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News, stories and media buzz related to Igroid

  • The Solution to Happiness
    via earlytorise

    Our nation has a happiness fetish. Each year, publishers print thousands of books on the subject. Talk show hosts offer advice from psychologists and therapists. Magazine covers promise “The Short-Cut to Happiness” or “The 7 Secrets...

  • (p)AAP and the media nexus!
    via serious--fun.blogspot

    The following article was written for Niti Central. Pasting it here for reference. The recent viral video of serial liar Arvind Kejriwal asking Punya Prasun Bajpai to play up sections of his interview is not the only proof of friendly media exaggeration...

  • Tactical Distractions
    via christforums

    It became painfully clear the first time my wife and I collaborated on a writing project that procrastination was going to be a major obstacle. Her role was to edit my work and keep me on schedule; my role seemed to be to drive her crazy. Most times...

  • “The real contentment comes only when there is no desire, no hankering in your mind for anything.” Babaji would sometimes wax eloquent while talking about contentment in life: “The real contentment comes only when there is no desire, no hankering in...

  • It became painfully clear the first time my wife and I collaborated on a writing project that procrastination was going to be a major obstacle. Her role was to edit my work and keep me on schedule; my role seemed to be to drive her crazy. Most times...

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