Hadrat Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil 18 December 2015, Akbaba Dargah, Post-Hadra
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
The month of Mawlid is a month that needs to be honored. The greatest blessing Allah (JJ) gave us, we need not forget this, it is a great blessing to be the Nation of our Holy Prophet (SAW). People are in a state of heedlessness, they do not know its value, and they waste it. They wander after other, useless, unbeneficial works and unbeneficial people. Let alone unbeneficial, they wander after harmful people or harmful works. Allah gave us blessings and we do not see the blessings. They think it is somewhat beautiful with paint and what not on the outside, but they do not see the dirt lying underneath. To honor this month is one of the best works we are to do. Are they calling it a bidah1? Now these appeared. So some are not aware of this blessing. However, people are inside this blessing, people who have been created Muslim, in the realm of Ummat Muhammad, but Shaitan wants to put them at loss. They call Mawlid bid’ah. This is also a group that read some books and is coming out supposedly understanding Islam. There, this is what happens when they have no murshid as their leader, when there is no true guide. This way people can see how books alone cannot give benefit. This religion, this humanity, and the whole world were created for our Holy Prophet (SAW). Those of true faith believe in this. For us to believe is within the pillars of iman, but look at the situation that Shaitan is misguiding so many people. They are calling those who honor our Holy Prophet (SAW) and carrying out Allah’s order mushriks2, shirk3. This means the book they are reading is not giving benefit. Books do not give benefit by themselves. They must absolutely follow a beloved servant of Allah, otherwise their situation is not good at all. When a sin is committed unknowingly, a person can repent and Allah may forgive. However, when a sin is committed with insistence, the person suffers its punishment. Not
honoring our Holy Prophet (SAW) is a sin, not makruh4 but a sin. Allah Azza wa Jalla says to honor the Hadrat Prophet (SAW), to make salat and salam upon him, to make dhikr of him, and to visit him. Our Master (SAW) states, “He who visits me at my grave is as if he has visited me while I am alive.” What does this mean? It shows what an important thing and what a high station it is. It is not as what these people say. It is not a bidah or shirk to honor our Holy Prophet (SAW). On the contrary, it is the most virtuous and most rewarded work. Allah Azza wa Jalla says to make salat and salam. ُّ
“InnAllaha wa malaikatahu yusalluna ‘alannabi, ya ayyuhallathina amanu sallu ‘alayhi wa sallimu tasleema.” (Sura Ahzab:56) He says to make salat and salam. Meaning to continuously make salat and salam. When and how much is not told. Honor and make salat and salam as much as you want on our Holy Prophet (SAW), Allah would treat you that much and it would never go to waste. As we said, these people are educated ignorants. They have beomce the toys of Shaitan. Why are we saying this? Supposedly Muslimism has grown. That is why Shaitan is diminishing some things from the inside to misguide Muslims from the way. If you said this in the past, they would laugh at you saying, “How can such a thing be?” They are calling the Mawlid and honoring our Master (SAW) bidah and shirk. However, people these days have gotten used to hearing such things and do not show much of a response. We need to show a response to such people. If there is one punishment for the person who is not a scholar or an uneducated person, there is double the punishment for these people who claim to be scholars. Why? Because they are misguiding themselves and others. He denies it even though he reads. May Allah guide our nation, Inshallah may they not follow these people. Because darkness descends upon those who follow them. What use is it after Allah’s rage descends? No blessings and goodness would be in what they do. Those people do not make Allah (JJ) or the Prophet (SAW) happy, but they make Shaitan happy.
Let people not follow their ego, but let them follow a friend of Allah. The ego and Shaitan fool people. The person who does not have a murshid, a guide for the way, leaves the way and enters danger. However, people who have a mentor, a conselor next to them, go on the right way whether it is day or night, reach where they intend to go, and do not deviate to another place. These people get on the way to find the true Islam and iman, but they immediately deviate from the way. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says it is a good deed to show the way. It is a sunna to show the way. If someone asks you for directions, you show them the way if you know it and it is the right thing to do. In some countries, if you ask some people the way they tell you the opposite. There are many like that. If people go and ask Shaitan for the way, of course he will show them the opposite way. However, if they take the road with someone who knows the way, they do not need to ask anybody, they complete the trip in safety, and reach a good place and are comfortable. Otherwise, their whole life passes in fitna5, corruption, and darkness. In the end, even if they save their iman, our Holy Prophet (SAW) will not intercede on their behalf on the Day of Judgement because they do not accept shafaat either. There is such a thing with these guys. They neither accept shafaat nor do they accept other people’s help. They do not accept anything. They think they will save themselves with what they do, and in the end they are regretful but it is too late. Because our Holy Prophet (SAW) does not look at them for what they have done in the world. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) looks at the sinful person, but he does not look at these people. Becasue they have both arrogance and bad manners. Arrogance, being proud of themselves, and all kinds of traits that are not good is with these people. These are rude and rough people. However, sinful people, if they say, “I have committed a sin. Shafaat Ya Rasulallah,” they would gain the intercession of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
“My intercession is for those of great sins from my Nation,” says our Holy Prophet (SAW). But let them be respectful towards our Holy Prophet (SAW). May this month of ours be blessed. Let us honor this month. Let us remind each other of this month. Let us remember our Holy Prophet (SAW) with salat and salam, and make more
salat and salam. Let us do the good deeds for the honor of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Let us help the poor and needy for the sake of his Mawlid. If you tell them you are giving for the sake of our Holy Prophet (SAW), they will be happy so they may remember the month of Mawlid next year. Let them be happy that they were treated in the month of the Mawlid. This is also a good thing. Inshallah, may we reach many more Mawlids. May Allah give guidance to these groups, these bad groups. Guidance is from Allah. May Allah give them common sense. Thank Allah, this is the country, Anatolia, with the strongest love towards the Prophet (SAW). Thank Allah we have travelled all over the world. There is much love everywhere, but the other group is like cancer. They are spreading everywhere. Shaitan is spreading it. We do not have many here, thank Allah, but they are a lot in other places. That is why we are saying, “May Allah correct them.” May Allah protect from their evils. You are doing the Mawlid in ease here, you are doing everything, but it is not so easy in other places. When you gather a little too much, they immediately think something else, or there is danger from all sides. May Allah (JJ) send the Islamic world the owner who will take ownership Inshallah. Inshallah, Mahdi Alayhis Salam appears next year so Allah (JJ)