“Opal, whenever I see you, you’re always doing something creative!” Is what my aunt said, when she saw me in South Carolina. That aunt happens to be my favorite, and I only see her twice yearly since she lives in Florida. “My hands need to stay busy otherwise I get bore!” was my response
And that’s the truth, the only times when my hands are are resting is when I’m sleeping…
Throughout the day, my hands do stay active whether I’m playing with my daughter, completing work for clients, working in our garden, which involves harvesting, weeding, flicking off bugs, and tilling the soil I also keep my hands active with my creative crafts. These days, most of my reading is done via audio books. I have the audio books playing while I’m doing housework, or working on a craft.
Idle hands are the devil’s handiwork
As a child, I remember hearing my mother say that a few times. You might have heard that expression too. My mothers hands are rarely idle, my father is the same way. Because it’s a motto I liked, I’ve stuck with it. Of course, part of my active time, is spent working with crafts I enjoy. That counts right?
I guess my hands need to get active with my 17″ MacBook Pro, right? I haven’t fixed that yet, perhaps tomorrow…
Just for fun, I decided to include a list of crafts that have kept my hands active since last Tuesday. I need to set up a photo editing software program on this desktop computer, so I can share the pictures here. Because if I’m honest with myself, I most likely won’t get around to fixing my laptop until this weekend.
Crafts that have kept my hands active since last Tuesday
Two preemie knitted beanie hats for local hospital; for those interested in doing something similar call your local hospital and see if they accept crocheted and knitted preemie caps. Several hospitals have charity related groups that donate handcrafted items to other areas of the hospital such as PICU (pediatric intensive care unit).
Knitted bedroom slippers for me. Shocking I know, I rarely make items for myself. My crafts are usually for others. I also crocheted some flowers onto the slippers. I made the slippers differently, since I didn’t knit in the round. I knitted straight, and sewed up the seams. The knitted slippers were simple to make, I used a basic rib stitch; k3, p3. The project is simple, and would make excellent Christmas gifts or “thinking of you gifts”. Next time, I’m going to get more fancy, and do something with cables and perhaps a bit of Fair isle (making patterns with different colored yarns) too.
Two knitted lace bookmarks. I used the free knitting pattern Leaf me Alone… I’m Reading. They’re a bit fancier than the crocheted bookworm bookmarks that I made for my daughter’s classmates. I saw the knitted lace bookmark pattern on Nicki’s website, so stop by her creative corner and check out her knitted bookmark, she did a great job. I used my Options nickel plated needles. I must say the Knit Picks interchangeable knitting needles does a wonderful job with lace. They have the pointy tips which I adore. I’ve made two of the bookmarks, the first was given to my daughter, and the second I gave to my mother. I’ll make one for me, since I love to read also. I already have ideas on how to incorporate the leaf design into other projects.
Three shawls for my daughter’s Monster High dolls; crochet was also added to these shawls – I’ll definitely have to post pictures of this, the dolls are adorable. Looking at them, makes me wish I had some of those crocheted and knitted garments.
Knitted Kindle Fire cover; one of fathers birthday presents — which is tomorrow
I’m a fast knitter, that prefers to knit at a slower pace — most of the time. Last week my hands and knitting needles were flying, which is what happens when I have a lot on mind. I’ve found that either knitting, sewing, embroidery puts me in my happy place quickly; more than any other crafts that I do. Perhaps it’s because I’ve done those the longest? Over 32 years with each of those crafts. So those are the crafts I turn to when I need inspiration, or simply need to relax. Today, I haven’t had time for knitting more than a few short rows (cast on was just 40 stitches) of a project. But I plan on knitting a few rows before I sleep this evening.
A bit busy…
I arrived home from a board meeting about forty minutes ago, and I just realized something…
For the next two years, three weeks out of each month, one of my evenings for that week, will be spent at a board meeting. I serve on three different boards. Good thing I enjoy the faith based charity related ministries and the people I’m working with right? And no… knitting or crocheting is not an option at any of the meetings. I’m an active participant.
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