
So many good discussion posts this week, a separate section just for Banned Books Week posts, tons of Autumn/Halloween Events, and tons of giveaways! Plus 75% more GIFs!

What is your favorite shout-out this week?


1. Shannon @ River City Reading lists 5 reasons why Florence Gordon will surprise you.

2. Catherine @ Gilmore Guide to Books reviewed How to Build a Girl.  LOVE the way she wrote it.

3. April writes a great review on Gutenberg's Apprentice by Alix Christie.

4. Kayla's review of Winterkill was very interesting, as she had lots of thoughts about it, both good and not as good.

5. So happy Christina of Reading Extensively brought this book about Sri Lanka to my attention: Island of a Thousand Mirrors by Nayomi Munaweera.

6. Described as "Joycean", Eimear McBride's A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing will not be an easy read, but I think Tanya of 52 Books or Bust has convinced me to try it.

7. Literary Feline reviews Saffron Dreams by Shaila M. Abdullah for Diversiverse and reminds me how emotionally-charged the book was.  I think I need to dig it out of my boxes of books and read it again.

8. Rhiannon of Ivory Owl Reviews made me add Henna House by Nomi Eve to my TBR list with her gorgeous review!



1. Allison @ The Book Wheel puts it on the line for authors: Here's how to interact with bloggers to get your book reviewed

2. Trish discusses changes in reading tastes over the years.

3. Chapter Break discussed POV preferences in books.

4. Amanda asks, "How do you reconcile your lasting impressions of a book over time with the words you initially write about it?"

5. In case you missed it, Anna and Michael of Books on the Nightstand got together with Simon of The Readers and Savidge Reads and they podcasted together.  I don't know if "podcasted" is a word, but I just made it one.

6. Tif made it to "Potterville" in her new state of Montana! Love it!  I am adding this to my Bucket List if I ever make it out West.

7. Rhiannon of Ivory Owl Reviews flattered me and 114 other bloggers by featuring them on her blog yesterday!  Find other bloggers to follow!

8. Tamara @ Traveling with T shares with us her Writing Process!

9. Terri from Second Run Reviews guest posted on The Caffienated Book Reviewer about her uncanny knack for finding Literary References everywhere.

10. Amber @ Books of Amber discusses whether people don't like YA because they view it as "feminine" and therefore "less worthy".

11. Lori @ The Broke and the Bookish discusses easing her way into contemporary lit.

12. The connection Lisa of Lit and Life made between football and Hemingway is not a happy one.


1. Litha examines her experiences with Banned Books, including growing up with a parent who was a book banner.

2. Tif shares some facts she learned about Banned Books in her home state.

3. Sue of Book by Book discusses Banned Books and what banned books she has read lately.

4. Bookalicious-Mama shares Banned Books by the Numbers.

5. Jennifer of A Relentless Reader reviews the banned graphic novel Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel.

6. Nancy of Bookfoolery discusses some of her favorite banned/challenged books.

7. Leah of Books Speak Volumes discusses why Banned Books are the BEST books. (I agree!)

8. Susan of Reading Upside Down asks, "Are there any banned books in your home?"

9. Matthew @ A Guy's Moleskine Notebook shares some of the Banned Books he has read.

10. Parajunkee shares her list of Top 10 Must Read Banned Books.

11. Florinda speaks out! Check out her "uncensored thoughts on censorship".

12. BookHounds is having a Banned Book Giveaway Hop. Note that it ends tomorrow!


All the Creepy Autumn Events You Could Want

1. Jenn's Bookshelves is hosting Murder, Monsters, and Mayhem!

2. Charleen has the '90s Nostalgia Fright Fest with R.L. Stine.

3. Michelle of True Book Addict is hosting her annual

4. Carl's popular RIP IX event is well under way and runs through the end of October.

5. Halloween Hootenanny 2014 is happening at Midnyte Reader.

6. Leanne, Asti, and Kelley @ Oh, the Books! is hosting Horror October - The Fortnight Edition.


1. I just found Love at First Page's Blog, but it was her one year bloggiversary last week and she's giving away 4 prizes. Hurry, though, it is almost over!

2. Emma has 3 giveaways going on on her blog! The link is to one, but there are 2 more.

3. Beth Book Review is giving away Dark Amelia by Sally O'Reilly.

4. Wicked Lil Pixie is having a giveaway for Little Memphis by Bijou Hunter.

5. Serena is giving away It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: The Making of a Television Classic.

6. Mandy of ireadindie is giving away an e-book of Love in the Time of the Dead.

7. BookHounds has TWO Kindle giveaways going on right now.  YEAH.

8. Visit Suko's Notebook for a chance to win a copy of A Brief Moment of Weightlessness by Victoria Fish.

9. Kathy aka Bermudaonion is giving away J.L. Witterick's My Mother's Secret.

10. Win a copy of The Paris Wife by Rebecca Stonehill over at The Book Binder's Daughter.


1. Tamara (Traveling with T)
2. Katie @ Doing Dewey
3. Michelle Erin
4. Ali
5. Charleen Lynette
6. Tanya M.
7. Litha
8. Heather @ Capricious Reader
9. Vicki @ I'd Rather Be at the Beach
10. Michelle Miller
11. Jennifer Hartling
12. April @ Steadfast Reader
13. teddyree
14. debnance
15. Heather Bourg Lopez
16. Jeremy @ Beltwayliterature
17. topazshell5
18. Freda Mans
19. Bermudaonion (Kathy)
20. Ryan
21. Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves)
22. Emma @ Words and Peace
23. Melanie
24. Catherine
25. tsutrav
26. Michael @ Literary Exploration
27. Trish
28. Fictional 100/Lucy
29. Sue Jackson
30. Shannon @ River City Reading
31. Leila @ Readers' Oasis
32. Serena @ Savvy Verse & Wit
33. Kristen H.
34. Alyce R
35. Savvy Working Gal
36. Guiltless Reading
37. Charlene @ Book Whimsy
38. Faith
39. Reading Wench
40. Kim@superbookgrl13


*I will be awarding the top 6 commenters with some bookish swag at the end of the year!*

1. Tanya M.
2. Bermudaonion (Kathy)
3. Charleen Lynette
4. April (The Steadfast Reader)
5. Tasha B.
6. Emma @ Words and Peace

YOU! Could be on this list.
Leave comments, win prizes as thanks!

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