A call for papers has been issued for the 2014 Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop, which will take place March 14-15, 2014, at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. The theme is: "International Investment Law and the Global Financial Architecture: Sovereign Debt, Taxation and Financial Market Regulation." Here's the call:
International Investment Law and the Global Financial Architecture:
Sovereign Debt, Taxation and Financial Market Regulation
– Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2014 –
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 14 and 15 March 2014
Recent years have seen governments around the world re-regulate (or consider re-regulating)
markets in response to financial, banking, and sovereign debt crises. Re-regulation has been most
clearly felt in the banking sector, but has also affected, amongst others, capital markets, rating
agencies, and cross-border finance. All of this takes place in order to stabilize financial markets and
to reduce the exposure of governments and central banks, but also supranational and international
institutions (such as the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, or the European
Stability Mechanism) as lenders of last resort. Accordingly, the crises also involve serious concerns
about public finance, including sovereign debt and taxation, monetary and fiscal policy, and
sovereign insolvency. Government activities as regulators of, but also participants in, global financial
markets therefore move center stage – and with it questions about the role of international
investment law in the current reorganization of the global financial architecture.
The 2014 Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop, which will take place on 14 and 15 March 2014
immediately following the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court, attempts to explore this
role. Invited papers will address the interaction between international investment law and financial
market and banking regulation, free flow of capital, public finance, taxation, sovereign debt, and
monetary and fiscal policy. Through this Call for Papers, we invite paper proposals on related topics,
both doctrinal and inter-disciplinary. For example, papers could deal with any of the following
the impact of financial crisis on investment treaty obligations,
the impact of investment law disciplines on banking and capital market regulation, including
offshore, sovereign debt restructuring and sovereign insolvency, public finance, monetary
and fiscal policy, or taxation,
the role of investment treaty tribunals in reviewing such measures,
or the role of international and supranational institutions in the field.
Submission of Proposals and Timeline
Original and non-published submissions from both junior and senior scholars and practitioners are
invited on the themes outlined above. An abstract of max. 800 words and the applicant’s CV should
be sent (in .pdf or .doc format) to filw2014@mpil.de by 10 November 2013. The abstract must
include a statement of the issue area of the paper, as well as an indication of the major arguments to
be made, a title, and contact details.
A selection panel will consider all abstracts and notify applicants of acceptance by 30 November
2013. Full papers have to be submitted by 28 February 2014. Following the workshop, they will be
published, subject to a peer review procedure, in the newly established Frankfurt Investment and
Economic Law Series (Elgar Publishing). The sponsoring organisations will cover the speakers’
travelling and accommodation expenses.