
actually this is wrong this is the only spot where youre allowed to touch her

WATCH OUT for a great big bunch of asks under the cut from the last few weeks, a real doozy of asks this time, if thats a real amount i can say. how much is a doozy. theres a lot of em

ALSO i havent really been on here a lot lately ! and a big part of that is because ive been workin on a Commission for the last month for a game company, but thats coming to a close Very Soon and id like to thank everybody for stickin around, even though its been Very Boring over here lately. it really means a lot  !!

YES but under the stipulation that you buy a REALLY expensive cake and i get half of it

oh no its not directly on her dewlap ! its actually clipped onto a little hairband, that i then lassooed around her neck for the photo (but not tightly or anything) and you cant see it because its hidden under her little cheek jowls but it is There

WOAH HEY THERE  im not sure this is a situation where i can offer a really informed opinion ! while making a connection with someone based on shared interests/hobbies can be super fufilling, youve got to step back and decide if youre compatible with this person outside of that, and if theyre interested in something other than friendship in first place

its smart to be cautious about starting something, especially if youve had bad experiences in the past ! but its also important to learn from those bad situations and move past them, and not let them prevent what might be a wonderful thing with a new person. in the end only you can judge if this is something you might want. maybe try voicing some of your concerns with their behaviour and go from there ? how a person reacts to small criticism can be a big indicator of how things will go in more serious arguments

of course if youre tryin to just. Bury it and keep moving forward, just keep talking with em. either things will fade or they wont and youll have to eat your emotions for Years. it is already Too Late

ahaha oh yeah i definitely got it down now ! at the TIME tho i was like WHAT DID I DO,,, ITS BROKEN,,,,, ONCE AGAIN THESE HANDS HAVE PROVEN THEY CAN ONLY DESTROY thank you though !

OOOF yeah it happens once in a while -honestly as long as my url is still attached to whatever it is i dont mind Too Much, but its still pretty annoying they didnt bother to ask first

do you really… wanna put this eyeball with stick legs on your body. im not gonna stop you youre unstoppable

YES but i have No Nail Polish in the whole house ! im definitely considering buying her a set of those. cat soft paws claw covers though. she doesnt mean it but handling wasabi is like gripping a big wiggly snake made of knives

ahh i use a wacom pen and touch drawing tablet paired with adobe photoshop cs2 !

i dunno how to tell you this but i am Not That Big a Deal definitely not on the same level as this

H M M well, its pretty common for a lot of lizards to throw their arms back while theyre relaxing or sunbathing and just means theyre comfortable - im not sure why your beardie only ever does ONE, but it could be so theyve got an arm left to scramble around with in case things go Bad in the Bath ? it sounds kinda like theyre enjoying the bath but are still  …  . suspicious

im having such a weird sense of deja vu this is EXA C TLY the kind of message i used to send to artists i really admired on neopets ahah the THING IS, while im definitely open to making potential new buds, actually making that kind of connection with someone is a little more complicated than just asking HEY WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH ME

im just some regular person who happens to draw a lot ! thats it !! and so you gotta just approach me as you would any rando that youre potentially interested in being buds with. start a conversation, maybe, about something were both interested in ? and dont assume that if we dont sync up immediately its your fault or anything, because these things can take time ! (also youve made a Grade A Mistake in assuming that i am not also … . … very pathetic)


thank you for this, the highest honour i can imagine

ahhhhhhh  H H H H H

O HH yeah ive had em. ive been going through kinda of a dry period RIGHT NOW actually, where it feels like im not doing anything for myself and the things i DO spit out are really bland and uninteresting, and everything else is commissions ha ha hHA

and the thing is, there isnt really a miracle cure to get back into it. theres gonna be periods where  you absolutely dont want to draw, where putting your pencil down on paper feels like pulling teeth, and you gotta push yourself through it anyway

if youre hoping to jumpstart your motivation again, the best bet youve got would be to find something that inspires you in any way - maybe its scribbling a bunch of fruit with legs and faces. go for it !! maybe its doodling fifty of the same eyeball on a piece of notebook paper. thats something !  some of my favourite go -tos are throwing two different animals together and drawing the result, or prompt generators (like the fursona one, or the monster person generator - just search em on google theyll pop up)

with a lot of things, getting started is the hardest part ! but even sketching is still drawing, even if the drawings dont go anywhere you feel is important. they still count ! you just gotta make yourself take the first step

HMM WELL ! ive got a few things along those lines thatre maybe helpful in my art-talk tag - otherwise id recommend prrbs shrimp method for getting better at One particular thing, and maybe seeing a few peoples speed paints  to get an idea of how they do things

OOF honestly by the time i answer this itll probably be w a y y after ytou need this message oh man but. try gently soaking it in water that doesnt go over its head - if possible grasp it in a wet washcloth, and genty run clean water over all of the places where the bleach ewater touched, trying to rinse off any traces of it - alligator lizards dont really tame well (or so ive heard) and so if you DO keep it as a pet the biting probably Will Not Stop (luckily theyre usually pretty small and so this doesnt do a ton of damage)

FIRST up though youve got to confirm if its actually an alligator lizard, and what kind ! then youve got to pick up all the proper bulbs and lighting, and make sure that youve got a large enough tank to house it as an adult (if its not one already) a lizards a lot more work than just throwing one in a ten gallon tank and feeding it crickets !  as long as you do all your research and get the right supplies IMMEDIATELY, though, youll be fine !

o h h man i DO have fish. i have Accident fish, in that the only reason i have any fish is because once like four years ago, someone asked me to watch their goldfish for a month and NEVER CAME BACK for em

originally there were two inch and a half goldfish in a tiny ten galon tank, and i wasnt too intereted in em. and then one of them DIED and i felt TERRIBLE and i bought a thirty gallon at a goodwill and got the reamining orange fish another goldfish buddy

now four damn years have passed and the tank is has been upgraded YET AGAIN to a 55 gallon. the goldfish are both five and a half inches long, surrounded by literally a bunch of bricks and fake cacti and a plastic crocodile skull. did you know you can put bricks safely in a fishtank ?? you do now. i wanted to fill the whole thing with lego models because those are ALSO apparently fishtank safe, but legos are stupid expensive and my fish dont even have hands. they cant enjoy them

SSSS ort of ? about three years ago i spent ONE SINGLE YEAR at a school called PNCA, discovered i was a really shitty student, and dropped the Heck Out

thats not to say that attending an art-centric college is a waste of time ! theres a lot of opportunities and connections you can make there thatre otherwise much harder to come by ! just that it didnt work out for Me Personally, and i a c tually was a lot more u h hhh hh productive …once i left

oohohOHOH try yiq and theveryworstthing - theyre some of my favorite creature creators honestly theyre great

Yes Absolutely

ayy well THIS website is incredible for green iguana care - i get most of my help with wasabi here, and id definitely check it out if you havent already !

AA H H GEEZ THANK YOU and  N A H H definitely not a Full Time anything on here, i barely have enough time to post things every other day and jump off, which i W w a y different than the “post a ton every single day” i used to be able to do a year back

the biggest thing i do is freelance commissions ! and usua l l y these are dragon hoard type things, but every once in a while (and in fact RIGHT NOW ill get a job from a Big Company whose artwork is either something im not supposed to put up, or somethign thats too goddamn bland to be worth mentioning, really

SO i end up workin on ALL THAT and neglecting doing things thatre actually interesting, and it looks like im Away forever ahahah

a h h im INTERESTED but im not sure if im gonna have time for it in the next few weeks ! this month is SUPER busy for me, along with the first part of next month too - as long as you dont have an  immediate deadline id be open to talking about it tho !

Beware of Sharp Bits

the HOATZIN yes

there i am

WELL once a day i take wasabi into the bathroom, run a little warm water in the tub, and then wait for her to do her Business , , , something about being in water stimulates a lot of reptiles to Release the Big Poop. afterwards i just clean and disinfect the tub !

basically you just gotta pay attention and make sure to learn their behaviour (epseically right before the Shit Taking, because wasabi at least follows more or less the same pattern every time she needs to use the bathroom and its pretty easy at this point for me to spot)

OOF im not sure i can help you with this one - ultimately if your friend is interested in having something other than friendship with you and you dont want that, theyre going to be upset. YOU however are not responsible for them feeling that way ! if it ever comes up, be polite but firm in your refusal, and assure them that its not a reflection of how they are as a person, you just dont think that the two of you are compatible in that way , and that it doesnt mean you dont value them in your life any less

theyll probably want some distance afterwards, but that doesnt mean you have to cut yourself off completely ! these kinds of things usually wedge a gap in friendships that take time to mend - sometimes all you can do is be patient, let your friend know youre thinking about them, and hope for the best

favorite Reptile: Every

lizard reason; the Leg

Snake reason: the no leg

gator reason: big many teeth

turt: flat back home

tuatara reason:  Lizard Disguise

dinosaurt: as with all of us, you were but a brief and brilliant light int he grand scheme of things and im sorry we never met. i love you

LISTEN buddy i have NEVER washed a BEE in my ENTIRE LIFE

Tell Alex To Come Find Me So We Can Duel This Out my location: the Woods

things you Dont Need but are helpful : a drawing program (photoshop, sai, gimp, firealpaca ect), a drawing tablet (wacom, monoprice, ect)

things you Do Need: practice a whole bunch even when you dont want to, even if you hate what youre turning out because frequently you Will, and progress is going to seem impossibly slow but it is Happening and you will Get Better

it is NOT although im definitely curious about what prompted this ? ?

a h h honestly probably not , , im sorta hitching a ride with a few buds of mine, and unless they agree to go up there then well probably just stick to vancouver !

ayy yeah go ahead, thanks for asking !

oh geez i REALLY dont think i can help with this one im so sorry youre in that situation - if youve got your own bank account its probably a good idea to open a paypal account, so you can potentially earn money that can then be used to get you better food in bad situations - even if you cant draw, selling little doodles for a dollar, or origami or or poems or homemade jewely or ANYTHING small can help keep you going when things get really bad. get creative ! people are definitely more willing to buy something when they know the persons actually in need

if none of those are an option, daily vitamins are your friend. if possible ask for gift cards for large chain stores that carry groceries instead of other items, because those things last ages and definitely come in handy when you need em later , , , if youre able to walk around and have spare time, its possible you could hit up garage sales and buy items that you know could be sold to a  pawn shop or a friend for a higher price ? craigslist is also an option if you have something to sell but dont know where to do it at !

IF youre still going to school and have cafeteria lunches, maybe get into the habit of bringing tupperware or some other containers that you could take home the excess in, and also snag the leftovers of your friends ??

i know when i used to be super broke and tryin to stay healthy id get a huge bag of carrot sticks and just snack on em all the time - whenever you DO get something in the house that you feel might spoil before you eat it all, just throw that thing in the freezer so you can eat it gradually

im not sure if my malnutrition you mean not getting enough to eat in general, or that theyre only buying unhealthy junk food type items (or some other situation) and im not sure if any of these will be applicable or helpful, but i really hope things turn around for you soon

cover the area with an entire ball python

a h h geez thank you ! i guess i just sorta got out of the habit ( plus im also more or less ok with the flesh body im in ) but i wouldnt mind gettin back into it HMM


ahahah you mean the little art type things that i preface with “HEY I DONT KNOW IF THIS WILL HELP YOU”? all of em are under the art-talk tag !

WELL the thing is, while i could give you a step by step on the lines that go into ONE PARTICULAR POSE of something, it wouldnt go very far in helping you in learning to draw the actual animal itself - if youre trying to get better at one particular subject though, ive heard really good things about the shrimp method !

i personally feel that the stereotype of all iguanas as financially adept marketing geniuses is very harmful, putting too much pressure on those lizards with non-business inclinations to conform to the mold or “waste their potential”, and diminishing the accomplishments of those who DO make it into the field by their own hard work

ayy yeah no problem, im over in beaverton! lived here for about three/four years now, so im right next to ya

OOF im sorry youre goin through this, living with shitty parents is always hard , , , i dont think you should give up on the friendship entirely ! ultimately youre going to do a lot of things that your parents will disapprove of, but that will make you happy, and youve got the benefit of being totally in the right on this one

IF possible id try to set up the meeting with them and the one parent that youre more comfortable with them meeting, but if thats not looking like an option and you dont want to expose them to any potential abuse, you might have to either postpone it until a time where you can meet em alone, or have them meet you in a place closer to your home, so you can travel there alone or at least be dropped off without constant supervision

sorry i cant offer more, hope it goes alright !

foam, tape, cardboard, fleece, paint, blood, sweat, not neccessarily in that order


hey no problem they wouldnt let me attend their brunches anyway something about smuggling pancakes under my jacket which only happened maybe once


WELL for the most part im more or less alright with it, as long as my url is still somewhere on there , or theyre not claiming it as something theyve drawn - if theyve cut it off intentionally or they ARE saying they drew it though feel free to yell at em who does that

generally i feel that a lot of peope who post unsourced art arent doing it maliciously, but like in a  “look what i found” kinda way - STILL though i believe that art should definitely be sourced if possible, and a gentle message explaining why its important usually gets the job done  (as does an explanation of how google image search works heyoo)

yo i think its from a little local seller  im sure if you looked up business catual though you might be able to snag a bow online somewhere !

there will be No Spider on Spider Interaction in This Household

i would Die

I CAN T,,,,, AFFORD A FUCKIN SMART PHONE ITS GONNA BE ME WATCHIN EVERYONE ELSE CATCHIN POKEMON, LUGIA AND CATERPIE AND SHIT JUST SITTING ON THE SIDEWALK YELLING “THERES NOTHING THERE !!” AT EVERYONE, BEING A HUGE ASSHOLE but really im most interested in how they determine what pokemon show up at what time, and how itll integrate with the surroundings theyre on it should be fascinating to watch in action, even if its not me playing it

oh BELIEVE ME… . . Nobody is more annnoyed at the hijacking of that post wth false information than Me because THEN everybodfy else constantly corrects it and ive gotta read indignant responses like “no its NOT” over and over again for eternity until we all die

thank you

thats is the Man he is your friend

HMM WELL im not exactyl sure where your stress is STEMMING from, but if its anxiety just in Gerneral, something that used to really help me chil out a bit was reminding myself that everyone else is generally too focused on their own lives to pay too much attention to what youre doing ! and that any mistakes you make are DEFINITELY not as big as you make them out to be, and are generally forgotten within a week, if not immediately by everyone else

if its the potential workload thats stressing you out,  sometimes its helpful to get into the habit of making mini schedules - sorta like “this is what i need to do TODAY and this is all the stuff that i can do later”  ( of course then you actually gotta follow through and that almost never happened with me ahah)

someone dropped like 12 of these in my inbox all at once i hope youre happy, wherever you are, mysterious dong dropper

oh NO i know EXACTLY what video youre talking about but i dont know the NAME - pretty sure the lizard involved was a tegu of some kind ?? i DID reblog it and its somewhere in my babes tag …  rate-my-reptile has ALSO reblogged it at some point, if you dont see it in there  !

hhhah HAHH A YES this house is FILLED with rocks that i hoard in boxes and jars everywhere for no real reason its a compulsion please help me

i dont even DISPLAY them really, just sorta pile em in my room - i placed a few good ones Specially on this Tiny Shelf for this photo

theres ALSO a lot of em in a flat paned glass bowl that im growing a bamboo plant in

plus this Big Piece of gypsum from a mineral exhibit …

and this REALLY NICE hunk of picasso jasper i picked up at a little rock shop with a few friends

and THEN ive got two big boxes of all these. clamshell fossils that were just GIVEN to me at an antique store after i said i wanted to get ONE they just gave me like fourty of em for FREE it was incredible and now i just Have Them i might give a few away on here actually. or trade. theres a lot more of em around here too please give me your rocks


man that sounds ADORABLE a h h but all of the hoards are commissions, not suggestions ! fingers crossed someone on the waitlist wants it though dang

HEY WOAH slow down ! a h h  i dont actively hate anyone, or even truly Dislike a lot of people - im just really terrible at communication and maintaining relationships with Everybody on the Face o This Planet, so if it seems like im ignoring you or have hurt you somehow its not intentional !! im sorry if this has bothered you a lot but youre FINE ok youre doing fine im just Some Person on the internet like please dont put a lot of feeling in what i have to say anyway i promise it doesnt mean much

do not get attached to notes my friend ( im saying this in an immortan joe voice)

a h h the dragons are so cute ! the art style reminds me a little of digimon smashed together with neopets, honestly , and theres so MANY desgins oh man

ayyy yeah im definitely ok with it ! itd be pretty shitty if i WASNT like, im definitely not the first person whos combined fruit with something before ahahah go ahead, id love to see em when youre done !

H M M do you mean … the gryphons from a while back ? because thats all just my hand right there, just the way my hand writes things - its honestly like the only kind of “special font” i know, i use it on everytthing that needs a title ahah AS FOR coloring ! for blending specifically, i usually just just put down one of the colors, take the other color im trying to blend on a really low opaticy, and then just layer brush strokes over and over in the right place until i like the look of it - i know thats not SUPER helpful, but if you dig around in my art-talk tag you might find a little step by step in there that could help you out !

print them out and glue them to a brick and then throw it into my window NAH my submit box should be open again when i finally finish up the thing im doin and get back on here again !

YES thats me ! and its cs2, but its definitely a step up from say. using absolutely nothing, or screaming into the sky
its right HERE but you have to make an account first to access it !

honestly in my experience, im not sure this feeling ever DOES entirely go away - i cant really consider myself a beginner artist anymore but im still feel the just, constant inadiquacy when im trying to do something new or actually serious ahaha
the best you can do is to tell yourself youre still growing, and so are they - theyve just had more a head start than you, but even the people you look up to started at the bottom at some point !

one year ago it wouldve been near impossible for me to do a lot of the things im making now -  you just gotta keep pushing yourself and eventually youll be in the same position, looking back on how far youve come (and if you KEEP going people will start asking YOU for advice and itll be super surreal which i know because it still is for me )

(this means thank you)

hhh ahaha ok so my friend whit sends me this ask outta nowehere one day, like three in the morning oon my end, and all it says is “i used to wash bees”
NO context at all, i hadnt been talking about bees or anything, it just come outta nowhere
and i thought it was Hysterical, spent the rest of the following day responding to everything with pictures of bees and bathtubs and shit it was a really dark time
and the tag is sort of like a monument, a reminder never to forget lest history repeat itself

a hh man thats rough - i end up workin about 40 or so myself but im A L SO  … . workin mostly from Home, definitely not comprable  and THED RAGON is super vague ive done SO many of em ahahah but whatever one it is, im ok with it ! just let me see a picture when its finished  !

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