Thank you to everyone who has already given to this year’s Immaculate Heart Annual Fund!
If you’ve already given to the Fund, please review the “Honor Roll of Donors” below. If you made a gift and it’s not listed below, or if we’ve misspelled something, please forgive us, then call or email Stacy at (315) 221-3785 or
If you haven’t yet made a gift, just visit the Immaculate Heart Annual Fund webpage. There is still time to help us exceed this year’s goal of $90,000 by June 30!
So far, gifts to the fund total $74,444. This includes gifts from alumni, parents, grandparents, parishioners, Pastors, Sisters, community leaders … and over 96% of IHC’s faculty.
Your generosity is making a big difference for our students and faculty. You have enriched the experience of our students. You have helped many families who want a Catholic education for their children but have some financial need. You have helped make enormous strides integrating technology in the classroom, better preparing our students, and giving our teachers the tools they need. The list goes on!
The Immaculate Heart Annual Fund “Honor Roll of Donors,” 2013-2014
Leaders in Mission Lifetime Giving Society – $15,000 or more
Mr. T. Urling Walker ($5,000 per year for 3 years)
Sisters of St. Joseph Lifetime Giving Society – $10,000 to $14,999
The 1881 Society – $5,000 to $9,999
Mark and Maria Purcell
The Benefactors’ Society – $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Patrick E. Rheaume, IHA ’48 *
Mr. Thomas G. Coseo, IHA ’53 *
M. Constance FitzGerald, IHA ’39 (3 gifts): * - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ’78, and in memory of James and William FitzGerald
Anonymous Alumnus* - in honor of the IHC Faculty and Staff
The Cornerstone Society – $1,000 to $2,499
Mr. Kevin Wiley *
Mary and Ted Mascott *
Polly and Rich Matarese - in honor of Chrissy, Carrie, Scott, and Liz
Christin Daughterty Filippelli, IHC ’94 * - in honor of Sr. Cecilia Marie Hermann, SSJ
Tim and Diane Monroe
Reverend Monsignor Paul Whitmore, IHA ’46 - in memory of Sr. Teresa Lambert, SSJ
Mark Neveldine, IHC ’91
Patsy and Jean Doldo *
Jim and Betty Coughlin *
Pat Donoghue, IHC ’77 - in memory of John and Jean Donoghue
Mr. Jayme & Mrs. JoAnn St. Croix, IHC ’74 & ’75
Helen and Andre Charlebois (2 gifts)
The Faculty and Staff of IHC Schools
Anonymous Alumnus* - in honor of the IHC Faculty and Staff
The Legacy Club – $500 to $999
Beth (O’Brien) and Chris Hornbarger, IHC ’87 *
Rev. Arthur J. LaBaff *
Randy and Beth Fipps, IHC ’83 *
Rev. Steven Murray *
Kay Hoffman
Joseph and Helen Cannella, IHA ’53 and ’54
Jan St. Croix, IHC ’76 *
Rose Oliver Frattali, IHA ’49 *
Patrick Knapp, IHC ’69 * - in memory of Helen Burkhard Mattraw
Peter and Verna Crabb *
Edward and Tracy Valentine *
Steve and Sandra Petrillose - in memory of Edward J. Petrillose
Dr. Marlene and Mr. Cyril Mouaikel *
Sisters of St. Joseph * - in memory of deceased Sisters of St. Joseph
Dave and Tina O’Neil, IHC ’90 *
Dennis M. Mastascusa, IHC ’75 - in memory of Beverly and Joseph Mastascusa
Joe and Bobbi Brabant, IHC ’71
Dr. Joseph Battista and Dr. Pamela Schultz * - in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Battista, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Battista
David and Rose Missert
Reverend Michael Gaffney
Mr. Clarence J. Eckhoff, Jr., IHA ’52
Christopher & Martha Smith, IHC ’82
Knights of Columbus 259 of Watertown
The Cavalier Club – $250 to $499
Rev. Donald A. Robinson *
Mr. and Mrs. Mark West *
St. Bartholomew’s Parish of Old Forge
John J. Gaffney
Bev and Carl Lamica *
Augie Capone, IHA ’58 - in memory of Angie Capone
Gary and Kim West *
Roxanne Root Pratt, IHA ’53 - in memory of Madoly and Leonard Root
Shawn W. Granger Landscaping & Snow Removal *
Jay & Dawn Stone * - in memory of Mickey and Oneita Derrigo
Ms. Sally L. Scanlon - in memory of Joseph P. Lundy & Dr. John E. Scanlon
Reverend Mark Reilly - in honor of all my former colleagues and students
Dave and Mary Gebo, IHC ’72 - in memory of Julie Alteri
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Rich, IHC ’84 * - in memory of Helen Irene Spicer
Leo W. Scully, IHA ’49 *
Jim and Donna Donegan
Robert and Charisse Martinucci
Charles J. Peckham, IHA ’50 *
Kari and David Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Michelle Cozzie, IHC ’78
Joseph J. LaClair, IHC ’70
Ford Fay - in honor of James J. Finnerty, IHC ’76, and in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Paul and Lynn Trimper
Michael St. Croix, IHC ’05 - in memory of Ferne Kobel
The Blue-and-White Club – $100-$249
Kathy and Michael A. Lettiere, Sr., IHC ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clough, IHC ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Narrow
Mr. William and Mrs. Barbara O’Leary, IHA ’48 and ’47
Mr. Richard J. Van Aranm, IHC ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Connolly *
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hauk
Joven and Vicki
Mr. Richard Coseo, IHA ’42
James and Janice Norris
Richard Spinelli, IHA ’59 - in memory of Sr. Consuella, SSJ
Ms. Patricia Anderson, IHA ’55
Kathryn G. Stone, IHA ’57
Michael and Lori Delaney, IHC ’68
James and Janice St. Croix, IHA ’51 and ’52 - in memory of our parents
Al and Emily Frechette, IHA ’58 - in honor of Sr. Francesca Tundo, SSJ
Carol Brown, IHC ’67
Nate Carbone * - in memory of Rita M. Carbone
Peter G. Ronan, IHC ’73
Mary (Mecomonaco) Daley
Rev. Kevin J. O’Brien *
George W. Feisthamel, IHA ’55
George Maurer, IHC ’68 * - in memory of Alice Coughlin, IHC ‘68
Lisa A. Frattali Jack, IHC ’76 - in honor of Rose E. Frattali, IHA ‘49
Senator Hugh T. Farley, IHA ’48 *
Jeff Gaus, IHC ’86
Mrs. Theresa Puccia, IHA ’49 *
Martha J. Canale Schnurr, IHA ’48 * - in memory of the Canale Family, and Florence and George Schnurr
Robert M. Haskey, IHA ’49 *
The Ranger Family *
Dr. Elizabeth M. Meyerdierks, IHC ’73
Mr. Michael Abbass, IHC ’89
George and Katie Peacock, IHA ’51 - in honor of and in memory of our wonderful teachers
Robert and Elaine Bamann * - in honor of the great education our grandsons have received
David and Barbara Cardinal
Rose Battista
Patrick Lyng, IHC ’70
Don Pepp, IHA ’53
Mrs. Thelma E. Koelmel, IHA ’36 * - in memory of my husband, William A. Koelmel
Catherine M. Conroy (Musselman), IHA ’45 - in memory of Norine, Bernard, Francis and Tom Musselman
Allen Morgan, IHC ’74
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Flynn, III - in honor of William J. Flynn, Jr., IHA ’74 and Mary E. (Easton) Flynn, IHA ‘48
Virgina C. Palumbo * - in memory of Mary Ann Palumbo Tompkins
Dave and Sue Guyton, IHC ’80 - in memory of Walter J. Zapf, and in honor of the Class of 1980
Heather Derrigo, IHC ’00 * - in memory of John A. Morgia
Dennis and Kareta Olshfski, IHC ’68
Mary Ann Larney, IHA ’55
William and Anna Murrock, IHA ’45
Thomas &-Kathleen Austin Kennedy, IHC ’65 & ’66 * - in memory of Stephen Austin
Mrs. Richard J. Gillen, Sr. - in memory of Richard J. Gillen, Sr., IHA ‘50
Michael Gilbert, IHC ’86
Donald L. Pepp, IHA ’53
Robert Flora, IHA ’48 * - in memory of the Flora Family
Ann Marie Conley, IHA ’44 * - in memory of John and Jean Donoghue
Diane and Louis Connell
Frank M. Reff, IHC ’87 - in memory of Marin J. Reff
Katey Secor, IHC ’95 - in memory of Wilma Baker
Pat Spaziani, IHA ’62
Brian and Michelle Watson, IHC ’85 *
Kathleen Beattie, IHA ’49 * - in honor of Sr. James Marie, SSJ
Joan McClusky *
Barbara Cean O’Leary, IHA ‘47 & William E. O’Leary, IHA ’48
Stephanie Stark Layton, IHC ’65 *
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Stern
Cindy Faulknham, IHC ’69 * - in memory of Richard and Mary Faulknham
Catherine Boulton Carr, IHA ’48 *
Margi F. Flood, IHC ’75
Dr. and Mrs. James Finnerty - in memory of Revered Timothy Soucy
Patricia Gaffney Stewart, IHA ’60
Celeste Ocampo Phillips, IHC ’83
Rev. Douglas G. Comstock *
Dr. and Mrs. John Poggi
Derouin’s Plumbing & Heating Inc. *
Tim Keohane, IHC ’82
Mary Hoffman, IHC ’74
Delores “Mills” Signor, IHA ’54
Robert J. Burkhard, IHC ’73 *
IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program
Greg Hare, IHC ’84 - in memory of Mary E. Hare
Ellen B. Downer, IHA ’62 *
Steve Carbone, IHC ’78 - in memory of Rita Carbone
Mary Hastings Chamberlain, IHA ’53 * - in memory of The Ellen G. Sboro Fund
Paul Higgins - in memory of my beloved wife, Irene P. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. William Barden
Terry Burgess - in memory of the deceased Sisters of St. Joseph
Janet Deegan, IHC ’73 *
James Bonner, Jr., IHA ’55 *
Timothy R. O’Brien, IHC ’83 *
Dawn and Michael Caldwell
Peter H. Gaffney, IHA ’54
Kristopher Reff, IHC ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Purcell - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Helen R. Guardino-Trimm - in memory of William A. Trimm, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Soderquist - in honor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, and in memory of Carl & Simone Soderquist, Jane Malkoske
Charles Windeknecht - in honor of Susan Beryesa and Brennan Agajan, and in memory of Jude Agajan
Betty Burkhard Jacobs , IHA ’61
Michael G. Powers, IHA ’61
Rachel and Daine Battista - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Ms. Eleanor Percy, IHA ’49
Tom and Nancy DeLosh, IHA ’61 and ’59 *
Barbara and Thomas Wright
Ms. Linda Schepis-Forte, IHC ’72 - in memory of Virginia and Joseph Schepis
The Kamide Family - in memory of Christopher J. Kamide
Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Rosemarie St. Croix, IHC ’73 & ’74 *
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gaetano *
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doell *
Neil Bourcy, IHA ’52 *
Stephen and Karen Wise
Mr. and Mrs. James Meko
Laurie and Thomas Roman
The DeTragLia’s - in memory of Claudia Kostyk, IHA ‘61
Philip Lyman, IHC ’67 - in memory of Frederick and Phyllis Lyman
James O’Reilly, IHA ’59 - in memory of Herbert, Katherine and David O’Reilly
JoAnn Haley Maguire, IHA ’60 - in memory of James and Kathleen Haley
Mark Sennett, IHC ’75
Awanda Mills
Sallie O’Brien, IHA ’44 - in memory of Sr. Consuella
Jack and Marylou Trombley
Mary E. Marino, IHC ’66 - in memory of Edward “Marty” Lyng
Other Gifts
The Clipper Inn
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Netto *
Kay Moran, IHA ’49
Rev. John R. Yonkovig, IHC ’69 *
Anna and Kenneth W. Brett, Jr., IHA ’64 * - in honor of Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ
Jim and Clare Lafferty *
Jason Valvo, IHC ’95
Barbara K. Boyle Beattie, IHA ’46 - in memory of John R. Beattie
Mike and Cathy Deline, IHC ’70 *
Darcy and Matt Norfolk, IHC ’91 and ’91
Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Morehouse - in honor of Sr. Ellen Rose Coughlin, SSJ
Margaret Towsley Martin, IHC ’74 *
Jack and Andera Engel - in honor of Julie Alteri
Jim Neale, IHA ’51 - in memory of Anna Neale
Mr. George and Mrs. Mary Towsley, IHA ’40
Elizabeth Zapf Hohl, IHC ’75 - in memory of Walter J. Zapf
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Mary O’Connor, IHC ’83 *
Dave and Yvonne Graham, IHC ’99 *
Patricia “Keefe” Wright, IHA ’48 - in memory of deceased Sisters of St. Joseph
Leo and Fran Gozalkowski *
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pignone
Edmund Roache, M.D.
Catherine (Lawler) Myers - in memory of Kevin P. Lawler
Brenda Lillie Donato, IHA ’61
William H. Hermann, IHA ’50 and Mary Finley Hermann, IHA ’54 *
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis
John K. Northrop, IHA ’61 *
Christina Liberatos, IHC ’67
Mrs. Mary C. Gaus - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Ruth Seaman
Lori Jenkins - in honor of Payl and Marybeth Finnerty, and in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
South Portland Business Association - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Doreen Bunyea
Mr. Jayme and Mrs. JoAnn St. Croix, IHC ’74 & ’75 - in honor of Mary Finnerty, and in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Theresa M. Puccia, IHA ’49 *
IHC High School Staff
Bob and Toni Norris, IHA ’53 - in honor of the Class of 1953
Marthaw Sprague Grant, IHC ’78 *
Elizabeth Walsh - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Sheila Emminger, IHC ’74 - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Joseph Butler, IHA ’54
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Missert, Jr., IHC ’97
Sarah and Lance Campbell
Gary Morgia, IHC ’68 - in honor of all past & future staff, clergy and coaches at IHC
Mrs. Robin Kinne *
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Flint
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carroll *
Mr. Robert Pare
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Garrabrant *
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard, IHC ’90
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Palumbo, Jr., IHC ’71
Ann Gondek Spaziani, IHA ’60 *
Mr. Joe Butler, Sr., IHA ’54 - in honor of Nancy Butler
Mildred McDermott, IHA ’52 *
Rita Mecomonaco Phillipson, IHA ’47 *
Mary Ann Yuhas, IHC ’78 *
John M. Rayome, IHA ’53 - in memory of all the deceased of the IHA Class of 1953, and in memory of Sally A. Rayome
Robert J. Puffer, IHA ’63 - in honor of the IHA Class of 1963
Mary M. Anderson, IHC ’66 - in memory of Margaret and Katherine Flood
Mary E. Dermady, IHC ’67 - in memory of Robert and Jane Dermady
Anthony and Mary Izzo - in memory of Lance C. Marzano
Dorothea A. Gallagher, IHA ’44 - in memory of Gilles C. Wood-Thomas
George P. Smits, Sr., IHA ’42
Roy S. and Alice L. Viscount, IHA ’54
Pat and Carol Fontana, IHA ’61 and ’62
Erin Kelly Hanhauser, IHC ’87
Dorothy M. Wilson, IHA ’43 - in memory of Delmar Wilson
Mark B. Eves, IHC ’04
Nanci A. Eves, IHC ’69
Barbara Henry Devito, IHA ’48 * - in memory of Anselm and Minnie W. Henry
Donna J. Rizzo, IHA ’60
David and Mary Petzoldt Bell, IHA ’66
Julie Babcock Marrin, IHC ’72 *
Mary M. Kelly, IHA ’44 * - in memory of Joseph Kelly
Clare Carroll, IHA ’49 *
Carl O. Herman, IHA’ 54
Margaret Flynn Fiorentino, IHC ’75 *
William T. Massaro, IHC ’81
Robert F. Anthony, IHA ’44 * - in memory of Richard G. Lynch
Shirley A Taylor, IHA ’52 *
Ms. Dianne M. Kerins, IHA ’54 *
Robert Blake, IHC ’82
Rhonda (Martini) Romeo, IHC ’74 *
Cindy McKee
Richard Poli, IHA ’61
Clare Carroll, IHA ’49 and Family - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Edith Marsala - in memory of Ed Finnerty, IHC ‘78
Michele and John Davison
Debbie and Peter Sovie *
Jayne Brady, IHC ’72 *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boucher
Ms. Scarlett Kinley, IHA ’59
Bev Hennigan and Children - in memory of Deacon David Hennigan
Jane Morgia - in memory of John A. Morgia
Christine Babick Leween, IHC ’69 - in memory of Andrew Babick
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Uliano *
Ms. Judith A. Norris *
Anonymous * - in memory of Donald Kelly, IHA ‘54
Mildred McDermott, IHA ’52 *
Carol (Briceland) and John Graham, IHC ’68 * - in memory of Alice Coughlin and the Alice Coughlin Scholarship Fund
Linda G. Piddock *
Emily Yandoh, IHC ’91
Aaron M. West, IHC ’12 - in honor of Daniel Charlebois and Aimee Biedekapp
Don and Kay Alteri
Carol C. Tesch
The Family of Walter Zapf - in memory of Walter Zapf
John P. Cannella
John Montondo, IHC ’86 *
Benjamin Paul - in memory of Malie Paul and Fr. Mario
John Hornbarger, IHC ’12
Carolyn E. Bezy Montondo, IHA ’58
James E. Fortune, IHA ’63 - in memory of Philip R. Fortune
Kerri and George Gonas
Helen T. Goss
Joni Hale, IHC ’78 - in memory of Tom and Shirley Blake