
. expects free-to-play purchases to become a really big chunk of the company's revenue over the next 3-5 years. It's clear that free-to-play games are seen as a strategy to help keep Sony on gaming's pulse, with Thompson even referring to Neverwinter Astral Diamonds a move towards free-to-play as future proofing.Sony was not alone in proclaiming the impact of the free-to-play model. Laura Naviaux, senior vice president of sales at the Daybreak Game Company, revealed that console gamers have been accepting of in-app purchases. Daybreak, which was known as Sony Online Entertainment before it was sold off by Sony last month, has seen PS4 players embrace the business model for titles such as DC Universe Online, and Naviaux believes there is more to come. There is a tremendous amount of opportunity for growth with free-to-play on consoles, said Naviaux.This news may not come as a surprise to some. Sony has given free-to-play games

plenty of time on the PS4, with several titles available at launch. Warframe, Digital Extreme's free-to-play shooter, was the second-most downloaded free PS4 app as of April last year, and iconic PlayStation franchise Little Big Planet to madden 17 mut coins Android was once planned as a free-to-play title. Even so, it's an interesting move from the publisher. Here's hoping that Sony's strategy is more free-to-play than pay-to-win. Gamespot Video Games As Art: A Blurred Line Between Games and Film Challenges Old Debate. The Last of Us' cinematography and intense story reignite the debate over video games as art. Screenshot by Michael Carson on Flickr.Film critic Roger Ebert famously said that video games would never be art, primarily because all games—including sporting matches, board games, and video games—can be won. Some countered, but what about games that don't include rules or points? To that, Mr. Ebert opined that games without rules or a point

system were not games at all, but rather another form of expression—like a play or a film. They were something a person experienced, not won.Ebert wasn't the only one who felt this way. Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear series, and Tale of Tales founders Michael Samyn and Auriea Harvey agree. The fact that most games are created by teams of people, and rarely reflect the vision of a single artist, is another common reason cited for why games cannot be art. However, can't the same be said of films or stage productions or any number of other collaborative works of art? The idea behind these creations might originate with one person, but the final product is the result of multiple individuals' thoughts and contributions and efforts.Will video games ever be truly respected as art

forms alongside film, literature, or music? Could a video game cutscene ever beat out an animated short for an Oscar? Or win a film award for best screenplay or cinematography? As video game stories and graphics become more sophisticated, the line that separates a game from a piece of film grows blurrier.Adopting Film Techniques in Video GamesHistorically, members of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (commonly known as The Academy) haven't even considered certain genres of film to be art. But over time, new film styles have broken into the ranks of nominees. For example, The Academy added the Best Animated Feature category to the https://www.mmogo.com/

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