
Unlike home interior colors, the exterior house paint ideas can affect the look of an entire street or neighborhood. And this is the main reason why homeowners are often under pressure to choose appropriate colors . If you plan to update your home exterior color, we have some tips that can help you as you embark on your project.

Choose exterior paint colors that blend in well with other external elements. For instance, look for the undertones between them to decide which palette you should pick—warm or cool? Apart from that, your home’s architectural style must be considered too. And luckily, there are many paint manufacturers offering collections of historically accurate paint colors to help you if you live in an old house.

We recommend you to pick at least three different paint shades for three major parts which are field color that dominates, accent colors, and trim colors. Normally, trim colors are the ones that strongly contrast with the field one to produce the crisp and dramatic effect—consider trim colors like eyeliner for your makeup.

And just like makeup, home exterior paint color will determine the overall visual appearance. This will also relate to the home’s relationship to the landscape and the street. Thus, you can decide if you want to make your home stand out or have a subtle appearance. Last but not least, when you pick exterior house color ideas, never rely only on paint chips and buy a quart of paint to test it first because this is the project you want to get right the first time.

Incoming search terms:

dark colors exterior houses

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