When it comes to online marketing, social media is one of the best places to start. According to Sensis Social Media Report May 2015, almost 50% of consumers now access social media every day, yet only 31% of SME businesses actively operate a social media engagement strategy.
As a professional online marketing expert, I actively engage in social media marketing to not only promote by business Ignition media, but to also promote my client’s businesses. While it is one marketing platform that I know I can’t do without, there are many things yet to be widely known about social media marketing.
Continue reading this article as I share some things about social media that can benefit your business.
1. Written content works better than visual content
On social media, I strongly believe that written content resonates far better than visual content – and I’m not alone. Many marketing experts also agree with me on this fact. When performing social media marketing services for my clients, I make sure to create original and well written content to build authority, brand awareness and thought leadership. Storytelling has great power and you should always use this to your advantage. While you can certainly rely on visual content, you should always pay more attention to written content.
2. Friday is the best day to engage on social media
Recently, I came across Adobe’s Social Intelligence Report, which was used to analyse more than 225 billion posts on Facebook over the last two years. This report has revealed some interesting facts about the social media platform. Fridays see the maximum amount of activity on Facebook – there are way more comments, shares and likes than any other day of the week. Take advantage of this social media marketing statistic and create a posting schedule for Friday. You can even promote teaser posts on other days of the week and build up to your best post on a Friday.
3. Photos can increase user engagement
While written content certainly trumps visual content on social media sites, this does not mean that you should ignore visuals altogether. In fact, Social Bakers reveals that 87% of interactions on Facebook happen on posts which include a photo. The obvious takeaway from this social media marketing statistic is that you need to post more photos. I believe in choosing photos that can support a post or those that tell a story. You can dramatically increase user engagement by posting interesting visual content.
4. Video content gets watched a lot
With over 4 billion videos being viewed every single day and one hour of video content being uploaded on YouTube every single second, videos certainly get consumed in staggering amounts on social media. In fact, In Australia, about 5 million people watch a video on Facebook every day – that’s more than 50% of its Facebook users. I always recommend my clients to include video posts in their social media marketing strategy.
5. You can schedule your social media updates
Many business owners assume that to effectively use social media, they have to spend half their day posting on social media websites. In fact, you can simply choose to schedule your blog posts, status updates, photos and tweets for a convenient time – I personally use Hoosuite to manage all my client’s social media posts. Alternatively, you can also outsource your social media marketing campaign to professionals, such as us at Ignition Media. I can assist you with every aspect of your campaign – from consultation, basic campaign management to full scale campaigns. Scheduling or outsourcing your campaign can make social media marketing much more manageable for you.
6. Everyone will not see your Facebook updates
According to Facebook’s algorithm, only about 16% of your fans will be able to see all your updates. This is because Facebook displays posts to a user based on previous preferences. If a user has always shared, commented or liked your posts, then he or she will be more likely to regularly receive your updates. However, fans that seldom interact with you through your posts may not see your new updates at all.
Also see: 5 Reasons your business should invest in Social Media
Social media marketing can really boost your marketing efforts. Even with low investments, effective marketing on social media can offer you great returns. When it comes to social media marketing, there are some lesser known facts that you can work to your advantage. Written content trumps visual content so you must look to create well-written, original and engaging content for your users. Fridays see the maximum amount of user engagement on social media platforms, so work your posting schedules to this day of the week. Photos and video content can also help gather an audience, so make use of them wisely. You can also schedule your social media updates for a convenient time so that you can focus your valuable time on other aspects of your business. And remember – not everyone will see your Facebook updates, so you must not waste your efforts trying to do so.
Managing a full-fledged social media campaign can be time consuming and taxing, so it is often a good idea to outsource this task to professionals. At Ignition Media, I offer social media marketing services to take care of all your social media needs. Outsource your campaign to my hands and I will build you a great campaign which will secure you more brand recognition and sales.
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