
Most of the things they teach you about being successful on line are untrue!

What?  What do you mean?

You know the stuff…advice like “Look at what all the top marketers are doing, then learn it and simply Rinse and Repeat”. How I hate that phrase! I worked in a job for 20 years doing ‘Rinse and sodding Repeat!” and I don’t want to do it any more.  That’s why I stopped the job in the first place.

No No No! That is not how you attract a following and rise to success in your business.

Becoming a top marketing clone will never work. Richard Branson and Ryan Biddulph did it THEIR way, but we don’t need another Branson or a Biddulph, or even a Ricky Gervais for that matter. We’ve already got one great example of each of them. But we do have plenty of room for a one-off Richard Seaton if you know of one? Or whatever your name might be…

The point is that you can never recreate ‘on the inside’ anything you see on ‘the outside’. You have to be authentic, reverse this mindset as soon as you can and start ‘working from the inside out’.

Working from the Inside Out?

Ask this question.   What motivates you to keep going at this business? It’s not just the results you are getting from marketing, or the feedback you receive from your tribe. That is a part of it but not the real reason.

It’s probably not because you like getting up when it’s still dark to get started either. Although when you are ‘in the creative zone’ you don’t care what the time is…

No – what you have to find is the massive inner energy that REALLY motivates you.  Become the truly authentic ‘you’ so that you are able to sit in that state at any time you want to.  You have now stopped being scared when things ‘go wrong’ out there any more, because they no longer effect or change what you are on the inside.

Have you any idea how powerful this is guys? Having no fear?

It completely frees you up to do what you want and be who you wish. There are no more barriers now, just puzzles to work out and things to learn, and I have no fear of learning either now. Give it to me!

Of yea – well there’s still the dentist – but that’s more to do with temporary pain than fear. The dentist doesn’t scare me as such, only the WEIRD stuff he does to maintain my teeth, although even that outweighs the temporary discomfort.

Marketers call this process of getting in touch with the real you – finding your ‘why.’  You can only do it once, by ridding yourself of the fear which controls and manipulates everything you did beforehand.

I was listening to Ryan Biddulph (https://www.bloggingfromparadise.com/)  this morning. I like his approach and find his energy inspiring, and he tends to work and teach the way I do. He sees marketing as a very simple single-item system of beginning within – with the mindset – rather than being instructed by the ever-changing world outside to perform a set of functions. On one of his video blogs he talks about this in detail. He is very simple in his approach which is why he’s at the top of his tree in the travel-blogging lifestyle niche as a result.

The Consequence Culture TM

We live in a ‘consequence culture’ as I call it. Everything you do, or fail to do, seems to have an implied penalty on your happiness and health. You stop work (good thing!) you lose your home (bad thing).  Everything is carefully arranged to keep you running the wheel. And all those fears are holding you in pattern formation and stopping you from being free to realise who you really are.

So you need to get the point of being able say to yourself, “I really don’t give a crap what other people think. This is who I am and I am totally OK with this creative and powerful person. I know what I want and I don’t need anyone’s approval.”

It’s a wonderfully empowering place to arrive at, believe me. It’s not based on your bank balance or how many bedrooms you have in your house. In fact, when I arrived at this realisation some time ago, I was in debt to the tune of $35k and we only had one bedroom!

But from this point on I was completely fine with my circumstances, because I knew they were only temporary and would change, but that my still reality inside was changeless. I was and am  ‘in my moment’ all the time. It is the only moment there truly is.

How do you break free from your fear?

The real answer to that involves doing some work. Yep! However, the good news is that it’s the only real work you will ever need to do, because once you have stepped outside your fear zone and out of the ‘consequence culture’ of brainwashing, everything just continues to flow. You need to keep your mindset ‘topped up’ but that’s easy.

I personally found meditation and a bit of rare self-discipline really worked for me. I tracked somebody down in the UK, after a lot of research, who taught meditation one-to-one and had a great reputation. I put in the time with the system he taught me. Some people don’t want any of that stuff, but it’s what worked for me.

The next step is to find out what you have to say.

What is your message? Who are you and what do you love to do that defines you in the physical world?

Is it travel, the ability to go where you want and when you like?

Maybe you are a musician or a painter and would love the time to pursue these passions?

Possibly you have a yearning to sack your boss and be an Entrepreneur?

At this point – if you are just looking for a money-making business opportunity you will have stopped reading this by now, which is fine – it’s your life. Get back on the Hamster Wheel of Death…    Bye…

If you are still with me read on…

Far more important than your ‘How’ again is your ‘Why’. You have to find the motivation to make that break and see the need for you to do so. The mechanics – as in everything else – are the easiest bit.

You will find a lot of people out there who try to teach ‘motivation’. I don’t see that myself. I think you have to be motivated before you start. It has to be in you. The main reason, if we are honest, why so many people fail on line is because they never set out to succeed in the first place. They just wanted to make some money.

What I’m talking about is a complete shift in the way you live your life. If you haven’t done so yet, you will come to the point of seeing this for yourself if you continue with this adventure.

I can direct you towards some great opportunities if you have yet to arrive at this radical point. They’re all over this blog… any of the free things I promote on here will get you nearer to that goal. I have done them all myself and they work. That’s why I continue to promote them.

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