
The Asian Society of International Law has issued a call for papers for its 4th Biennial Conference, to be hosted by the Indian Society of International Law in New Delhi, November 14-16, 2013. The theme is "Asia and International Law in the Twenty-First Century: New Horizons." Here's the call:


The Asian Society of International Law was established in 2007. Following three successful biennial conferences, the next biennial conference of the Society is to be hosted by the Indian Society of International Law in New Delhi, from 15 to 16 November 2013.

Theme of the Conference

Governments, scholars, and civil society in Asia are actively engaged in all facets of the development and implementation of contemporary international law. Asia’s leading powers are no longer `emerging’ but have emerged. There is, nevertheless, great diversity around the region. While countries in the Asian region may regard certain issues as of particular concern to them, those issues are generally also of great moment in other regions and/or at a global level. This conference will seek to share perspectives on emergent dimensions of international law from around the Asian region, broadly defined, and from beyond.

Topics of Papers

To this end, proposals for papers are now being invited on any of the following topics:

Anti-dumping and safeguards

ASEAN-related special issues of International Law

Climate change

Competition law

Conflict of laws relating to marriage, adoption, surrogacy and custody of children

Emergent issues in international human rights law

Evolving positions in relation to R2P

Intellectual property rights

International commercial law/enforcement of foreign judgments

International investment law (including resolution of international investment disputes)

Key elements of sustainable development for Asia

Law of the Sea; Piracy; Maritime Security and Safety in the Asian region

National implementation of the WTO’s and RTAs’ commitments in the Asian countries

Peaceful Resolution of International Disputes in Asia (including resolution of International Trade and Business Disputes in Asian countries)

Regulating the internet

The Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization

The contribution of civil society to international law and the growth of `bottom-up’ processes of international law creation and implementation

The teaching, research and practice of international law in Asian languages

The turn to history in international law

Third World approaches to international law

The Organizers seek to encourage the participation in the Conference of all persons interested in international law all over the world, whether established or junior scholars, academics or practitioners, government officials and NGO officers, by inviting applications for positions as panelists. Papers may provide an Asian perspective on these topics, and/or international/comparative approaches to the listed topics.

Application Procedure

You will be required to provide in the submission form:

A 600-word abstract/summary of the proposed paper.
Please clearly identify the title of your paper and the panel category in the online form.

Affiliation details and brief bio
This would include details of professional status, educational background, institutional affiliation, office address, contact telephone number, and e-mail address. Please also provide, in the section titled `brief biography’ any information about presentations given, publications, and any other relevant information about your research or experience.

Your affiliation to the Asian Society of International Law
Preference will be given to existing members of the Asian Society of International Law in the selection process. To sign up for membership, Please Click Here.

Whether your participation is dependent on the provision of financial assistance.
Although the organizers may be able to secure a small sum of sponsorship to provide financial assistance, it is preferable for accepted presenters to secure their own travel funding from their respective institutions.

In addition to paper proposals, proposals for panels will also be considered. A panel should address a topical issue of international law and consist of 5-6 speakers from a range of countries and stages of career development.

Please complete the online submission forms by Monday, 15 April 2013, 2300 hrs, India Time.

Click HERE for online abstract submission for individual papers.

Click HERE for online submission for panels.

Click HERE to view Conference Website.

Please note that a student workshop is being organized in conjunction with the conference and it is expected that students will submit their abstracts to that rather than to the conference itself. Click HERE to view the Call for Expression of Interest for the student workshop.

Any questions about the paper selection process may be addressed to: asiansil-conferences@nus.edu.sg

All enquiries about the India Conference 2013 should be directed to: info.isil@gmail.com

Successful applicants will be informed by mid July 2013 and are required to submit their completed papers and registration to the Conference Organizers by Monday, 30 September 2013. The paper should be between 6000 and 8000 words.

All papers accepted by the Organizers for the Conference may be featured on the Conference web-site or as part of the AsianSIL Working Paper Series. Paper presenters are encouraged to submit finalized papers to the Society’s new Asian Journal of International Law. Publication is subject to a double-blind peer-review and editorial discretion. Details may be found on the Journal’s Web site.

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