Join us for a discussion on the ongoing work of developing a philosophically grounded alternative to capitalism. It is clear that existing society has little to offer except years and even decades of austerity, reduced living standards, increasing social anxiety, and the continued enrichment of an oligarchic elite. The time has come to create new visions of an alternative that is inherent in the present and in the legacy of Karl Marx.
Friday, July 13th 6:30pm
Corboy Law Center, Loyola University Chicago
25 East Pearson, Room 211
(1 block E of State, 1 block N of Chicago)
Lauren Langman, Sociology, Loyola University
“Resistance versus Emancipation: from Foucault to Marx”
– Kevin Anderson (USA), author of ‘Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies’
“The Ongoing Relevance of Marxist-Humanism”
- Sandra Rein (Canada), author of ‘Reading Dunayevskaya: Engaging the Emergence of Marxist-Humanism’
Transcending the Opposition Between the Real and the Ideal
- Marilyn Nissim-Sabat (USA), author of ‘Neither Victim nor Survivor: Thinking Toward a New Humanity’
“A Critique of the Situationist Dialectic in the Age of Occupy”
- Dave Black (Britain), author of ’1839?The Chartist Insurrection’
“From the Economic Crisis to the Transcendence of Capital”
- Peter Hudis (USA), author of ‘Marx?s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism’
Sponsored by Loyola University, Department of Sociology
Co-Sponsored by U.S. Marxist-Humanists,, an affiliate of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization