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Scope for Collaboration


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Becoming a Partner

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A paragraph here describing the types of projects we envision in this collaboration. We can offer 5000 Euro grants
support each project.


Instructions on how
become a partner (is this possible?)







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<div class="htitle">Information for SYNENERGENE Partners</div>



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<h3>Scope for Collaboration</h3>



<p>A paragraph here describing the types of projects we envision in this collaboration. We can offer 5000 Euro grants to support each project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas adipiscing, dolor at rutrum blandit, sem massa aliquam diam, vel iaculis tortor enim non sem. Mauris tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Aliquam vulputate, erat et tincidunt dignissim, ipsum ante dignissim augue, in venenatis magna odio a risus. Etiam tincidunt lorem leo, vel consequat neque adipiscing vitae. Phasellus a lorem congue, imperdiet nulla eget, sodales justo. Nulla facilisi. Nam congue arcu in ligula mollis, non ultricies justo pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas adipiscing, dolor at rutrum blandit, sem massa aliquam diam, vel iaculis tortor enim non sem. Mauris tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Aliquam vulputate, erat et tincidunt dignissim, ipsum ante dignissim augue, in venenatis magna odio a risus. Etiam tincidunt lorem leo, vel consequat neque adipiscing vitae. Phasellus a lorem congue, imperdiet nulla eget, sodales justo. Nulla facilisi. Nam congue arcu in ligula mollis, non ultricies justo pharetra.</p>


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<h3>Rathenau's Example Call</h3>


<div class="htitle">
Becoming a Partner


<p>The Rathenau Instituut has offered the first Call for Proposals in the iGEM-SYNENERGENE collaboration. This Call may serve as a first example of calls for collaboration in which iGEM teams from Europe and elsewhere are invited to define "Policy and Practices work" that may be supported by additional funding from the SYNENERGENE iGEM Fund, administered by the Rathenau Instituut. Calls will be published periodically on the iGEM wiki (in the first months of each year 2014-2016) by SYNENERGENE Partners who are interested in collaborating with iGEM teams. The Rathenau Instituut's first Call for Proposals relates to the program of activities by Partners in SYNENERGENE Platform 1, aiming at real-time technology assessment of particular synthetic biology applications (task 1.1 in DoW of WP1).</p>



<p>The criteria for supporting iGEM teams should include the quality of their proposals -- that is, the soundness of the ideas offered by the teams about the work they would like to perform, including a work plan that looks doable. Another important criterion is that the work proposed by the teams should offer interesting and realistic opportunities for collaboration with SYNENERGENE Partners. Conversely, Partners should be prepared to actively engage in collaborative activities with iGEM teams as a basis for their own work. The teams will be required to report their activities to the iGEM Foundation, including a justification of expenses for the funding they have received.</p>












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35%; float:right



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Instructions on how
partner (
this possible?)


Make sure
offer your call early. Teams will need time to notice and respond to calls; the committee will need time to evaluate proposals and choose winners; you will need time to carry out the project.</p>












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<div class="htitle">Thinking of
good idea</div>



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<p>The best thing you can do
make your call fairly open and nonspecific, but give a few brief concrete examples of what you might seek to produce from your collaboration. iGEM teams are incredibly creative and you should give them room to be so. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas adipiscing, dolor at rutrum blandit, sem massa aliquam diam, vel iaculis tortor enim non sem. Mauris tincidunt accumsan sollicitudin. Aliquam vulputate, erat et tincidunt dignissim, ipsum ante dignissim augue, in venenatis magna odio a risus. Etiam tincidunt lorem leo, vel consequat neque adipiscing vitae. Phasellus a lorem congue, imperdiet nulla eget, sodales justo. Nulla facilisi. Nam congue arcu in ligula mollis, non ultricies justo pharetra. Fusce vel massa in ipsum semper gravida et ac augue. Etiam orci felis, posuere vitae lacus in, adipiscing viverra magna. In id magna a tellus mattis accumsan eget non dui. Sed ornare quam sed felis bibendum, id bibendum diam lacinia. Pellentesque tincidunt velit risus, ac cursus dolor mollis a. Nam sed augue elit. Morbi aliquet mauris ipsum, eu mattis risus lobortis sit amet. Integer gravida metus sit amet justo tristique volutpat.






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<div class="htitle">Publishing a Call for Proposals</div>

<div class="htitle">Publishing a Call for Proposals</div>

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<li>Once you have decided the date to begin work, one month before that will be the due date for proposals to be submitted to the Synenergene-iGEM Committee for consideration.</li>

<li>Once you have decided the date to begin work, one month before that will be the due date for proposals to be submitted to the Synenergene-iGEM Committee for consideration.</li>














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<div class="htitle">Rathenau's Example Call</div>



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<p>The Rathenau Instituut has offered the first Call for Proposals in the iGEM-SYNENERGENE collaboration. This Call may serve as a first example of calls for collaboration in which iGEM teams from Europe and elsewhere are invited to define "Policy and Practices work" that may be supported by additional funding from the SYNENERGENE iGEM Fund, administered by the Rathenau Instituut. Calls will be published periodically on the iGEM wiki (in the first months of the years 2014-2016) by SYNENERGENE Partners who are interested in collaborating with iGEM teams. The Rathenau Instituut's first Call for Proposals relates to the program of activities by Partners in SYNENERGENE Platform 1, aiming at real-time technology assessment of particular synthetic biology applications (task 1.1 in DoW of WP1).</p>



<p>The criteria for supporting iGEM teams should include the quality of their proposals -- that is, the soundness of the ideas offered by the teams about the work they would like to perform, including a work plan that looks doable. Another important criterion is that the work proposed by the teams should offer interesting and realistic opportunities for collaboration with SYNENERGENE Partners. Conversely, Partners should be prepared to actively engage in collaborative activities with iGEM teams as a basis for their own work. The teams will be required to report their activities to the iGEM Foundation, including a justification of expenses for the funding they have received.</p>






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