Course Code : MCS-022
Course Title : Operating System Concepts
Assignment Number : MCA(2)/022/Assign/2014-15
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session) 15th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session)
This assignment has four questions. Answer all questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer of each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words.
Question: 1
a) What are the various methods of authentication available in the Linux operating system?
Authentication is typically one of the two main lines of defense that systems and networks rely upon, so ensuring that your authentication subsystems are implemented correctly is important. The majority of Linux systems rely on usernames and passwords, while support for tokens, smartcards and other authentication systems are available they are still relatively rare. On top of this sits PAM, as far as I know all major vendors use PAM by default, so understanding how PAM works and using it correctly is very important.
Following are the various authentication and authorization methods. This isn’t as simple as simply choosing one. Several can interact with each other, for example:
SASL can use pam to determine what authorizations are allowed for a given user
LDAP can use SASL as the authentication mechanism
SASL can use Kerberos tokens for authentication and authorization
passwords for SASL can be looked up from an LDAP server
PAM can use ldap for storing usernames and password authentication information
And different authentication schemes can be used for different applications on the same machine. You could, for example, store username and passwords for ftp in LDAP, authenticate IMAP clients using SASL from username password pairs stored in sasldb, and authenticate ssh clients from the standard /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files and/or stored public keys. While this presents some complexity, like many things in Linux it also provides flexibility.
b) List the drawbacks of Windows 2000 operating system.
Followings are the drawback or disadvantage of Windows 2000 also known as Windows 2000 Professional:
Unlike Windows 95/98, Username and passwords are required user to log on in windows 2000
Hardware compatibility system requirement issues
Having problem to uninstall windows 2000 like windows 98.
And if installation is incomplete there is only way to wipe out data by reformatting the drive and reinstall the OS.
Question: 2
a) Which users/ groups have access to audit logs in windows 2000? Why are audit policies disabled by default?
Auditing is the technique of to handle the problems and security issues which may occur anytime. The Auditing play important roles in the overall security and network system.
Using Windows built-in Auditing System its easy to configure it.
To set up Auditing or to have access to audit logs you have to be an Administrator or a member of Administrator group.
The reason of auditing is disabled by default in the Windows 2000 is that if we enabled it everywhere it will lead to the server to other task or end up with something else but not to auditing, May also affect server and take or use most all process and disk times, that’s the basic reason Auditing is disabled by default by the/in Windows 2000.
b) How does the group policy relate to local policy in windows 2000? Explain.
About Group Policy:
The Windows 2000 has the Group Policies objects stored locally. This technique allows you to create a security options for the users and system which is simple to manage.
Group policy allows system administrator to control section of user’s environment. Group policy can control the features which are provided to the users.If you want to create a desktop configuration for a specific group of users, you would use the Group Policy snap-in. To add an item to a new Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for a local computer
Group policy settings are contained in a group policy object (GPO), which is associated with selected Active Directory objects. Group Policy extensions will allow you to manage registry-based policy, assign scripts, redirect folders, manage applications, and specify security options
Group Policy Priorities
Group policy is inherited by children objects of parents. If a parent object has group policy, then the children have the same policy. Group policies are applied down from the higher level objects to the lower level objects. The policies are cumulative unless they conflict, in which case the lower level policy applies to the object.
Local or Roaming Individual user profile is applied. Local policies cannot be blocked.
Local Group Policy is applied. Conflicts with individual policy are overridden by local group policy.
Group Policy is applied. Conflicts with individual policy or local group policy are overridden by group policy. The group policies are processed in the following order based on the object they are linked to:
Organizational Units
Question: 3 write the steps for installing a network printer in Windows 2000 and LINUX operating system.
Steps for Windows 2000
Click the start >> setting and then Printers
Click Add Printer
The Add Printer Wizard will launch. Click Next.
Choose the radio button labeled A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer. Click Next.
Select Connect to a printer on the Internet or on a home or office network. In the URL field, enter the following.
Select the manufacturer and model of your printer. Click OK.
When prompted, select Yes to set this printer as your default printer. If prompted, you can choose to print a test page.
You will be shown the information regarding your printer. Click Finish to complete the setup process.
Steps for Linux:
The Printers Configuration Tool
Step 1:Launch the Printers configuration tool.
Step 2:Click the “Add” button.
Step 3:Click “Network Printers” in the Devices panel.
Step 4:Click “Find Network Printer.”
Step 5:Type the URL for your networked printer in the input box labeled “Host” and click the “Forward” button. For example, if your printer’s IP address is “,” type “″ in the input box.
Step 6:Select the printer’s manufacturer from the list under “Makes” and click the “Forward” button.
Step 7:Select the printer model from the list under “Models” and select the driver from the list in the Drivers panel.
Step 8:Click the “Forward” button.
Step 9:Type an appropriate printer name, description and location in the input boxes under the text, “Describe Printer.”
Step 10:Click “Apply.” Click the “Print Test Page” button and click “OK” to finish installation.
Question: 4
a) Draw and explain the features of various networking components: Switch, Hub, Nods, Cables, Router, and Bridges.
In the Ethernet Network all nodes are connected to a central point or device is called HUB. Hubs are also known as Repeater and are used to connect network of devices. There are two type of HUB:
Active HUB: it regenerates the data bit in order to manage the signal strength strong.
Passive HUB: it does nothing much but just transfer the data packet info which they receive port to related port.
Switch are like hub but it is more special or can say intelligent than HUB, switch receive and examine the message and see which node is the intended recipient, and then only passes the message to that node only by doing this switch maintain the unnecessarily traffic to other nodes. Switches operate at both the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI Model. However switches are more expensive than HUBs.
Nodes in computer networking are computers, mobiles and or other devices. Nodes are connected to network to share information to other nodes. A node can have a unique address called MAC Address, which is used to identify the Nodes.
Routers are networking devices used to extend or segment networks by forwarding packets from one logical network to another. Routers are most often used in large internetworks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite and for connecting TCP/IP hosts and local area networks (LANs) to the Internet using dedicated leased lines.
Routers work at the network layer (layer 3) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model for networking to move packets between networks using their logical addresses
A bridge is used to connect the two network segments. The Ethernet Address is mapped by the bridge of the nodes on each network segment which helps in traffic controls within the bridge. The packets are forwarded to the correct segments if the Segments are different.
b) Why is the audit view limited to specific users only in windows 2000?
By default, at installation, only application logs and error logs are collected and stored by the Audit function. The server administrator must enable security auditing on the machine.
Audit log Review
The administrator is able to view all the security log records using an event Viewer administrator tool and differentiate security logs from application and System logs.
Audit log overflow protection
Failure to log requested events may have severe implications on the server. It is important that log records are always successful. Therefore there needs to be some mechanism that will alert the administrator before the logged records reach full capacity.
Audit log restricted access protection
Audit log viewer is restricted.
Question: 5
a) Do the local policies cover security management functions for administrators also in windows 2000? Can different security functions be created for each user in Linux?
Solution: N/A
b) Is the quota limit applicable to all the users in windows 2000? Is there any user that is not limited by the quota management?
Solution: N/A
Question: 6
a) What is the difference between security logs and system logs? What is the minimum size of the log allowed in windows 2000?
Difference between Security Logs and System Logs:
Security Logs
System Logs
Work with security related information
Work with System related Information
Flexibility of use
The Security log can be activate and deactivate as necessary
The System log is required on a continuous basis.
Log Availability
The audit logs are local logs maintained on each application server. In the system logs the system maintains its audit logs on the daily basis and you have to delete or make archive it manually
Two type of logs Local and Central logs, local logs are maintained on each individual application server, these are circular in the nature means once they are full they overwritten
Handling Sensitive Data
Due to containing the personal information that may comes under the data secure rule, so have to considered and pay attention on the rules before you make any Security Audit Logs.
The system log does not contain any personal data.
b) Which other user other than from the administrator group enable or disable quota management in windows 2000?
The disk quota management functions allow an authorized administrator to manage disk quotas for NTFS volumes. More specifically, the functions allow an authorized administrator to enable or disable disk quotas, define default disk quotas, and define actions to take when disk quotas are exceeded