
NewFeaturesWhen you complete a clue scroll the game will now tell you howmany of each tier  to Buy RS Gold of clue you've completed,you can also find thisinformation on the wall at the observatory.Patchy has learnt some newskills and is able to combine some of the new rewards that areavailable.He will be able to combine sagacious spectacles with a blueparty hat,a big pirate hat with an eyepatch and the top hat with amonacle.The toybox in your player owned house has also been updated tostore most of the new rewards.

With the new trade system on the horizonwe have taken this opportunity to rename some treasure trail rewarditems so they can be found 07 Rs Gold more easily.Here are the names ofthe changed items.Green d'hide body(t)Green d'hide body(g)Green d'hidechaps(t)Green d'hide chaps(g)Blue d'hide body(t)Blue d'hide body(g)Blue d'hide chaps(t)Blue d'hide chaps(g)Blue wizard hat(g)Blue wizardrobe(g)We all know how you like to set fire to things…so firelightersare now tradable so you can set fire to things in a range ofcolours.Clue scroll competitionEverything to do with the clue scrollexpansion was driven by the players.We received hundreds of greatentries for the clue scroll competition and we've used as many aspossible,if you examine some of the new clue scrolls you'll see whosubmitted them!Old School Fire Cape Here is a full list of all theplayers that helped to make this update.Afropunk,AsheZ x,Cheapnub,Chris 1510,Cwars Addict,Danger Cook,Eager Beagle,Envies,Eul,HouseHost,I Lazybeef I,I see it all,iKips,Jokku23,Junk All Day,Load 07,Magyk,Menaceman22,My Saviour,N 3 M Z,No Eggs,Obama Fails,Pinkiepi,Old School Fighter Torso Prince Kyou,Rain of Life,Randomwannab,ScapeRune,Shegged,Sir Pvmalot,Tommyw70,Urdnot Grunt,Uv 6,ZarfnotIn just one day we’ll be releasing the second batch ofcharacter names(beginning d-h).Head back in game on Wednesday OldShool Rs Gold 13th August at 1pm to secure the name you’ve had your eyeon.

The list of character names will be published at the same time thatthe names are released,check the list out for a little inspiration,butbear in mind that it will quickly become out of date as character namesare taken.We’re publishing the list simultaneously with the release aswe have disabled the name checking function on the website in order toimprove to Buy RuneScape gold performance.

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