Insulin is the most important medication to me because my pancreas does not produce it. I need to inject this medicine 24 hours a day using an Insulin Pump. It works by lowering levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Untreated diabetes can lead to some serious complications. If a person has too much sugar in their blood and does not control it, the person is at high risk and damage could be irreparable. This could cause kidney failure, neurological, cardiovascular damage and loss of vision. It could also lead to ulcerations of organs like the liver. It could cause neuropathy or reduced sensation in the nerve endings of your extremities.

The second medication is to treat my gastrointestinal conditions: Gastroparesis, GERD and Gastritis. Erythromycin (3 times a day), Omeprazole (1 time a day), Carafate (as needed for abdominal pain), and Myra lax (daily for constipation).

The third medication is to treat my diabetic neuropathy: Gabapentin. This medicine has severe side effects.

Fourth medication is to treat my migraine or headache symptoms: Imitrex (as needed).

Fifth medications are all the supplies for my Insulin Pump. I have to change the settings every two to three days.

Sixth medications are testing supplies for my Blood Sugar Levels. I test myself from seven to ten times daily. I need approximately 300 lancets and 300 test strips in a month.

Seventh medication is to treat my hypoglycemia: Glucagon Shot

Moving to Uruguay or Italy, I will lose my health and prescription insurance. This situation will put me in an extreme and unusual hardship. These medications are very costly without insurance. My life and health will be at risk until I become a resident of the country and I learn the public health system.

If later I decide to return to the United States because I could not adapt myself to the countries condition or lifestyle, I will be without insurance until I can enroll and be accepted by the health insurance company. To enroll again I could be paying a penalty of ten percent (10%) with XXXX or the insurance plan will be extremely expensive for me because of my pre-existing condition. I will face a lack of medical coverage if I choose to enroll in an inexpensive and high deductible insurance.

G. Medicine Cost

As I mentioned before not having Insurance in neither Uruguay or Italy nor the United States will put me in an extreme and unusual hardship. I need these medicines to have a normal life. Without it I could die or I could develop more serious complications. Please go to the appendix to review medication cost chart with and without insurance.

H. Medical Care


I receive permanent assistance for my conditions and Insulin Pump supplies. My insulin pump supplies are made in the United States. I incur in monthly expenses of $155.00 dollars for my Health Insurance including prescription. I do not have any problem in scheduling medical appointments or getting my monthly medication and supplies. I have an unlimited choice of doctors to choose from. The distance from home to medical facilities and doctor’s office is approximately 25 minutes.

b. Uruguay

FONASA is a Public Health Care System which is affordable but usually doctor appointments must be made two to three months in advance. Medical coverage through employment does not cover spouses. A private health clinic could have a monthly cost of $ 120.00 to $175.00 dollars plus medication and others expenses depending on the health provider which could require you to pay for every visit to doctor and/or specialist. Also medication and exams must be paid separately. Some medications are not covered by them such as the test strips to monitor my blood sugar levels and supplies for my insulin pump. I would be ordering supplies from USA and incurring an extra expense of $60 to $70 dollars in shipping. My method of transportation will be taxi or public bus. Distance from home to Montevideo where main hospitals are located is four (4) hours by bus. My husband does not own a car in Uruguay. That means I need to take public bus, leaving home at 3:00 a.m. to get there at 7:00 a.m. and returning home around 5:00 p.m. Using a taxi as an alternative could cost me around $250.00 dollars round trip every time I need to see a doctor right away. The Health Care System goes on strike very often, sometimes for days or months. The number of doctors and specialists to choose from is limited.

c. Italy

A private health provider could go up to $300.00 dollars a month plus medication and other expenses. Medical coverage through employment does not cover spouses. Public Health System is expensive and full of bureaucracy. Italian Public Health System goes on strike very often, sometimes for days or months. Appointments must be made two to three months in advance and are sometimes canceled without prior notice. I would have a limited choice of doctors to see. My transportation there would be taxi, bus or train. It is very common to be without public transportation for days making it impossible to reach the main city because of the weather conditions. I will be incurring in additional expenses for a trip to medical facilities or doctor office.

Financial Hardship

The financial situation in which we find ourselves today contributes to create hardship. If my husband is admitted to the United States of America my quality of life will improved and a burden will be lift off of my shoulders.

A. Disability

I am on Social Security Disability Benefits and Long Term Disability Benefits through Standard Insurance Company due to my disability and this entitles me to a total of XXXXX a month. COMPANY is a long term Disability Insurance Company through my former employer; COMPANY.

B. Monthly Expenses

My financial responsibilities in the United States make it impossible for me to relocate to these two countries. Please find attached financial spread sheet of incoming and outgoing expenditures. Total expenses are $3,000 dollars with a shortage of $ XXXX dollars a month. To make up the difference, I have used all of my savings and for the last two months my parents have been helping us.

C. Disability and Employment

I am unable to work due to my permanent loss of vision and blindness.

If my Husband is not allowed to enter the United States or if I need to move abroad, I will incur a severe financial repercussion in the United States. I will not be able to afford mortgage payments and credit card payments. I would need to go into foreclosure, short sale or bankruptcy. Mortgage loan combined are worth $ XXXX dollars. I will not be able to rent the house because the Homeowner Association has already occupied the twenty-five percent (25%) of renters permitted. Selling the house is not an option because the house value is 60% percent lower than the mortgage value meaning I would take a loss. Houses in our community are selling for $65,000 dollars and our current debt is $XXXX dollars. Taking this action will be an extreme hardship for me. HIM and I started a life in our sweet home and we would like to continue our journey with our future family. Going into foreclosure or bankruptcy, my credit rating will be affected and damaged. I have worked very hard to receive the credit score of 785. I worked since I was 16 years old. With lower or damaged credit, we will never be able to own another house to call home. Our American dream will be gone. It would be financially difficult to` own a house in Uruguay or Italy.

Since HIM departure from the United States, our savings account is dropping every month. At this moment I have little financial support from my husband because he must pay for his living, as well. It is hard for HIM to buy dollars when Uruguayan currency (Uruguayan pesos) is weaker than the American dollar. (1 US dollar = 22. 5 pesos). On the other hand, the dollar is weaker than the Euro. In Italy there are additional fees when buying American dollars thru a bank or a private party. Doing all these monetary conversions and transactions create additional expenses for both of us.

Unemployment rate in Uruguay was at 7.10 percent in July 2013 and 12 percent in July 2013 for Italy. Our future is insecure and uncertain if I must reallocate to Uruguay or Italy. Most Uruguayan Citizen that have returned to Uruguay are without employment; those are people between 35 to 65 years old. One of the reasons for this issue is that Uruguay has an employment age discrimination rule.HIM has experienced this reality: it has been difficult for him to find employment due to his age. An average salary in Uruguay in my husband’s field of work is the equivalent of $700 dollars per month. The minimum national salary is $400 US dollar. The cost of living is high compared with the salary gain. The latest government report has set the lowest cost of living for a family of four people at $1,600 dollars per month which includes rent, utilities, and food only.

Italy is within the five European nations severely affected by the European Crisis. Minimum national salary is equivalent to $1,200 US dollars. Average monthly salary is $ 2,000 US dollars. Cost of living is high and it can be over $3,500 US dollars a month for a couple. Depending where you live in Italy fifty percent (50%) of the salary could go just to cover rent.

If HIM is allowed to enter the United States, he will be taking a burden off of my shoulders. He will be contributing financially to the household with a minimum monthly income of $2,500 US dollars. HIM would be helping our society, improving our community, sharing his knowledge, passion and expertise in what he loves to do. Having HIM by my side, we will have two (2) incomes instead of one (1) which would help to improve our lives, both personal and professional. We will only need to support one household instead of two as we do now. We could be able to save for our future together and prepare for any possible and unpredictable medical events that could occur.

Before HIM departure to his home country, he had several job opportunities in the Atlanta area as well as a great career in the United States. HIM occupation is as a XXXX. He have the knowledge in International Relations and background in the corporate industry in sales and marketing, working for companies like Johnson & Johnson and AT&T. His yearly earning will be higher in United States. Restaurant, Hotel and Bilingual positions are always in demand with an average salary of $3,200 US dollars per year.

In Uruguay or Italy we will be financially struggling, basically paying our rent and food not including medical health care, medication and supplies for me. If some unpredictable event occurs we will not be economically able to support ourselves.

Cultural and Language Barrier

It will be a cultural shock and language barrier in both countries for me.

A. Uruguay

Uruguay, as many South American countries, have cultural differences from the United States. Their primary language is Spanish but they have different words from my own country that will constitute a huge barrier to me. My first time visiting Uruguay was on December 2012. I stayed 40 days to be with my husband and decided if it will be an option for me. The country conditions and the lifestyle are completely different from what I am used to. I have no family or friends in Uruguay. We will not have any place to live. I am an introverted type of person. The idea of being away from my country, far from home and without my close family causes feelings of panic.

B. Italy

I will face a hard time understanding the Italian language. Italian citizens have a different culture from Americans. I do not speak, understand or write Italian. Without the ability to communicate, I will have little chance to enjoy social activities and to make friends. I could be in a dangerous situation, in an emergency, visiting a hospital or trying to communicate with police officers. This barrier constitutes a hardship also for my husband. He is not fluent in Italian. His knowledge about the Italian language is because of his interest in the language and family ancestry. His weak Italian skills would severely impair our abilities to accomplish simple daily task and more importantly in the case of any life or death situation that could happen to me. He would need to be with me at all times, shopping for groceries, taking me to the doctor office and other appointments, etc. My husband and I do not have family or friends and he has never lived there. I will feel alone and isolated all the time until my husband comes home from work. He would have to be my interpreter in every aspect of my day.

If I follow my husband, I will suffer an extreme hardship in both countries. I was born and raised in a territory of the United States of America. I was raised American. I will feel isolated, depressed, anxious and exhausted with these cultural and language barriers. This situation would also aggravate my medical condition, and would cause me to become depressed.

If my husband is allowed to enter the United States, I will be one hundred percent (100%) in my own atmosphere where I am part of the community, church, neighbors, friends, doctors and family with no difficulties with language or living in an unfamiliar culture.

Safety Concerns

Safety is an issue that concerns me and my family. Both countries have an anti-American rally. I will not feel secure and safe being myself as I do here. Not having our own transportation will require me to walk alone to take the transportation. Having poor eyesight, poor depth perception and no peripheral vision puts me in an unsafe position. Streets are very congested with people and sidewalks are often in bad shape. Driving in Uruguay or Italy is not an option for me and will put me in great danger because the streets are narrow and crowded; have poor illumination, poor pavement marking, and poor road surfaces. The violence in the street has increased lately due overall to the economic conditions. There are a lot of crimes, robbery with guns and knives, pick pocketing, and home robberies. Home robberies while people sleep is the new modern way in Uruguay. On the other hand, pick-pocketing is very common in Italy. Here in the United States, I will feel more secure and safe on the streets and in my home.

Family Ties

My family lives in PLACE, a territory of the United States of America. I was born and raised in PLACE. Currently, I live in PLACE and have lived there for the last 12 years. I am the youngest of fourth kids. I am the only girl. I have a good relationship with my parents and brothers, nieces, sister in law and immediate family. I talk to them on a regular basis and I try to visit them every year.

My parents are getting advanced in age. My mom is 65 years old and dad 70 years old. Both of my parents have health issues. My mom had skin cancer in 2006. Currently, she is Cancer free. She suffers from depression, anxiety and panic attacks since the death of one of my brother in the year 1986. On the other hand, my dad suffers from Diabetes Type I, Neuropathy in the legs and cardiovascular problems.

Moving to Uruguay or Italy would cause me to lose regular communication with my parents, brother and friends and this will cause my parents concern. My parents, especially my mom, will worry about my safety, health and country conditions. I will not be able to visit them every year or in case of an emergency, as I do when it’s necessary to help them. Being away from them would be a terrible loss. Airplane tickets are very expensive from Europe or South America to PLACE. The average airplane ticket ranges from $ 1,200 to $2,000 dollars depending on the season consuming 13 to 15 hours flight. I would never be reunited with my entire family and will not grow together as a unit. This will cause and become an extreme hardship for me, my husband and my family.

American Citizenship

I am proud to be a part of this great nation. I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude to this country and I feel deeply thankful for the medical assistance and care I have received and for all the personal and professional opportunities that I have had in this country. Having to leave would destroy my faith deposited in the United States and would only worsen the pain and suffering of my other hardships. I do not want to live in another country, other than the United States of America. I am an American. Please allow me to ask my government to forgive my husband, HIM for his wrongdoing and approve our waiver of inadmissibility.


I ask you sincerely to take into consideration all the hardship I will endure if I move abroad or if HIM is denied permission to return to the United States. I will lose my medical insurance and safety. I need my husband on my side for emotional, moral, financial and 100% loving support. Without him, I am lost and will never have the family I desire. In other words, I miss my husband painfully. My future is uncertain and frightening because I depend on his status. HIM is extremely sorry for the pain and suffering that his unlawful presence in the United States has caused me and our family. If given the second chance, he would be a law abiding citizen. I respectfully request the waiver to be granted. Thank you for your time and considerations.

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