
The Anabolic Diet by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale is an absolutely brilliant diet plan for shedding fat and retaining and gaining muscle.

The basics of the plan are very low carb through the week, high fat, high protein. On the weekend (or what ever days you choose, 36-48hrs) you carb up, also known as a “re-feed” in some circles.

What this diet seeks to accomplish naturally, is to regulate testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin in a way similar (though not to the same scale obviously) to what is possible when taking certain prescription drugs used for building muscle.

I won’t go into full detail of how the diet works because you really need to read the words from the Dr. himself. Keep in mind the name has changed over the years. The Anabolic Solution for Bodybuilders, The Anabolic Solution for Powerlifters, and the Metabolic Diet are updated, similar versions of the original Anabolic Diet (which is out of print).




Checkout Dr. Di Pasquale’s website


My personal experience with this diet has been great. When I was younger I followed a more normal bodybuilding diet and made OK progress, packed on some mass, lost some weight. But when I would try to cut up, I would never get there. I could not lose stubborn belly fat, even when cutting calories to as low as 1200 a day (a male should NEVER go under 1500 cal a day)

Over the years I would train here and there, but the diet was lacking. I gained muscle, strength, but also fat, LOTS OF FAT! Less than a year ago I recommitted to hardcore training and getting the diet in check. In under a year I’ve lost 100lbs. of fat, gained muscle, and some strength and endurance. The stubborn belly fat is fading away through a combination of the Anabolic Diet and hardcore training. I have no problems with endurance or brain fog on this low carb diet, it’s actually the opposite! I am able to train a straight 3 hours a day no problem.

I just want to mention, you don’t have to train 3 hours a day like I do currently to make gains on this diet! But for my current goals, 3 hours is working for me. A more standard 1-2 hours is more than enough for most people.

With this diet I am seeing more definition than on higher carb diets, and I have way more energy, even while shedding fat, than on higher carb diets. In the video I mention that you do not need all those carbs everyday that many are saying you do. Don’t believe me, check out some actual studies:

(Thanks to Bayesian Bodybuilding for being a great resource of actual science relating to fitness)

Carbs vs. Fat Research

Carbs vs. fat research update

Post-workout carbs: Are you drinking tons of sugar for no reason?

Post-workout carbs: Are you drinking tons of sugar for no reason?

Overall I give The Anabolic Diet an A++ for being the only diet that works for me. It can help you shed fat and retain more muscle than a higher carb plan, and it can help you build more mass without gaining as much fat. I’m currently 2-5 months out from reaching my goal body fat percent, after that I will bulk up with The Anabolic Diet by simply eating more total calories. Everything else stays the same.

If you try this diet, you will probably go overboard on the Re-feeds for a few weeks. This is OK! Once you get in tune with the diet and how your body reacts to it you will be able to “feel” when you have had enough carbs on the weekend. And once you do, be prepared for a focus, energy, and rage that no other diet is going to give you without the addition of drugs.

All of this is from my personal experience. You should always check with your health care professional before making a change in your diet or workout routines!

There is no magic, you still have to put in the work if you want to make gains. But the Anabolic Diet is what works for me. If it works for you too, and even if it does not, let me know in the comments.

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