
WordPress security plugins help you improve your website’s security. WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular CMS and due to its popularity, hackers tend to target WordPress blogs. Although WordPress is secure system but plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords and outdated WP version become a pathway for hackers.

Here’s a list of 6 Best Security Plugins to improve your WordPress website’s security.

iTheme Security

iTheme security formerly known as Better WP security is one of the most popular and the best WordPress security plugin. The plugin provides you 30+ ways to protect your WordPress website from malicious attacks. It strengthens user credentials by fixing common loop holes and automated attacks. The plugin is available in free and premium versions. Both have same feature but premium version include few more features like two-factor authentication, Geo ID banning and user action logging.


Creates a backup of Database files before securing your site.

Prevent brute force attacks by locking up all the users who are trying to access your website with invalid login attempts.

Monitors your site and records all the changes that are made in database and file system.

Block all the users who add malicious code to your site or try to access your site. It allows only admin to access the website number of times.

Download iTheme security

All in one WP security and Firewall

All in one WP Security and Firewall is the most comprehensive WordPress security plugin. This plugin protects your website by checking vulnerabilities and implementing latest techniques and security measures.


Provides three security levels- basic, intermediate and advanced. If you’re using basic security rule then you’re secure and it doesn’t break your site’s functionality but if you’re using intermediate and advanced security level, it may break your site’s functionality depending on your setup.

Provide Brute Force login attack feature that locks the user who are trying to access your website with invalid login attempts. You can view list of all the locked users.

The plugin has Security strength meter that keep you informed of What level your security is at.

Alert you if any of your WordPress file is changed and block them immediately with a single click.

Download All In One WP Security and Firewall

Wordfence Security

Wordfence is another leading WordPress security plugin with over 2.5 millions of downloads. The plugin scans for hacked files and monitors the access of visitors to your blog. It includes a firewall, virus scanning and new cache engine that secure your blog from malicious attacks.


Monitors your blog from robots who are trying to affect your site and scans your blog in every one hour.

Ability to recover the core files of your WordPress blog. This feature is available in both free and premium version.

Scans WordPress posts, comments and malicious URLs.

You do not need to enter an API key in free version or if you want to secure your website with some more features then you can also try premium version of this plugin. Premium version of this plugin includes two-step authentication, country blocking, scheduled scanning and more.

Download Wordfence Security

BulletProof Security

Another popular WordPress plugin to secure your WordPress website is BulletProof Security. This plugin provides 1-click security solution. The plugin allows you to protect wp-admin folder of your WordPress website. This plugin secures your website against RFI, CRLF, XSS, Code injection and SQL injection hackings.


The plugin uses .htaccess security protection that protects many WordPress files including wp-cofig.php, php.ini etc.

Provide the feature of recording the number of login attempts. If anyone tries to login your admin panel, it keeps record of all the login attempts and user who try to access your site.

It also provides some information to your visitors when your site is in maintenance mode.

It also alerts you when any malicious activity happens to your site.

Download BulletProof Security

Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator is one of the most popular security plugin for WordPress. It offers you two-step authentication using Google Authenticator app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android.  You will need a smartphone or any other device to use Google Authenticator app because this plugin app works on your dashboard and your smartphone simultaneously.


Enable 2-step authentication.

Generate new secret key every time to avoid risks.

Allow you to set any name that you want to appear in Google Authenticator app.

Once you installed and configure this plugin to your WordPress blog, you can set a QR code with the secret key. Now download Google Authenticator app on your smartphone or any other device and enter that QR code. Once you enter a QP code your smartphone it will link your WordPress blog with your mobile app.

When you login into your WordPress Admin Panel (Dashboard), you have to open Google Authenticator app in your smartphone. It will generate code that you have to enter in the provided Google Authenticator field when you try to login into your dashboard.

Download Google Authenticator

Sucuri Security

Sucuri Security is very popular security plugin that offers you website monitoring, malware removal and many mores services to secure your WordPress website. The plugin detects large number of malwares, spams, blacklisting and many other security issues.


Allow you to scan all WordPress core files to detect changes in these files.

Offer you last login feature that allows you to see last login user including login time, date and IP address.

Provide you post-hack option that will allow you to change all the username, passwords when your site is being hacked to provide more security.

Download Sucuri Security

This is our try to help you make your WordPress website secure. What steps do you take to secure your website? Got any questions? Please let us know in comment section below.

The post 6 of The Best WordPress Security Plugins appeared first on IdeaBox Themes.

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