

Sometimes, the very best gifts are unexpected gestures of love from those closest to you. If you’ve ever been awakened by breakfast in bed, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Those random acts of kindness are the inspiration behind today’s Crafty Christmas Gift – the book of coupons.

This gift is fun on so many levels. It’s fun for the recipient – having these 12 precious coupons to use throughout the year (or in a period of three days) is a great reward. It’s also fun for the giver, because you never know when those coupons are going to be used! It’s also incredibly easy to make. Here’s how you do it.

For this booklet of kindness, you’ll need some heavier card stock paper to print the coupons on (take your pick of colors) and some card stock for the covers. You’ll also need a little piece of felt to wrap around the binding after you staple the book together.

For the details on how to create these coupon books – Read More Below:


For the coupons, you’ve got two options: Make your own, or use the coupons I made for this craft. I made two books — one for adults and one for kids — and each book of 12 coupons includes the cover as well as two blank coupons so you can write in your own personal reward.

Here are some print outs for you to create your own coupon booklets:

Adult Coupons (to give to another adult)

Kids Coupons (for parents to give to their kids)

After you print the coupons, cut them out with scissors (if you’ve got a steady hand) or use a rotary cutter and ruler. Leave a little extra room on the left edge for the staples.

After you’ve got your coupons printed and cut, it’s time to bind them. Shown below are three adult coupons (left) and three kids coupons (right) — although some adults probably wouldn’t mind ice cream for breakfast! You can bind them in one of two ways: With a heavy-duty stapler or, if you don’t have one, by punching two or three holes along the spine and threading a ribbon through the holes. If you use the ribbon binding, you won’t need to glue on felt to cover the staples.

After the books are created, all that’s left to do is fill out the two blank coupons in each one. Remember: Have fun with it, and don’t make any promises you can’t keep!

If you missed out on the first 3 days of the Homemade Christmas Gift series, you can view them below:

HomeMade Sugar Scrub Recipe

How to make your own Advent Calendar

How to make Chocolate chip cookies in a jar + recipe

Make your own tea cup candles

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