
www.mha.nic.in – IB ACIO Admit Card Hall Ticket 2015

The IB Admit Cards for upcoming Intelligence Bureau Examination – AICO, Assistant Central Intelligence Officer has been declared at the official site. So all the candidates who are going to attend this examination, should get their Admit Cards from the official site. There are large number of candidates who have applied for this recruitment and are waiting for their IB Admit Cards.

www.mha.nic.in – IB ACIO Admit Card Hall Ticket 2015

All these candidates should visit the official site for all the other details regarding this examination. This examination of IB ACIO is to be carried out through the upcoming month of September 2015. All these related candidates are eagerly waiting for their Admit Cards as the examination is just a few days away. Also for any other details, regarding this examination, visit the same official site

The Ministry of Home Affairs has carried out a recruitment process along with IB – Intelligence Bureau to recruit eligible candidates for various vacant posts of ACIO – Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, for the current academic year. Large number of candidates have applied for this recruitment process and all these candidates will attend this examination, carried out by the IB through various examination centers.

Also from different regions candidates will appear for this examination. All these candidates are eagerly waiting for their Admit Cards as there are few days left behind the examination. This examination is to be carried out by the 15th of September 2015.

The Admit Cards are to be declared by the official site of Ministry of Home Affairs. So candidates should visit the official site. There will be link available at the official site to download the Admit Cards, so that from this link, candidates can download their Admit Cards. Talking about the examination, there will be 2 papers.

IB ACIO Admit Card Hall Ticket 2015 www.mha.nic.in

The first paper will have Multiple Choice Questions and the second paper will be of Descriptive Type. The first paper will contain Papers of questions from subjects like Reasoning, General Knowledge, General Awareness etc. while the second paper will have questions like Essay, Comprehension, Short Note etc.

Official Site: www.mha.nic.in

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