
Missouri River Conditions Update

The drought continues to impact the Missouri River Basin. The runoff forecast

for the basin above Sioux City remains below average at a projected 23.1 million

acre feet (MAF) - 91 percent of an average year. The levels in the Missouri

River’s three largest reservoirs, Fort Peck, Garrison and Oahe, are 3 to 9 feet

below their desired operating elevations. The volume of water currently stored

in the reservoir system is several MAF below the base of the flood control and

multiple use zone of 56.1 MAF. Water stored in this multiple use zone is used

by the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) in the operation of the Missouri River

system’s authorized purposes.

Extreme heat and record low rainfall expanded drought conditions from the

eastern Dakotas into western Illinois. Iowa had temperatures over 100 degrees in

late August and about 98 percent of Iowa is in drought. Drought conditions

continue in Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas. The weekly drought monitor shows

nearly 62 percent of the contiguous United States is in some type of drought.

Due to lack of water the ACE plans to implement conservation measures this

winter. Releases from Gavins Point on the South Dakota-Nebraska border near

Yankton will be at minimum levels, averaging 12,000 cubic feet per second (cfs)

December through February. When adequate water exists in storage Gavins Point

winter releases average 17,000 cfs.

ACE to Hold Fall Public Meetings on Annual Operating Plan

The ACE is scheduled to hold five public meetings on their 2013-2014 Draft

Annual Operating Plan for the Missouri River System. The meetings will include a

presentation from the ACE regarding 2013 operations and plans for regulating the

reservoir system in 2014. That will be followed by a question and answer

session and public comment period. Two of the meetings are in the tri-state area


Tuesday, October 8th Thursday, October 10th

Nebraska City, NE, 7 p.m. Pierre, SD, 5 p.m.

Lewis and Clark Center Joe Foss Building

100 Valmont Drive 523 East Capitol Avenue

Omaha/Council Bluffs Missouri River Clean-up

This event was held on Saturday, September 7th and was based out of the Lewis &

Clark Marina at Riverfront Park in Omaha. It was coordinated by Missouri River

Relief. I joined over 240 volunteers including crews from the Nebraska Game and

Parks Commission (NGPC), the National Park Service (NPS), ACE, FWS and many

businesses and organizations. This cleanup concentrated on a six mile reach of

the Missouri River in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area. The volunteers collected

nearly three tons of trash and debris along the river.

Sioux City Riverfication Educational Event

This first time educational event was held in Sioux City on Friday, September

13th. Nearly 1300 6th grade students from Sioux City and South Sioux City, NE

attended. The kids rotated between presentations on a variety of topics.

Thanks to members of the McCook Lake Chapter for their help in the Ikes’ booth.

We taught the kids about recycling as we had them build bird feeders out of

plastic beverage bottles. We made over 440 feeders during the event.

Siouxland Missouri River Clean up

About 40 volunteers turned out on Saturday, September 14th for the Missouri

River Clean up. The volunteers cleaned up areas along the river in the Sioux

City/South Sioux city area gathering about a half a ton of trash. Thanks to

Kelly Kistner of the McCook Lake Chapter for his help with the event.

Missouri River Outdoor Expo

An estimated crowd of 52,000 people attended the 9th Annual Missouri River

Outdoor Expo at Ponca State Park near Ponca, NE September 21st and 22nd. The

goal of the event is to preserve the future and heritage of natural resources

and outdoor recreation by providing opportunities for everyone to learn skills,

safety, ethics, respect, and stewardship important in the conduct of our outdoor

pursuits. The League has had a booth at this event each of the last 5 years.

Thanks to Ikes from Nebraska, South Dakota and Iowa for helping in the booth.

We talked to thousands of people about the League and helped kids and adults

build bird feeders.

Iowa Outdoor Expo

The 5th Annual Iowa Outdoor Expo was held at Water Works Park in Des Moines

September 28th and 29th. The Iowa Division and Des Moines Chapter had a booth

at the event again this year. Members of the division worked hard at the event

and in the booth. We helped kids and adults make bird feeders and handed out

information about the League.

Big Sioux River Summit

On Monday, September 9th I attended the Big Sioux River Water Summit hosted by

Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether. The purpose of the summit was to talk about

ways to improve water quality in the Big Sioux drainage. The city and several

businesses have spent millions of dollars in developments along the river in

hopes of attracting more people and activity to the riverfront. The Big Sioux

does not meet South Dakota standards for designated uses and the river is the

13th dirtiest river in America. The Big Sioux is a tributary of the Missouri


Central SD Water Festival

The SD Discovery Center in Pierre hosted the Central SD Water Festival September

24th. I talked kids about the threat posed by aquatic invasive species in the

Missouri River. The festival was attended by 4th grade students from the

Pierre-Fort Pierre area. I told them they can prevent spreading invasives every

time they come off the water with three simple steps - Clean, Drain and Dry.

The kids took information on invasive species home with them.

Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC)

The committee’s work and task groups continued their assigned duties during

September via conference calls. The groups are preparing proposals for

consideration at the next MRRIC meeting scheduled for early November in Omaha.

The committee is made up of federal, state, tribal and stakeholder

representatives from throughout the basin. MRRIC is a congressionally

authorized committee providing guidance to the ACE and the FWS on the current

Missouri River Recovery Program. The agencies are working to recover three

federally listed species, the pallid sturgeon, least tern, and piping plover,

along the Missouri River. The recovery program is restoring habitat lost due to

man-made alterations and the ACE’s operation of the river. I represent the

League on MRRIC and many of its work and task groups.

Farm Bill Update

The Farm Bill expired September 30th. The Farm Bill funds commodity subsidies,

crop insurance, conservation and energy programs, the national food stamp

program, rural development loans and trade funding. The Senate passed its

version of the bill early last summer. The House passed their version of the

bill cutting approximately 80 percent of the funding for the food stamp program.

It’s not known when debate on the Farm Bill will resume. Contact your

Representative and Senators and urge them to support a Farm Bill that contains

key components such as Conservation Compliance linking conservation to Crop

Insurance Premium Subsidies and a nationwide Sodsaver protecting our nation’s

grassland from conversion to cropland.

SD Rancher Earns National Conservation Honor

The national Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies awarded Jim Faulstich of

Highmore, SD the 2013 National Private Lands Fish and Wildlife Stewardship Award

at their recent meeting in Portland, Oregon.

Faulstich operates a profitable 5,300 acre farm/ranch and has invested time and

resources in holistic and grazing management. He focuses on stewardship of our

natural resources. Native and restored grassland and wetlands make up about 80

percent of the Faulstich ranch. Jim is chairman of the South Dakota Grassland

Coalition and is one of the most effective and respected voices for grassland

conservation and grass-based agriculture. Faulstich has part of his ranch set

aside in conservation easements which are critical for waterfowl and shorebirds,

and he cooperates in a variety of wildlife and grassland studies. I have had

the pleasure to know and work with Jim over the years and he is very deserving

of this award. We need more landowners like him!

And finally this item

“Loose” Moose

A Swedish man claims he was accosted by inebriated moose. The man said he was

prevented from entering his house recently by a four adult moose and one calf.

The man said the animals were acting strangely so he called the police. The

police thought the moose were possibly drunk after eating fermented apples on

the property. The moose left before police officers arrived but the officers

advised the homeowner to remove apples lying around his lawn to avoid a repeat

of the encounter. This isn’t the first case of “drunken” moose in Sweden. In

2011 a moose was found intoxicated and trapped in a tree.


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Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:43 am

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