
True Beauty is within, and I know you have all heard of that, to Live it, as in Knowing and experiencing it, is often an entirely different story.

With the ego playing dominant roles in levels of insecurity and lack of self-love, the prominent way around dealing with the lack of self adoration and love, is in external appearances.

Now this beauty can also be held within the awareness, in all areas of your Life. This includes your finances, the way you live, the way you love and enter romance to the way you work.

Experiencing the Beauty within and not neglecting but embracing FULLY the True Love of Self, True Love of the Beauty of the Soul,  and living from this eternal Knowing, as experience.

How many of you deep down do not feel good enough? Do not truly embrace your physical experience on earth as One of Sacred Beauty?

Is your Life Beautiful? your Work? Your Body? Your Love Life?

And do YOU perceive all those things and Your Ability to see them AS BEAUTIFUL Based on your perceptions of the External World?

Or do YOU actually truly, Live deep within the Internal World, the world of your Heart, the World of Beauty and Heaven on Earth Now?

If you are holding all these beliefs, that you are not good enough to yourself, because of Your clothes, your house, your money, your work, your relationships, then you are living externally.

However, the truth is, the place within you, Like a Magical Garden, is FILLED with infinite Beauty and Once you live from this space, within your Heart, you DO experience the Beauty of Your Soul, in everything.

Through your FREE WILL focus, you shift your awareness to LASTING infinite BEAUTY, that comes from within, that does not experience itself as not enough, based on EXTERNAL values and APPEARANCES. Which frees, whoever exists FROM the Sacred Space of the Heart and SOUL from all suffering.

Repetitive self devaluing based on keeping up with appearances, is the Plight of living in the Egoic state of mind. It is suffering, because you will never be good enough. There will always be something externally that needs to be better, within the mind.

Changing your Beliefs to, “I live from the Eternal Place of Beauty that is and has always been within MYSELF” frees you from the constraints of the limited beliefs of the smaller self ~ the Ego. And literally opens the doorway, to ecstatic Living.

You can live in Bliss and Ecstasy every moment, you can experience beauty all around you, in every moment, you can live in this Mystical State of Being, known to the Mystics, that is Heaven on Earth Now.

The Beauty and Glory of Your Soul, forevermore is available Now and forevermore, in all present MOMENTS.

Will you choose to step out of suffering, through letting go of limiting beliefs, and live in the Sacred Precious Moments of and through Your Eternal Soul?

Your Soul is Light, Your Soul is Magnificent, your Soul is Unique, your Soul is Beautiful, and Only living from the eternal and Internal World of Beauty, do you free yourself, from the never-ending lack of self-love and self acceptance, YOU so desire, yet often seek outside of Yourself.

Breathe deep into your Heart space Dear Souls, and Open up to the Ocean of Love, that is not only your Divine Right, but has always been present for you.

Let go of limiting Beliefs and patterns, that drive your daily activities that compare your outer life with others. That tell yourself, of times of outer beauty, of wishing for outer Beauty, but neglecting, the SOURCE of BEAUTY ITSELF, within YOU!

Can you live within yourself more?

Do You know All things are within YOU?

Start with Being more Present in Your Heart, spending time daily consciously LETTING go of old Beliefs and focus externally, and FEEL deeply within yourself, FEELING YOUR LIGHT. Feeling Your Soul, Feeling your Divinity.

Breathe Now, deep into your Heart, where waves of Bliss, can now flow through you.

Breathe into the Love.

Breathe into the Bliss.

Breathe into the Light of Your Soul!

Feel the Ecstasy wash over you, as a Sacred Bath and Initiation, of the Love that was always here now, that you have not focused upon before.

Feel your body become Light, and all of your Surroundings, and Know that this space, is the freedom, from the grasping of the external world.

The Sacred Bliss and BEAUTY within, is an eternal Fountain of Love, that is your Divinity, Now.

Breathe always, into this, in all Moments!

I love you Sacred Souls of Light and Hold you in the Glory of Your Light, your Divinity. I Am Pistis Sophia, an Angel of Light, and Hold you in My Light, eternally! I am Victoria Elohim, Holding you before Creation, in the Victory and Mastery that is Yours, and has always been yours. I love you Eternally.

Enter Deeply into the Beauty of Your Soul ~ The Source of All Beauty ~ Forevermore!

I Am Forever Yours, My Sacred Beloved!

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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.

Tagged: Alchemical Transfiguration, alchemy, awakening, Divine Love, Eternal Beauty, Love, Pleiadian Delegate, Queen of Light, Shift in Consciousness, the Light of Your Soul, Transformation, True Beauty, unconditional Love, Victoria Elohim, Victory, Your Divinity

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