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<td style="height: 30px;">

<h3>iGEM Newsletters</h3>


<td rowspan="2" class="menu">

<h4><b>Table of Contents</b></h4><p>

<a href="#about">About iGEM</a><p>

<a href="#competition">iGEM Competition</a><p>

<a href="#lecture">Lecture Videos</a><p>

<a href="#atthebench">At-The-Bench Videos</a><p>

<a href="#community">Community Videos</a><p>

<a href="#archived">Archived Videos</a><p>




<td class="blurb">


You can find our newest additions on this page, or click on "see more" to find more videos on a specific topic. We will continue to upload videos throughout the year so check back with us! If you have any suggestions, or if you have a video that would be a nice addition to this page, please send us an email at <b>hq (at) igem (dot) org</b>.




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<!--***Archived Videos Table for 3 New Videos-->




<a name="archived"><h3><a href="http://igem.org/Videos/Archived_Videos">Archived iGEM</a></h3></a><!--Table Header-->





We've kept our older videos <a href="http://igem.org/Archived_Videos">archived</a> in case you might find them useful. As a word of caution, please be aware that the content and information of these videos may be out of date.




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