
The costs associated with diabetes can be overwhelming, particularly for those without insurance to cover their medical care and supplies. Buy unused, unopened test strips to help save money every month.

We Buy - Diabetic Test Strips:  Diabetes is quite common among American adults and children these days. Our Western diet, the reduced activity level, and the things we eat with regularity contribute to the increase in diagnoses of Diabetes, both Type I and Type II. There are expenses involved with maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and other medical considerations that may or may not be covered in your medical insurance plan. If you are one of the millions of Americans without insurance, it will be expensive, but necessary, to purchase the proper equipment and supplies.

Diabetes is quite common among American adults and children these days. Our Western diet, the reduced activity level, and the things we eat with regularity contribute to the increase in diagnoses of Diabetes, both Type I and Type II.

If you have not been diagnosed with Diabetes but are wondering what’s going wrong lately, see a doctor to have your blood sugar tested. Some of the most basic signs of a diabetic condition are excessive thirst, blurry vision, increased hunger, foot numbness, and increased frequency in urination. For some it is a genetic disease, while others may encourage diabetes by their lifestyle choices, including diet and lack of exercise. If you have some of the symptoms but they aren’t quite distinguishable and pronounced, you may be in a condition called pre-diabetic. This means that if you don’t get diet and lifestyle under control, you will most likely experience full blown diabetes at some point, possibly in the near future.

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, your life will change. You’ll have to test your blood glucose levels regularly, and in some cases more than once per day. While the actual blood glucose monitors aren’t exorbitantly expensive, the big expense is with the test strips that you’ll need every time you test. They can’t be used more than once, so they are disposable. They must be the correct type for your monitor, be within their expiration dates, and unopened.

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, your life will change.

You’ll have to test your blood glucose levels regularly, and in some cases more than once per day.

It’s possible to save money by buying unused test strips from companies that buy them from those who no longer need them

Other costs involve counseling with a diabetic specialist that will help you with your new diet, a health care provider that will monitor your condition and determine what your glucose level should be and how to keep it stable, and in advanced cases, other medical problems and circulatory concerns.

It’s possible to save money by buying unused test strips from companies that buy them from those who no longer need them. Some diabetics change blood glucose monitor brands or types, they are placed in hospitals or nursing facilities, or they pass away. Their unopened, unused test strips can be sold to online companies that then resell them at a discounted rate to people who need them.

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