
Majority of women want bigger breasts. Aside from the inherent desire of men for women with fuller bosom, women are now more motivated than ever to find ways on how to induce natural breast growth. There are of course the easier way of breast enhancement that includes the intake of pharmaceutical-grade breast enhancement pills and breast augmentation surgery. These offer fast and visible results to women, but are unbelievably expensive and dangerous as well. The best approach to breast enhancement is the utilization of products and programs which are clinically proven to be safe, effective, and inexpensive as well.

There are a hundred and one ways on how to naturally increase breast size. Most women are only aware of surgery and drugs as they are commonly marketed via traditional media and online advertisements. In this article, we are enumerating natural methods, procedures, exercises, supplements, and food items that will give you that much needed boost in confidence and self-esteem with bigger breasts.

• Nutrition- Naturally Increase your Bosom with these Nutritious Food Items

Women desiring bigger, fuller boobs focus on buying products as well as medications that claim to increase breast size. There is an easier way to develop bigger breasts. You can start your natural breast enhancement strategy with diet. As you all know, nutrition plays a crucial role in the regulation of hormones in the body. Estrogen is a hormone that the body produces naturally. A surge in estrogen levels induces breast size increase. In order to supplement that body with more estrogen, women are recommended to include estrogen-rich food items into the daily diet.

Here are some pointers that you may want to keep in mind for your next trip to the grocery:

Fruits, Whole Grains, and Veggies

Increased intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains inhibits the production of testosterone in women. Women still produce trace levels of testosterone. By nourishing your body with the food items mentioned above, the production rate of testosterone is effectively regulated as well.

Estrogen-Rich Food

Natural breast enhancement diet does not end with raising the intake of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Once testosterone production is regulated, you should add the consumption of estrogen-rich food into your daily dietary intake as well. Examples of food items that are rich in estrogen are:

– Soy beans

– Kidney beans

– Peas

– Coffee

– Nuts

These breast enhancement food items contain high levels of phytoestrogens, a natural chemical that mimics the action of estrogen in the body.

Eat Green and Get Bigger Breasts

Herbs contain the highest concentrations of estrogen. In fact, some herbal plants contain different types of phytoestrogens, all of which are known to stimulate the breast tissues to increase in size altogether. Listed below are some of the best-selling herbal breast enhancement items that are being used in the manufacturing of powerful and effective natural breast enhancement supplements:

Pueraria mirifica

Native to Southeast Asian countries, Thailand and Myanmar, this herb is clinically proven to contain up to four different types of phytoestrogens.


The addition of wastercress to your salad will not only make your meal tastier, but will also stimulate the breasts to grow naturally, thanks to its rich phytonutrient content.

Red Clover

Spice up your meals with red clover and see your breast size increase without hassle. Red clover is rich in isoflavones, natural soluble chemicals that replicate the function of estrogen in breast enlargement.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek is one of the most useful herbal plants being used in supplements. For women wanting a natural breast lift, the introduction of Fenugreek seeds into diet will not only make your breasts bigger and fuller, but also increase milk production among nursing mothers.

Saw Palmetto

Non surgical breast enhancement through the use of herbs presents 100% visible results with zero side effects. Saw Palmetto is commonly included in breast enhancement pills and natural breast cream formulations as it features a wide variety of phytosterols that not only make your boobs bigger, but also prevent breast atrophy.

Fennel Seeds

Spruce up your meals of the day with the addition of fennel seeds containing flavonoids that boast estrogenic properties too.

Wild Yam Root

Natural breast enlargement can also happen to you if you know the right type of food to eat. Eating wild yam root as part of major meals or snacks can significantly improve the size and quality of breast tissues with the help of its powerful phytochemicals concentrations.

Dong Quai Root

Some of the best-selling breast enhancement pills and breast enhancement cream formulas on the market contain Dong Quai Root due to wide variety of chemicals that stimulate breast size increase, but treat other female-related issues as well.

• Exercise your Way to Bigger Breasts

Natural breast augmentation is also made possible through the implementation of a regular exercise regime. Following a balanced diet is only one part of the equation. You will also need to perform routine exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles. Exercises that target the pectorals in women enhance the breast region with its lifting effect. Your breasts will not only look bigger, but will also appear perkier and lifted too.

Push-ups are great if you want to avoid developing sagging breasts as you age. Sets of ten or twenty push-ups will not only increase the strength of the chest region, but are beneficial to develop body balance and stability too.

Doctors recommend women wanting to get bigger breasts to perform breast enhancement exercises at least thrice a week. The more frequent you perform natural breast augmentation exercises, the faster you see the results as evidenced by bigger looking, firmer, and a lifted pair of boobs. You may also want to take a stab at Yoga, as this discipline aids women in strengthening the muscles that support the mammary tissues.

The right combination of estrogen-rich foods and regular exercise are all that you need to naturally increase breast size. Before you know it, you will feel more beautiful and confident without the need to undergo risky surgery and emptying your bank account just to get a beautiful set of big, healthy breasts.

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