In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, Apple on Wednesday began seeding its latest iOS 10 update to users all around the world. And while many, such as myself, have already been enjoying that wholesome iOS 10 goodness, and all it has to offer, for months now, many are still likely wondering if it’s even worth the hassle to update. After all, some might reason, “isn’t iOS 9 sufficient enough?”
Well sure it is, folks — iOS 9 offers a plethora of features in its own respect. However iOS 10 offers even a multitude more, so believe me when I say there’s plenty of reason, if your device is compatible, to upgrade to iOS 10 sooner rather than later. Here’s our list of the top 10 reasons to do so, for those of you still teetering on the edge of skepticism.
1. Revamped iMessage Experience:
Apple’s Messages app in iOS 10 has been outfitted with a slew of new and advanced features. Our favorites among them, however, include the ability to digitally hand write messages and send them to your contacts instead of text, Emojis that are 3 times larger, the ability to add app-themed stickers to your messages, the ability to preview content — such as web links — sent in Messages, and much, much more!
2. 3D Touch To The Max:
For iPhone 6s and 6s Plus users, 3D Touch has for the last year been an intuitive way to more easily access the app-specific information that matters most to you. And in iOS 10, the iPhone 6s and 7 series handsets will now boast even more 3D Touch functionality than before — allowing users, via a myriad of pressure-sensitive touch gestures, to quickly access information pertaining to their apps, settings, and much more.
3. Improved Speed, Fluidity, & Reliability:
For the last few months, Apple has been testing and refining the various aspects of iOS 10 that make it a worthwhile update. More importantly, however, by testing and refining these many features, skeptical users can be confident that iOS 10, once downloaded, will perform reliably, consistently, and offer them a hassle-free transition with plenty of extra speed and features, to boot.
4. Enhanced Siri Integration:
In an apparent attempt to broaden the horizons of its personal assistant, Siri, Apple with iOS 10 has opened up the possibility for 3rd party app developers to integrate their services with Siri’s already renowned functionality. For instance, in iOS 10, users will now be able to ask Siri to perform certain actions relevant to 3rd party apps — like order a ride from Lyft, among other things.
5. Apple’s New Smart-Home Integration:
With the number of smart devices capable of powering various aspects of our homes on the rise, Apple has gone ahead and implemented a way to consolidate the entire range of them into a single app in iOS 10. Apple’s new HomeKit application will allow you to sync up all your smart light bulbs, outlets, locks, kitchen electrics, etc., so that they can be accessed and controlled all from the same app.
6. Revamped Apple Music Interface:
Apple Music, the Cupertino-company’s on-demand music streaming service, also received a major refresh for iOS 10. In addition to a newly redesigned, simplified user interface, Apple Music is now able to provide users with song and artist recommendations based on an intelligent self-analysis of their listening tendencies.
7. Revamped ‘Rich Notifications’:
Apple’s redesigned notifications in iOS 10, which the company is calling ‘Rich Notifications,’ offers to users a quicker, more streamlined way to view the content of, and/or respond to, messages — all without ever having to jump from one app to the next. When you receive a new message notification, for instance, you’ll be able to both preview the various contents thereof, as well as respond directly from the notification drop-down box.
8. Deeper Apple Pay Integration:
For iOS 10, Apple Pay has officially come to the Internet. Users will now be able to shop online, for example, and if the online retailer offers Apple Pay as a payment option, users of Apple’s mobile payment service will be able to make their purchase — for instance, using Touch ID — without having to enter their credit card credentials every single time.
9. Better Keyboard:
Apple’s software keyboard for iOS has always been one of, if not the most, accurate and intelligent around. And the keyboard in iOS 10 further builds upon the iOS keyboard’s highly-acclaimed performance and functionality. For example, Apple’s software keyboard now features a revamped contextual prediction engine — capable of predicting what users are likely to say next, based on their previous conversations and contextual clues. For example, if the user were to type out something along the lines of “I am available at [insert time here]”, the keyboard will then display any open slots of time from your iOS Calendar app, which can then be added effortlessly to an outgoing email, message, or more.
10. Fresh, Redesigned UI with enhanced Accessibility features:
With a slew of new UI enhancements, including a Zoomed Display view, wider implementation of larger system fonts, and a really cool now triple-click Magnifier option for reading smaller text and viewing things from far away, Apple’s iOS 10 is by far the most universally user friendly update the company has ever released.
What’s your favorite feature in iOS 10? Let us know in the comments!
The post 10 Reasons Why You Should Download iOS 10 Today appeared first on iDrop News written by Troy Thompson.