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With over 18 years of experience of dealing with all aspects of food allergies, we are your premier resource for managing food allergies. We truly understand what it takes to live with food allergies and how it affects everyday life. We understand the challenges of being with family, in school, and in all aspects of life. We can help your child be included and stay safe with food allergies.
Our founder, Nicole Smith, started AllergicChild with one goal in mind: Help children live a full life with food allergies. We provide an active blog with posts that contain helpful tips and stories for you and your child. We have multiple articles about allergies that provide both the latest medical research and experience-based suggestions. The information contained within this site is a knowledge base accumulated over 18 years of dealing with food allergies in school, travel, family, friends, and places of worship.
You can find information about food allergies on the web- medical facts, case studies, and perhaps even an impersonal story. However, you cannot find anywhere else on the Internet the same kind of knowledge you find here. We don’t just talk to people who live with food allergies: we live with food allergies. We don’t listen to stories or watch a video about food allergies: we deal with them in everyday life, whether it be in school or travel. We understand that there is an emotional side to food allergies: it isn’t an easy path, but we are here to help you manage it.
Now, we don’t keep this knowledge to ourselves. All of the experience and stories are within this site. We also created books and other products to help you educate others about food allergies.
We wrote and published children’s books about peanut allergies, milk allergies, and nut allergies. Allie the Allergic Elephant, Cody the Allergic Cow, and Chad the Allergic Chipmunk have been purchased in all settings: schools, hospitals, families, and even in religious institutions. Click here to view our children’s books.
Please, explore our site and discover the knowledge you need to help your child stay safe. Click here for the page that has all the information about peanut allergies or click here for the blog post that discusses the emotional aspects of food allergies on marriage.
AllergicChild is here to help you.
We offer a blog that provides excellent articles about school, growing up, fitting in, and even research studies about curing food allergies. Our son, Morgan, and our inspiration for AllergicChild, posts occasionally about his experiences in which he explains what life is like as a teenager with food allergies. He discusses first-hand experience with bullies, traveling, food, and managing fitting in with peers.