BSNL and Penta today launched its new feature phone in the Indian market, named as the Penta Bharat Phone PF300. This new device is a joint effort from both the companies and is mainly targeted for the rural and semi-urban areas.
The companies claim that Penta Bharat Phone PF300 is India’s first internet ready phone at the price of 1799 Rupees. The BSNL Penta Bharat Phone features a 3 inch display with a standard keyboard at the bottom. The phone runs on Java operating system. The Penta Bharat Phone allows basic internet usage like Email, Facebook, downloading music and videos.
This device supports Dual SIM cards and is powered by a 1800 mAh battery. The company claims standby time of 15 days and 10 hours of talk time from this battery. Furthermore, the Penta Bharat Phone PF300 is packed with a 64 MB of RAM and 64 MB of internal storage.
The BSNL Penta Bharat Phone PF300 also sports a 1.3 MP camera. This device also comes pre-bundeled wit 1200 minutes of talktime on BSNL networks.
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