
I became interested in all forms of natural healthcare, ultimately leading to my passion for homeopathy, almost by default. As a young mother of 3 children under two (clearly twins were involved in this!) I was constantly at my local GP’s office, if not for them, who were constantly being prescribed one set of antibiotics after another for ‘infections,’ but also for myself. At this time, sleep was almost an unknown concept (I am sure I didn’t have a proper nights sleep for at least 5 years.) In addition, my dynamic husbands’s career demanded that we do a transatlantic move, (one of many) which involved loading everything we owned, plus myself and the 3 babies and moving to a country where I knew no-one. Consequently I was worn out and kept getting low grade infections, for which I was always given antibiotics. I am sure the GP got so fed up with me visiting that he gave me strong antidepressants, to dull any senses I was still capable of feeling in my depleted state. Being very sensitive to medications of any sort, I was rushed to hospital on several occasions,generally presuming I was having a heart attack as my heartbeat was off the scale, as a side effect of the anti depressants. Obviously, the response of the wonderful doctor was to increase the dose. At this stage, I collected every ounce of energy I had, coupled with intelligence and abject disillusionment with conventional medicine, and actively sought other ways of dealing with my own health and that of my children. I studied and took diplomas in many holistic disciplines including, aromatherapy, reflexology and reiki and many more, treating people and my family as I continued to learn.

Eventually I visited a wonderful homeopath (Stephanie Field) who in helping to heal me, also persuaded me to study homeopathy I went to Purton House School of Homeopathy, (University of West London) embarking on a 4 year degree and never looked back, as I had found what I had been seeking; a gentle method of healing that actually addressed the whole person. It was also the cerebral challenge I had been craving. I had several inspirational teachers, including Elaine Walker and Ralf Jeutter, both of whom intellectually inspired and motivated me; also my invaluable supervisor, Gwynne Grayson. Immediately following my degree, I embarked on an ‘Advanced Graduate Program’ at the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, where I greatly expanded my knowledge in every sphere, including in depth physical examination of a patient. I graduated from here in June, 2010, having been further energised by some wonderful teachers and new lifelong friends.

Academically, I am strongly influenced by the classical homeopaths, namely, George Vithoulkas (having studied in Alonissos with him) and I greatly admire the work of Andre Saine. I love reading the work of the old Masters, including Boenninghausen and Boger and obviously Hahnemann and understanding their application and relevance in today’s world. I am a member of the Advisory board for the Applied Research Foundation of Canada ( ARFC.)

I have written many articles, conducted interviews and written reviews, most of which have been published; several for hpathy. In writing I have the ability to state exactly what I believe and feel and back it up, where necessary with philosophy and research. I am a fundamental philosopher, this is where a great deal of my interest lies, particular that of Jung and Freud and homeopathically I adore the works of Edward Whitmont. I am captivated by the power of the written word. It is generally indelible and will live on, long after we are gone; a strong legacy of existence and personal beliefs backed up by theory and practice.’The Art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe’ (Gustave Flaubert.) Anything I have written has been a journey of learning for me, with the added pleasure of putting my own mark, style and unique signature, always in the hope that others benefit and assimilate new concepts and information, or simply a different approach. Failing this, simply absorb the essence and tone of an article and its objective: ‘Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter of make well shaped sentences. In your voice your readers should be able to hear the content of your mind, your heart and your soul.’ (Meg Rosoff.)

I take great joy in healing and helping people not just as a homeopath, but also in my personal life. My empathy is not exclusive to my patients, it is an inherent part of me and who I am.The ability to sense everything so acutely, through observation, language, and nuances is a gift to any homeopath and I can see it in several of my colleagues; it is a wonderful addition to our ‘tool set.’

I find it incredibly sad that we are a constant target of the sceptics. In a recent article of mine, (Hpathy, October 2015, ‘Untangling the Web’ ) I made it clear that homeopathy was not just placebo (any more than any other system of medicine.) Direction of cure (following a remedy) is evidence of this, as is healing in animals and children.I recognise however, that there is little point in discussing this with some people, who are incapable of understanding the complexities involved. Energy should be directed at healing those who need it and who are grateful for our services, not those that are intellectually challenged, it would appear and would not understand the theories presented, even if the homeopathic equivalent of Einstein spelled it out in children’s language.

I would love homeopathy to be the foremost system of medicine in the world, used before potentially dangerous conventional medicine, where possible. Where a case demands allopathic drugs (and there are obviously occasions where this is necessary, particularly in emergency situations) it could be integrated to help healing. I would like every doctor to be fully trained in homeopathy (and other holistic disciplines if possible, including extensive nutritional courses) and to integrate or use exclusively depending on the case. I would like homeopathy to be fully part of the NHS in England and more easily accessible. Similarly, OHIP in Canada and the equivalent state insurance in all other countries, as it is often too expensive for people, who generally have to pay privately.I would like the public to be aware of homeopathy and discuss Belladonna like they discuss Tylenol, making homeopathic remedy’s their first thought and port of call. Advertising would focus on the benefits of Arnica as opposed to Ibuprofen,and those seen floating around fields in joy on the commercials for Prozac, would instead be worshiping the humble cuttlefish (Sepia.) with passionate dancing. I would love that these dreams became a reality, for the sake of World Health.

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