Yes, it’s that time of year again – time to take stock and see what improvements could be made for the months ahead. Here are our top seven resolutions to increase the performance of your online marketing program.
Blog more
Search engines love fresh content and one of the easiest ways to keep new content flowing is to create and maintain an active blog. According to a study by Hubspot, companies that published 16 or more blog posts per month got almost 3-1/2 times more traffic and almost 4-1/2 times more leads than those who posted fewer than four times a month. A blog will also establish you as a subject matter expert, giving search engines the confidence they need in recommending you. Need help with creating content? We can help through our AgeWise and EngAge programs.
Use social media more strategically
Most of us use social media to some extent, but many don’t see the results we want. Here are some quick tips to increase your engagement on social media:
Post things your audience will find valuable – this should be something that relates to your business in some way.
Boost important posts, such as articles from your own blog, upcoming events, and positive news about your company (awards, new articles, etc.).
Engage others in your posts – tagging others in your posts, liking the pages of business partners, and sharing meaningful posts of others will increase the likelihood of others doing the same for you.
Know how often and when to post – post consistently, but don’t overdo it. Twice a day is probably the top limit; three times a week, the bottom. Experiment with the times you post to see if your audience reacts more during a specific time.
Redesign your website
You should plan on redesigning your website every 3-5 years. Things are constantly changing in the online world and you ignore innovations at your own peril. An outdated website can make you look out of touch and even hurt you in search engine rankings. Learn more about how to successfully redesign your site.
Stay connected with your audience through email
Many people avoid email because they personally don’t like an overloaded inbox. But email is one of the most effective – and inexpensive – online marketing tools out there. According to McKinsey & Company, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.
Gather and publish testimonials
Word of mouth is still the most trusted form of “advertising.” Being able to share stories from actual clients and customers goes a long way in building trust in your services and your brand. Because they are so important, it isn’t enough to simply sit around and wait for people to send an email or letter of praise. If you know of a client who was satisfied, ask them to put it in writing and get their permission to post their message on your website and other promotional material.
Monitor what others are saying about you online
Speaking of word of mouth, people are talking about you everywhere these days – on Yelp, Google, Facebook and a hundred other review sites. These reviews matter. In a recent survey, 90 percent of people said that their buying decisions are influenced by online reviews. A single bad review can damage a company’s reputation and make attracting new customers more difficult. Pick the sites where most of your reviews are (these may vary by the industry you’re in) and monitor them to see what people are saying about you – and respond to both good and bad reviews.
Enlist the services of a professional marketing firm
Finally, with all the complexities involved in creating a unified, effective online marketing presence, it pays to enlist the services of an expert. IlluminAge has more than 25 years of experience in creating powerful websites, meaningful content for blogs and newsletters, and effective social media and email programs – as well as the expertise to make all of these elements work together synergistically to engage your audience and boost sales. If 2017 is the year for you to make things happen, we invite you to contact us.
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