
Innovators have 48 hrs in a day !

Yes I can prove it in the next 5 minutes. As I am PHP Developer so let’s talk about some innovators in PHP.
First of all start from the father of PHP-

Rasmus Lerdorf ( lerdorf.com )

Rasmus Lerdorf

Was he free or had much time to create a new language? Let’s see -
After graduating in 1988 he worked for Nutec , Brazil, and after that he did consulting work in Toronto. He worked for Bell Global Solutions and IBM’s WebSphere team also.

September 2002 to November 2009 he was employed by Yahoo! Inc. as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer. In 2010, he joined WePay in order to develop their application programming interface. Throughout 2011 he was a roving consultant for startups. On 22 February 2012 he had joined Etsy (e-commerce company – www.etsy.com ). In July, 2013 Rasmus joined Jelastic as a senior advisor to help them with the creation of new technology. He worked to create PHP/FI in nights and weekends only.
Together with Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski rewrote the parser that formed PHP 3.
He worked to create PHP/FI in his free time like nights and weekends.

Zend Framework

In 1999 they (Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski) wrote the Zend Engine, the core of PHP 4, and founded Zend Technologies  , Zend is a portmanteau of their forenames, Zeev and Andi.

Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski

PRADO (“PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented”) Framework

Qiang Xue

It came out in June 2004. PRADO project was started by ” Qiang Xue ” and after recoding it with PHP5, he won the Zend PHP 5 coding contest with this framework.
PRADO borrowed ideas from ” Delphi ” and ” Microsoft’s ASP.NET framework “.
Based on his experiences with PRADO, Qiang later went on to create the Yii framework.

Yii Framework

If we are talking about “high-performance”, Yii ( Yes, it is! ) Framework is here , Yii project started on January 1, 2008, in order to fix some drawbacks of the PRADO framework, obviously ” Qiang Xue ” is the developer.


PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf spoke at frOSCon in August 2008, noting that he liked CodeIgniter “because it is faster, lighter and the least like a framework.”
First public version of CodeIgniter was released on February 28, 2006, by EllisLab is a software development company.
There was also something missing in CodeIgniter, so lets read about Laravel.

Laravel (Youngest and most popular) framework

Taylor Otwell

After releasing on PHP5.3, all other frameworks were focusing on supporting the older versions of PHP, CodeIgniter was most popular that time, in 2011 CodeIgniter was lacking some functionality that Taylor Otwell , the creator of Laravel, considered to be essential in building web applications.
According to Laravel’s creator Taylor Otwell, Laravel version 1 was released in June 2011 simply to solve the growing pains of using CodeIgniter PHP framework. And now its BOOMING !!

Lets see popularity on – http://www.sitepoint.com/best-php-frameworks-2014/ (25.85 %)

Interesting thing is that he himself told that how much time he had in creating Laravel -
( Only Friday ? ) – http://taylorotwell.com/on-laravels-future/

Ryan Dahl

In last of topic, lets talk about – ” Ryan Dahl “-programmer at Joyent (He holds Math background). He was inspired after seeing a file-upload progress bar on Flickr, and created Node.js in 2009. Amazing!

Now, some facts of these guys –

- God gifted them 48 hrs. in a day! I mean sun took double time in a round of earth for them.
– They had four hands.
– They do not know what is ‘Movie’ or ‘Sports’. They spend every second in computer in creating these types of things.

If you do not agree with these facts, and believe that they also have the same 24 hrs, and two hands like us, then it’s great, Obviously !! You are right.

My point is that if we manage our time well with our 24 hours in a day, we can be creators too, as these guys do, we need good combination of passion and dedication, and Voila.
Let’s Innovate.

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