
by: https://www.clenbuterolonline.com/

Originally designed for treatment of breathing disorders, today Clenbuterol is often used by people aiming to burn fat and achieve weight loss. Clenbuterol pills act by stimulating the Beta-2 receptors, which increases the body temperature and the metabolic rate. The body activity is also increased and the body is provoked to use and burn the stored fat.

When on the correct Clenbuterol cycle, the users are not only building muscles, but they are also preserving them. While taking Clenbuterol users usually lose their appetite, which is especially important for those who cannot control their eating.

Users should be very careful to take the correct dosage of 20 mcg per day up to 120 mcg per day and to feel comfortable with it. The experienced users claim that a dosage of 80 mcg per day usually causes jitters and a dosage of over 100 mcg a day usually causes heart burn.

The pills should be taken with plenty of liquid in the morning along with the breakfast. This will provide enough time for the metabolism to do its job before the night comes and the person goes to bed. The Clenbuterol cycle is a period of two months, followed by a pause of 1.5 weeks. The pills can also be taken according to the scheme 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

When Clenbuterol is taken and is in the body system, some of the users might feel certain side effects that differ from one person to another such as jitters, insomnia, heart burn, etc. Other users feel no side effects at all and handle the pills very well. Sometimes the users can take taurine along with their Clenbuterol pills in order to help them with the cramps, as Clen depletes the L-taurine. Usually, these side effects stop once the users stop taking Clenbuterol pills. It is very important for the users to drink a lot of water when they are taking the Clen pills.

The pills have a long half-life of 30 hours that is why they should not be taken after 6 pm as well. It is also not advisable for the users to start with a high dosage, as the side effects will be too many and the body will need a lot of time to clear. Instead, they should start with the minimum dosage of 20 mcg and then slightly increase it up to 120 mcg. This means that one tablet a day is the safest way to start and then move up. Clenbuterol product brings the same rewards and risks to females as it does to men. Yet women should start with 10 to 20 mcg per day and go up to not more than 100 mcg a day. People that wish to achieve great results should be very careful and take the right dosage that they feel comfortable with.

Most people buy Clenbuterol online from shops based in countries where it is legal, such as Bulgaria and Russia in Europe, and China in Asia.
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