
1. Take a deep breath: Breathing in deeply can help you to steady yourself. When you are stressed you get tense and your heart rate may rise. Taking a moment to relax and breath deeply helps to calm you down.

2. Reflect Later: Going through your day may help to calm you down. You also may no longer be in the heat of the moment. This allows you to look at things with a  clearer perspective.

3. Meditation: Relaxation can be reached by truly focusing your attention on it. If you are caught up in problems a moment of meditation can help to ease tension. You will focus on relaxation instead of stress.

4. A Break: If things are getting really tense, remove yourself from the situation. Allow yourself to do something to relieve the stress. Exercise is a great way to get rid of the excess emotions experienced in high stress situations.

5. Sleep: If you experience a stressful day consider getting more rest. It may be contributing to your already stressful day. Getting rest allows you to be more prepared for the day ahead.

6. Give Technology a Break: Technology maybe contributing to your stress levels. If you turn it off you will be more likely to focus on other things. This will encourage you to be productive. Also to be present within the moment.

7. Picture Success: Visualization is similar to a form of meditation. If you apply attention to the details the more real it becomes. Having that vision of success will encourage you to work towards whatever it is you are doing.

8. Rewarding Yourself: Allow you to give yourself a reward every once in a while. Whether that be a piece of cake or a movie night. Taking time to de-stress is as important as de-stressing. If you constantly are only doing stressful things allow yourself to also do non-stressful things.

9. Funny Videos: Yes, it sounds odd. Yet funny, viral videos are usually funny. Laughing and smiling automatically bring up one’s spirit. So if you are feeling down, feel free to look up dancing cats. They are quite adorable.

10. Stimulate Your Mind: Do a sudoku or word puzzle. Engage your brain! This will help you to redirect your focus onto something other than stress.

11. Tense and Release: One exercise that is great for stress is tensing your muscles and then releasing. This helps to redirect the stress into the tension. Once you release the muscles you should feel more relaxed. You can go from your head to your toes, or the other way around. Take time to tense each muscle, and then just let go.

12. Talk it Out: Talking about your stress gives you that physical release. It can also help you to sort things out more clearly. Have a trust friend or family member listen to your rant. If you want you can ask for their advice, or simply a listening session.

13. Scream: Screaming is a different way of ranting. This allows you to express how you are feeling. A great place to scream on the top of your lungs is in your car. This also gives you the time to detach yourself from the situation.

14. Yoga: Many poses of yoga are meant to reduce muscle tension. You also focus during yoga in order to get the move correct. This gives your mind and body a direction to go instead of stress.

15. Music Helps: Music is an influencer of your mood. Yet it can also embody your own emotions. If you are feeling stressed take a minute to sit in your car and turn up the music. Feel free to listen to whatever genre you choose.

16. Write it Out: You may try journaling out your day. This gives you a little safe haven to write what went through your mind. It is free of judgement and is cost effective. You can truly release your emotions through words.

17. Keep up Positivity: Focusing on all the negative things in life is only going to bring about negative emotions. Life has stressful times, yet try your best to retain a positive outlook. Watch a sunrise or visit your best friend. Do things that make you truly happy.

18. Figure out Why: Contemplate what in your day is actually making you stressed. Have you taken on too much responsibility? Is it your relationships? By reviewing your life it should help you to narrow down why your life is stressful. Then work towards coping or alleviating that stress from your life.

19. Massages Might Work: Massages are usually very relaxing. Human touch makes us feel connected and loved. A massage can release the tension in your muscles. Massages are usually very relaxing so it may be worth trying.

20. Diet has a Role: If your eating habits are poor they maybe effecting your body negatively. A balanced diet can help you to feel well. Foods can start to drag on your body over time making you feel fatigued and irritable. Eating a balanced diet may alleviate some of your stressors like acne, fatigue, and sleep.

Remember to always take care of yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed or extremely anxious seek immediate help. Here are some helpful contacts:

Suicide Hotline: 800-784-2433

Immediate Medical Assistance: 911

Crisis Call Center: 800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863

If you have any questions or concerns please visit the link below:



Eisler, M. (n.d.). 10 Ways to De-stress Your Mind and Body. Retrieved June 20, 2016, from http://www.chopra.com/ccl/10-ways-to-de-stress-your-mind-and-body

Feature, J. M. (n.d.). How to Reduce Stress: 10 Relaxation Techniques To Reduce Stress on the Spot. Retrieved June 20, 2016, from http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/blissing-out-10-relaxation-techniques-reduce-stress-spot

Melnick, M. (2013, November 09). 20 Scientifically Backed Ways To De-Stress Right Now. Retrieved June 20, 2016, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/09/06/stress-relief-that-works_n_3842511.htm

Teen Health and Wellness. (n.d.). Retrieved June 20, 2016, from http://www.teenhealthandwellness.com/static/hotlines

Featured Image via Youtube

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