
Chinese fans swooned as EXO member Lay answered more than a dozen questions during a live chat on Weibo, the tremendously popular microblogging site, including which nickname he prefers.
Lay replied candidly to others fan questions such as how he views anti-fans, whether he has plans to take on new movie roles, and what he thinks of his handsome looks.

You can read through Lay’s answers to all 17 fan questions in the screenshots below with translations from fan site layixingworld (weibo.com/layixingworld):

Lay is currently the only remaining active Chinese member in EXO after Luhan and Kris left the group to pursue solo activities in China and inactive member Tao looks to also debut as a solo singer. Negotiations are said to be ongoing to decide on whether Tao will remain part of EXO.
Given this scenario, SM Entertainment has been viewed to preemptively keep Lay from pursuing solo activities outside of EXO by establishing a dedicated company that will promote him in China.
Lay is growing more popular in China for his boyish charm, and has been appearing in more magazine covers such as the July 2015 issues of OK! Instyle  and Easy .
Lay fans also adore his superb dancing skills, which were recently put on display when he performed a special routine with SMRookies Ten and Hansol .

Mickey is a writer and digital content creator based in Manila. He is a co-founder of ZAVI App  and editor of the small business blog IndieMickey . He has also been bitten by the K-pop fashion bug – follow him on Instagram @mickjami .

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